Global #ClimateStrike Begins Friday Across 150 Countries

16-year old Greta Thunberg inspires youth to protest climate change. She has brought much-needed attention to the critical global climate crisis. Recently, she made headlines sailing across the Atlantic in a zero-emission boat to speak at the UN Climate Summit to push for change.

Making Waves

This fall, the teenage environmentalist will grace the magazine cover of GQ (having wonGame Changer Of The Year” award) and Teen Vogue:

#ClimateStrike Begins This Friday!

Starting this Friday, the Global Climate Strike is planning walk-outs of schools, workplaces and more “to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels.”

You can find the protest nearest to you, and organize one if it doesn’t already exist.

“It’s not just young people joining in. In Sweden, a group of senior citizens called Gretas Gamilingar (Greta’s oldies) is participating. Indigenous activists, labor groups, faith leaders, humanitarian groups, and environmental organizations like Greenpeace and will be there, too. Outdoor equipment company Patagonia said it will close its stores on Friday in solidarity with the strike. So is snowboard brand Burton. More than 1,000 employees at Amazon have pledged to join the strike.”

Vox reports “Greta Thunberg is leading kids and adults from 150 countries in a massive Friday climate strike”

New York public schools will excuse 1.1 million children on Friday from attending school to participate in the strike, requesting parents to follow normal protocol for excusing children from school by phone, writing, etc.

Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted: “New York City stands with our young people. They’re our conscience.”

Corporate Conscience

Teen Vogue reports companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Dr. Bronner’s, Eileen Fisher, Opening Ceremony, Outdoor Voices, and Seventh Generation are participating in the strike. Internet companies like Tumblr and Imgur are planning are participating, too.

Girl Geek X Clover Lighting Talks & Panel (Video + Transcript)

Like what you see here? Our mission-aligned Girl Geek X partners are hiring!

Mary Uslander, Ellen Linardi, Rachel Ramsay, Meghana Randad and Bao Chau Nguyen speaking

Clover girl geeks: Mary Uslander, Ellen Linardi, Rachel Ramsay, Meghana Randad and Bao Chau Nguyen speak on a panel at Clover Girl Geek Dinner in Sunnyvale, California.   Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Transcript of Clover Girl Geek Dinner – Lightning Talks & Panel:

Gretchen DeKnikker: Hi, I’m Gretchen, I’m with Girl Geek X. Welcome. How many of you guys, this is your first event? Oh wow, that’s so many. We’ve been doing these for about 11 years. We’ve done over 200 of them. We do them almost every week, up and down the peninsula, so hopefully you should be on our … That’s all right, I can definitely talk over that. We do them every week and you should come because you get to see amazing women, you get to meet amazing women, and you get to feel inspired so that you can go back and fight the good fight every single day, right? Yes.

Gretchen DeKnikker: We do a podcast also, if you want to check it out. We take like little clips from these events, and then we chitchat around them. So, there’s like finding a mentor, and what’s the right way to use the word intersectionality, and all sorts of really important life skill things. Definitely find it, rate it, keep it, and tell us if it’s any good, because we’ve never done a podcast before so we’re still figuring it out. Then finally, we just launched a store on Zazzle with all of our cute little Pixie things. You guys haven’t seen a lot of them because they weren’t on the branding for this, but it’s super cute.

Gretchen DeKnikker: Can I borrow you because I love your hair? Can you hold this for a second? I love her. We have this cute fanny packs and a little bag that you could put cosmetics, but you could also put Sharpies or something less female in, and water bottles. All sorts of stuff, and they have our little Pixie characters, they say, “Lift as you climb.” That’s it, we’re good. That’s all the things that are in my bag. You were an awesome assistant, everyone give her a hand.

Gretchen DeKnikker: This space is awesome. I’m so excited for the content because everything that we’ve experienced thus far has been really amazing, right? Yes, you ate, you had your… They’re not quite awake yet, but we’re going to get them there. I am not a good warm up for this, apparently. Without further ado, please welcome Jennifer Oswald from Clover, who’s the head of People Operations.

Jennifer Oswald

Head of People Jennifer Oswald welcomes the sold-out crowd at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Jennifer Oswald: Hi, everyone, I’m going to try and navigate a lot of different technology while I’m up here. I’m Jen Oswald, and it’s my pleasure to have you all here to kick off our collaboration with Girl Geek X. This is an event on unconscious bias. I’d like to thank you for attending and I can’t wait to hear what takeaways you have from this event. We know that events like these can impact your lives and have a lasting effect on not only your professional life, but also your personal life.

Jennifer Oswald: Our agenda this evening is as follows. First, me, I’m your introduction and welcome. Then we’re going to look at what we do. We’re proud to showcase a bit on what we do here at Clover. You’ll also be meeting our CEO, who will talk you through that. We’ll have lightning talks as well that will show you a little bit more about our product. Next we’ll be featuring our panel discussion on unconscious bias, and then lastly, we want to make sure you still have time to network, and don’t forget your swag.

Jennifer Oswald: Maybe a silly question, but who is confused by me being up here today introducing unconscious bias? You don’t have to raise your hand, you can just think it if you want. Would it surprise you to know that I grew up identifying as two races, Native American and Caucasian? That was before a DNA test. More to come about that later. When biases come to mind, what did you think when you saw my picture before this event? What did you think when I came up here? That is unconscious bias, it’s bias happening in our brains making incredibly quick judgments and assessments of people and situations without us even realizing.

Jennifer Oswald: They can be influenced by our background, our cultural environment and personal experiences, and resolving feelings and attitudes towards others based on race, ethnicity, age, appearance, accent, et cetera. Also termed as implicit social cognition, this includes both favorable and unfavorable responses and assessments activated without an individual’s awareness, or intentional control.

Jennifer Oswald: How did I get here? That’s little baby Jen and that’s my mom. As you can probably see, she was a very, very young mom. She had me at a young age, she worked the night shift and we lived in the projects aka, subsidized housing. That’s a picture of Iowa City, Iowa. We were on food stamps and we struggled to get by. Even at a young age, I knew what it was like to struggle. Then the classic story, mom meets dad, he adopted me at about age six and life was a little more middle class and a little more in the middle of nowhere.

Jennifer Oswald: I grew up in Palmer, Iowa. This is a picture of our downtown. That is the one gas station, right next to it was the grocery store/where everybody went to have coffee in the morning. I was in a town of 256 people, so how diverse do you think that was? Here I am, I’m the only adopted person in the whole town, mixed, left-handed, and female. How many do you think were college grads? I was supposed to get married, raise three to five kids, maybe have a job after I took care of the kids and at the very least, I should be a great cook and make sure that everyone is well fed. So, what do I have? I have a college degree, an almost masters, zero kids except for my fur babies, zero husband, and I just moved from the Silicon Hills, Austin, Texas, to Silicon Valley.

Jennifer Oswald: My unconscious biases tell me that men should have a career, women should stay home and raise a family. Being adopted means you don’t really have a family like others. Men should make the money, women should tend to the family. Once poor, always poor. You should write with your right hand because everyone else does. Men are better at math and science. Yet here we are at a tech company with a panel of amazing females to tell you about their experiences and biases they’ve encountered, and how they proved many of my own unconscious biases wrong.

Jennifer Oswald: We all have unconscious biases. It comes from our culture, it comes from our families, it comes from our family’s families, yet once recognized, we can overcome them. So here I am, a place I shouldn’t even tried to get to, kicking off an event for an amazing company that says FU bias, and we’re working to overcome and support diversity and inclusion. No matter what the package looks like on the outside. We hire the book, not the cover. On that note, I want to introduce the person responsible for creating such a great place for like-minded people to come together. In fact, in 2019 he was nominated for two awards, Best CEO for Women, and Best CEO for Diversity, and we just think he’s the best. I’d like to welcome John Beatty, our Clover CEO.

John Beatty speaking at Clover Girl Geek Dinner

CEO John Beatty talks about the change that needs to happen in the world at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

John Beatty: Thanks, Jen. Welcome everyone to Girl Geek X. You know, I get the opportunity, of course I have to promote my own company. There could be no better promotion of Clover than what you just saw with Jen. She’s our new Head of People, and I think she’s absolutely amazing. Really excited to grow our people function here, so thank you very much, Jen.

John Beatty: First I’m going to just tell you a little bit about what we do here. You’ve probably encountered a device that looks very much like this. We are all across America, we’re also in a number of other countries. Thank you. We build absolutely beautiful cloud based point of sale hardware and software and systems. I’ll tell you the reason why we did this, this is going back, we started Clover about eight years ago. What we saw was a bunch of really ugly, really insecure, really closed systems and there was … on the counter at all these restaurants and retailers and services companies. We were trying to bring some innovations into that market and just ran into a bunch of brick walls.

John Beatty: We started talking to business owners and we realized they absolutely hate their systems, they keep having data breaches, the systems really don’t help them run or grow their businesses very efficiently. We thought that was a very interesting problem to solve. We love small businesses and recognize that a lot of small business owners are just trying to do what they love and they need technology to support them. We have many, many … We’ve manufactured over 1 million devices. The US is our largest market, so you have almost certainly encountered one of our devices.

John Beatty: On the consumer side, we have a very engaging consumer experience. First, the consumer journey starts off typically signing up for a loyalty program. You’ve probably seen one of these as well, you just type in your phone number and then we extend that consumer journey–if we could could go to the next slide, all all the way to the mobile phone. We have a very highly rated mobile app as well. It starts off with loyalty, but of course we also have Bluetooth beacon enabled payments. You can walk into a store, you don’t even take it out of your pocket. They know you’re there, they know what you like. You don’t even have to pay. You just say, “I’d like to pay with Clover,” and you walk out. It’s a very magical experience.

John Beatty: On the other side of the counter, they have a Clover device. Your profile picture will show up there, a little bit about your history, how often you’ve been there and what you like. We’re really building an absolutely fantastic end-to-end experience both for the merchant and the consumer.

John Beatty: Now, we also have an app marketplace that helps businesses run and grow their businesses. We take a lot of the … We make a lot of the mundane, very simple. We have a number of partners in categories like payroll. If you want to make your life very easy as a business owner and get all the employee information and get it into your payroll system, we make that very seamless. We work with best-of-breed other companies and we partner with many of them here in the market.

John Beatty: That is enough about Clover. I know I get a few minutes here of corporate shilling, so thanks for bearing with me. First, I want to talk a little bit about, what does it take to win one of these awards? Let me just tell you, when I first saw the news that I’d won these awards, I had two thoughts. The first is, “Well, that’s really cool. I’m very proud of that.” Then the second is like, “How did that happen?” To be completely honest. So first, to talk just a little bit about the pride that I felt. These middle meant a lot to me, both personally and professionally.

John Beatty: Personally, I have a–I have a wife. My wife is right here in the front row. She’s a scientist who’s now in business development. Very accomplished in her field. I also have a six year old daughter, and I also have two boys, four and two. I’m not going to go into any details. Let’s say, my wife has run into some professional situations that are absolutely outrageously unacceptable. I think the world has made a tremendous amount of progress in being more fair and just over the last 50 years, but there’s a lot of work left to do. And with all of my kids, both my girl and my boys, I’m very … When they grow up and they see that I’ve done things like this, I’m very proud that I can say I helped make the world more fair and just. That means a lot to me personally.

John Beatty: I asked the question, what does it take to win one of those awards? Honestly the answer is, not enough. The bar is actually just too low. I will say we try very hard at Clover on diversity and inclusion, but we are a small company. Just a short number of years ago, we were a very small startup just trying to survive. Most of your thoughts on, how do I not die, not, how do I create the world’s best culture?

John Beatty: Now that we’ve grown up a little bit, now we are very focused on building out those programs. We’re out of the almost dying category and into the very successful category. I’m very proud that we’re doing events like this tonight. But, this is very recent for us to actually build these institutions. We have a Women in Tech Group here at Clover, and that’s a very grassroots effort. It’s building and it’s building, and we’re really getting a lot of great programs here.

John Beatty: I could win this award with honestly not doing that much proactively, just avoiding the unforced errors and making sure we squash any bad behavior that we see, it means the bar’s probably too low. That’s the Clover story. If you could just jump of course, I’m going to show one more time. We have recruiters standing by. Alicia, John, they are waving at you right there. They would love to talk to you and of course,

John Beatty: I’m going to introduce Rachel. Rachel, why don’t you come on up? Rachel is on our software engineering team on our Payment Terminal API and she will tell you a little bit more about what she does in a lightning talk.

Rachel Antion speaking

Software Engineer Rachel Antion gives a talk on semi-integrations and how it fits into the business at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X  

Rachel Antion: Hi, my name is Rachel Antion and I’m a software engineer here at Clover on the semi-integrations team, which is our internal name for the Payment Terminal API so if I use them interchangeably, that’s why. Overall, we make about 2 billion card transactions every year, which amounts to be about $100 billion on over 1 million devices sold in seven countries, and we are approaching 5% of Visa and MasterCard volume worldwide, which I think is pretty impressive considering we’re only in seven countries right now. Of that, 2.5% of those transactions are processed via the Payment Terminal API, which might not sound like a lot until you think that it’s about $2.5 billion, and it’s growing every year.

Rachel Antion: Can you click it? Some of those transactions are coming from integrators that you probably recognize like Amazon, the Las Vegas Convention Center, the stadiums of the Philadelphia Eagles, the Seattle Seahawks, and the New York Mets. All of these integrators created their own solution customized to their individual business needs. Here is a specific example of a solution built with the Payments Terminal API. This is a beautiful point of sale created by Hy-Vee that’s totally customized to their individual business needs. But in order to appreciate just how awesome this is, you might need to know a little bit more about the Payment Terminal API, where it came from, and how it works.

Rachel Antion: People have been taking payments for pretty much as long as people have been around and as we progress, the way that we take payments also has to progress. When credit cards were first introduced, there was not a lot of security, but as the age of the internet progressed, so did the need for that security. Older point of sales basically consisted of some kind of UI attached to a magstripe reader that would send unencrypted data to the point of sale, which might make all of you uncomfortable because it led to things like the data breaches that started in 2010.

Rachel Antion: Clover knew that there had to be a better way to take secured payments without making companies throw away all the hard work they put into developing their point of sale systems. That solution was the Payments Terminal API, which allows you to use a Clover device as an external payment device. Your point of sale gets a Clover payments API, and Clover provides the PCI compliance. Basically, you make the point of sale and Clover takes care of the rest. All the point of sale needs to worry about is creating the order and making sure the right amount gets sent to the Clover device.

Rachel Antion: We have two different flavors, if you will, of the Payments Terminal API. We have Native or takeover that lets you create your own app that runs directly on the Clover device, and we have Remote that lets you run it on pretty much any device. We have SDKs and Android, iOS, Windows, and JavaScript so the possibilities are pretty endless. That beautiful point of sale I showed you earlier is actually an example of a takeover model. You can see it here running on our Clover station.

Rachel Antion: Who exactly is the Payment Terminal API for? Its for someone who has an existing point of sale. Maybe everybody’s already trained, they know how to use it and it works just fine, but they want to use a Clover device to take payments because it’s faster. It’s someone with a specific business case, a hotel, a restaurant, a mom and pop shop. They’re all going to have different payment needs and it makes sense that they might want different apps. It’s for someone who wants more control over the process. It’s possible that you need different payment flows, even within the same business.

Rachel Antion: For example, at salon, how you pay for a service and just a product might be different. You probably don’t need a tip and signature if you’re just buying a bottle of shampoo, but you do when you’re buying your snazzy new haircut. Or, it’s someone who just wants to build their own app. If you think this might be you or you have any other questions, I’d be happy to chat with you after. I’m going to turn this over to Wako who’s going to talk to you about empathy here at Clover.

Wako Takayama speaking

User Research Lead Wako Takayama gives a talk on fostering customer empathy at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Wako Takayama: Hi everyone, my name is Wako Takayama and I lead the user research group here at Clover. John and Rachel introduced you to our product and the technology, so I am going to focus on the people who use our products and services here. Business owners like Thomas, who runs Poorboy’s Cajun Kitchen, which is just a few miles from here. You may have been there, very good food. And, Olivia from Theory Salon, which is in Woodstock, Georgia.

Wako Takayama: As with a lot of companies, we at Clover, we face the challenge that we build products for people who do jobs that we don’t do. These small business owners like Thomas and Olivia, they have a lot of things on their plate, they’re juggling a lot of things. They make all the decisions about their business, where are they going to open their store? What’s their product? What’s the price they’re going to sell things at? They have to hire, they have to fire.

Wako Takayama: Here we have one of our local businessmen. He needs to set up his own Clover system. He takes orders, he delivers food, he’s checking inventory, and then he has to call the vendor to make sure that he has stuff to sell, so a lot of stuff. This is just what we call front of house. Then there’s back of house. It’s all the office management stuff, lots of stuff that these business owners have to do.

Wako Takayama: For us to do our jobs as designers, engineers, marketers, we really need to know a lot about what these people do. We need to know that because that’s what we base our work on, the building, the designing that we do. The user research team, my colleagues and I, we help by doing formal research studies and, we work on fostering company empathy across the whole company.

Wako Takayama: But first, what is empathy? I’m going to read this to you, the ability to step into the shoes of another person aiming to understand their feelings and perspectives, and to use that understanding to guide our actions. The key here is that empathy allows us to get beyond our biases. One way we’re doing this, I’ll tell you quickly, is that we foster empathy at Clover starting on day one at the company. If you were to join Clover, you’d join the Merchant Empathy Program. This is a way to step into the shoes of a new Clover merchant. During the first week, you would work with your fellow new hires to dream up a business, set up a Clover system. You can see one of our designers really went over the top and he created this beautiful menu, and then take orders and payments.

Wako Takayama: I’m a researcher, so of course I send out surveys after things. I found out that this program has had a really great impact. One engineer said, “There were a couple of issues I worked on as I joined the team and due to my knowledge of the system from the session I was able to figure out a couple of issues easily.” That’s fantastic, right? Another engineer said, “It has helped me feel more connected to the customer and the company, and has helped me feel a little closer to the customer.” That’s really the key. We want to all feel closer to the customer, that we understand them, that we are serving them.

Wako Takayama: Imagine what stepping into the shoes of the user of your product or service could look like. How can you foster empathy for the person who’s using the product that you’re working so hard to build? If you’d like to brainstorm with … If you’d like me to brainstorm with you about some ideas, I’d be happy to do that, just come find me afterward. And, if you haven’t already had a chance to touch and step into the shoes of our Clover merchants, you can do that over there to get your schwag, and also just to play around with our product. Thank you.

Wako Takayama: Now I’d like to introduce Kejun Xu.

Kejun Xu speaking

Product Design Manager Kejun Xu gives a talk on thinking like a designer at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Kejun Xu: Thank you, Wako. Let me see if I can make this magical work somehow. Let me give it a try. Nope, doesn’t like me. All right, hi, everyone. My name is Kejun Xu. I’m a Product Design Manager here in Clover. I want to talk about how we design at Clover today, and you don’t have to be a designer to think design. You may ask, well … Next please. What is design thinking?

Kejun Xu: Actually, first of all, let me start with some numbers. It’s quite interesting. A few years ago, a team of researchers looked at how design impacted the organizations across S&P 500 companies. What they found was that of the top 20 companies, including Apple and Coca-Cola, who made it to the list, who are considered as design-centric, their stocks performed 211% over S&P 500 Index. This is compelling data.

Kejun Xu: You may ask, well, what is design thinking? Fortunately, we didn’t invent the term. You can search tons of information and technology out there. But basically, it’s a framework to foster innovation and collaboration. It starts from empathizing with your target audiences all the way to testing and evaluation. Wako talked a lot about merchant empathy. A lot of us joined at Clover without any knowledge about restaurant or SMBs, including myself, so we would go out for day trips and we’d go talk to the restaurant owners and managers. We’ll learn about their lives and their challenges. We also would go and shadow them and see how they would ring up an order on the Clover station, or how they would take payments …

Kejun Xu: Oh, it works? Can I have it? I’ll try it. This was a trip that my product manager, my researcher, and I went out and shadowed the merchants and see how they would take payments at the table. Still doesn’t like me. Sometimes when things are disconnected, we’ll go out and talk to them and see how much the pain point was. There are also other insights and data that we just couldn’t get by sitting here at our cubicles or in the office. By looking at this sheet of paper, the restaurant owner would know exactly what’s going on with this restaurant. It’s actually a pizza restaurant out there in Sunnyvale called Tasty Pizza.

Kejun Xu: That owner would know exactly what their customers ordered, where’s the order coming from, is Uber Eats or is it from DoorDash, was it paid or not? With all that forward data … I’m going to just do it myself, we’ll come back to the office and sit down as a team and really scope the problem. I’m really proud to say that every sticky note out there that you see our team put up, it connects to a real world problem. Then we’ll also sit down with the team to sketch the ideas all together. Like I said, you don’t have to be a designer in order to design. One of the sketches that got the most [inaudible] vote on is actually from one of our engineers.

Kejun Xu: This is where the design team will come into play. We would turn the ideas and all the concepts and sketches into clickable prototypes. We would then present the prototypes and we’ll do usability testing around it. Some of the testing that we’ve done are in house. We will invite merchants to our office and give them a tour and in the meantime, help us usability test or prototype. Sometimes we’ll go back to the restaurant, and we’ll go back and talk to them and test the prototype in their natural environment. A lot of times, we also do our usability testing remotely in remote sessions through GoToMeeting or Google Meet because we know that we live in this place called a bubble of Silicon Valley.

Kejun Xu: Well, design apparently doesn’t stop here. We shepherd through the entire development process. What this really enables us is that design get to sit at the forefront of the conversation and everyone get to sit at the forefront of the conversation. It allows product managers, engineers, marketers, researchers, designers, and everyone on the team and cross functionally align our goals, and that’s a recipe for high performing teams. You have to add a very special flavor to how we make design here at Clover, and it’s really that we make this a fun process to work on and if you haven’t noticed, we have an open bar at that corner. What’s more fun than sipping on a glass of Mimosa, then sketching your next product idea? Thank you.

Kejun Xu: Next up, I want to introduce our lovely panel for tonight with a topic of navigating conscious and unconscious bias and I want to introduce our moderator for tonight, our engineering director Bao Chau Nguyen. Welcome.

Bao Chau Nguyen speaking

Director of Engineering Bao Chau Nguyen introduces the panel of Clover leaders at Clover Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Bao Chau Nguyen: Good evening everyone. My name is Bao Chau Nguyen and I lead several engineering teams here at Clover, the Clover mobile apps point of sale and the app market web apps. The topic of conscious and unconscious bias had never been more prevalent than right now. From the current political landscape to the social movements, we are immersed in this topic, sometimes not by choice. We’ve come a long way in identifying biases, but we’re not close to eliminating or overcoming them consistently.

Bao Chau Nguyen: I want to show you a research study that I ran across on this topic. Imagine a fake company having a 1% performance bias towards gender. The impact of this 1%, they’re starting out with 50:50 men-women distribution across all career levels and this company rates women from one to 100, and men from one to 101. Over 20 simulations, the company is now skewed with fewer women at top levels. Now imagine running more simulations, the number is going to be a bigger gap.

Bao Chau Nguyen: We know this is a fake company, but we also know 1% bias is not realistic. Having been a young immigrant to America, I faced many biases over the years in all aspects, from classrooms, to just vacationing outside of California, to workplaces. I wanted to make sure that tonight’s panel will have a heart to heart conversation with you and whether you have experienced a bias or not, you can walk away with more awareness and some learnings on how we can become allies to one another. You want to speak up when you see these microaggressions and stand up for each other, because together we are stronger.

Bao Chau Nguyen: With that, I’d like to introduce our panelists, Mary Uslander, Ellen Linardi, Rachel Ramsay, and Meghana Randad. Let’s start ladies, welcome. Would you talk a little bit about your role here and, what was your initial reaction when you were invited on this talk?

Mary Uslander: Yes. Hi, everyone. My name is Mary Uslander. I’m actually from our New York office and I lead commercialization, client experience and work closely with the Clover team. I’m actually part of Fiserv, the parent company. For me, the topic was really around inclusivity and how you use it to an advantage, to really build diverse teams for success. I’m really excited to talk more about that.

Ellen Linardi: Hi, Ellen Linardi. I head the product team here at Clover. When Bao Chau approached me about being in the panel, it was interesting. I think I’ve always had a very interesting relationship with bias, both having seen a lot of it and we’ll chat more about that a little bit later, but also how it made me feel, then how I reacted to it and how I find what you do with the bias that is ultimately always going to be there leads a lot to the outcome. Hopefully we get to chat a little bit about that and we find it valuable. Excited to be here.

Rachel Ramsay: Hi, my name is Rachel Ramsay. I’m a developer advocate here at Clover. I also work very closely with our data analytics team. When you invited me to be on this panel, I was excited because up until I was 25, I thought I was going to be a sociologist, so I feel that I bring a more structural perspective than a lot of people have.

Meghana Randad: Hi, I’m Meghana Randad and I am a software engineer on the payments team here. When I was first invited to talk about this topic by Bao Chau, I was really excited and very happy because this is one of the topics which is very close to my heart. I have always been an advocate for women against inequality, against bias, and a lot of things we are going to talk here. Just coming from a very different background of being an immigrant and a woman and just an engineer, I face it every day, so thank you for having me. Honored to be here.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Great. Where can I start? This is a question for all of you. Would you share a time or a setting where you experienced a gender or an affiliation bias? How did that make you feel and how did you overcome that? We can start with you.

Meghana Randad: When I was growing up, the part of the world that I grew up in, in India, it was a norm and it was also common that women should get a college degree to find a better husband, not to find a better job, and then run the home. People often ask me, “Why do you want to work so hard? Why do you want to have a career when all you can do is support your husband, be home so he can really focus on his work?” A very fundamental assumption that women cannot, are not really so capable to work outside home and can’t have a career was very upsetting.

Meghana Randad: I had to overcome that many times in my life. To me, the key really is to believe in yourself. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If you want to get something, if you have a goal that you need to achieve, you have to be persistent and sometimes it could mean challenging the status quo. I was the first woman engineer in my family, and the first one to travel abroad, come to a new country all alone to pursue my career. It’s very easy when you have a defined path, but it’s really hard when you know where you want to be, but nobody to guide you or mentor you, so really all you can do is to believe in yourself.

Bao Chau Nguyen: I really can relate to that. My parents came here and had to start their career all over. They were teachers and then they came here, they had to go to back to school for a different degree and different occupations, so I applaud you, Meghana. Rachel?

Rachel Ramsay: Yeah. I’m an older millennial. I say that because I feel like a lot of women my age, when we were in middle school and when we were in high school, we were learning HTML, we were learning CSS, we were learning JavaScript because we were making our own websites back in the web 1.0 days, yet of all my friends and I who did that, no one was like, “That’s front end web design. You can make a lot of money doing that.” No one else was like, “There are other programming languages that you might enjoy.”

Rachel Ramsay: Out of my friends, none of us ended up pursuing it in college or as a career. I sort of backed into tech by going to a boot camp. But even once you get your foot in the door, once you’re the diversity in D&I, it can be hard to stay technical. Because people say, “You have such great people skills, maybe you want to go into management,” or “You’re a great communicator, have you thought about technical writing?” So, it can be very hard to say, “My North Star is,” whatever it is for you. I want to be a principal engineer and stay on that, stay in technical working with your manager to say, “I want to get the promotion, what do I have to do? Where are the opportunities?” You really do have to run your own career sometimes.

Ellen Linardi: I think from my perspective, a lot of the stuff that Meghana and Rachel both talked about are certainly true. I grew up in Indonesia, in a town not very different than what Jen showed. We had seven, about 7-Eleven looking thing and if I get in trouble at school, by the time I get home my mom knows about it. I don’t know how, but it’s a very small town. It was similar expectation with Meghana was saying, grow up, get married, make sure the man takes care of you.

Ellen Linardi: While I have a lot of stories I think on on biases that I’ve seen, what I wanted to share was probably an experience I had early in my career when I was in Intuit. I started out as an engineer there and loved coding. I was a keyboard hogger. When someone’s coding or trying to solve a problem too long, I get anxious and it’s like, “Let me try, let me try.” I knew I was very comfortable, I enjoyed that a lot.

Ellen Linardi: The other thing that was quite interesting, and I think this is something a lot of females can identify with, I was a good communicator, I like to organize, I pay a lot of attention on how everybody else feels so I kind of try to make it a team decision, make sure everyone’s included. So, one day one of my colleague came to me and told me, it was like, “You know, you’re an okay developer, but it’s all because you’re a good talker.”

Ellen Linardi: It was meant as a dig and I think the thing that I really wanted to share here is, at that point you have a decision. You could take it as a dig, or you could take it as a compliment. I chose to take it as a compliment at the time and I said, “Thank you very much. It is a skill so if you ever need help, I’ll be happy to help you in that area.” The thing I wanted to share there is that we are all going to run into bias, especially unconscious bias, and it’s called unconscious for that reason.

Ellen Linardi: It is going to be there, and I think we’re going to have a lot of opportunity to decide what you do with it. You either let it drive you and change the decision you have, to the point of focusing on where you want to go. Take it how you want it, and the bias folks have are not always bad. If someone say, “You’re Asian, you must be good in math,” maybe you are, you’re like, “Yes I am, thank you.” I just think that one of the way that I’ve approached some of the biases is not always negative, it’s simply a perception people have had going to that interaction with you and their experience of how they thought you should be.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Did you remember some of the responses after your-

Ellen Linardi: I never heard that line again after and I could tell you, certainly being a good communicator has gotten me to where I am. It hasn’t held me back, so I suggest that if you guys have felt biases or people saying things that you know, you’re female, you must be good in this, just say, “Thank you, that’s awesome. I’m good in that and this.”

Mary Uslander: I wanted to share more … First of all, having conversations like this is critically important and I’m just thrilled that everybody’s here. I think this is a conversation that we have to keep having. From my perspective, what I try to do is constantly make people aware that maybe they’re thinking about things a certain way, because of some unconscious bias. Whether it’s working with my male colleagues if we’re in the middle of merging with a new company, and people are making their decisions or judgments about individuals. It’s always interesting about how they talk about the women versus how they talk about the men.

Mary Uslander: When they’re senior women who are very strong, and very powerful, and very opinionated, and very inquisitive and are asking hard questions, there’s always a different value judgment on that individual versus if John was sitting down and really asked all those hard questions, “Why did you think about it this way? Why are you doing that?” That’s part of what you do. It’s really important to–in a right way, but just say, did you think about … Are you judging this person differently because they are a woman?

Mary Uslander: It’s really being aware of that and personally, I try very hard within my own team and I can see it as well. I have two young analysts, there’s a male and a female and they’re both incredibly smart and very talented. She works her butt off and puts her head down quietly and just gets things done. The young gentleman, he’s great too but he’s constantly putting time on the calendar and just showing me what he’s done. Not in a bad way, but I encourage her to do the same. I think it’s just being aware each other as well, and really trying to keep the conversation going, and how do you use it in a positive way?

Bao Chau Nguyen: Thank you Mary, just hold on to that. I wanted to ask you a follow up question. Having so much experience and leading big teams, in your … What have you noticed in your observations on diversity and how it impacts business outcomes?

Mary Uslander: I would say it’s really important to have different people on your team that do different things, but also come with a different perspective. You want someone like Kejun who’d have a design perspective, somebody who’s going to have a different perspective on, let’s say the merchant or empathy, analytical skills, detail oriented, big picture, creative. But, it’s really the power of that diversity of thought that really helps you get better outcomes.

Mary Uslander: What you also want to have is the commonality of you want people to have similar core values, to be ethical, to be honest, to work hard, to be smart and talented, so you really want to … You want to build your team based on skills and based on talent, but you want that talent to have a very diverse perspective. That really helps you achieve much better goals, because people are challenging you in different ways and arriving in problem solving in unique ways to get a much better result.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Thank you, I love that. Ellen, going back to what you were saying, coming from Indonesia and having that cultural bias of certain things that women have to do, and I know you have two daughters. Are they here?

Ellen Linardi: Wondering around here somewhere.

Bao Chau Nguyen: They’re just being great kids. I wanted to ask you, knowing that cultural bias exists and having daughters, does that impact how you raise them?

Ellen Linardi: I think what actually impact how I raise my kids has a lot to do with how I was raised actually. The interesting thing is while I grew up in a very traditional Asian town, I would say my parents were probably pretty progressive, not very conventional. Partly, my sister and I always … I have one sibling, so we are two sisters as well. My dad never had a son. I think he poured it all into us. He basically told us, “Whatever you want to do, pursue it. If you don’t like something, question it.”

Ellen Linardi: I think it drove my mother crazy somehow because when she told us, “Because I told you so,” we were like, “That’s not a reason.” We were brought up to really question the assumption and I think that was unusual. I think that was unusual in my town, that might be unusual for some of you, but I think questioning the bias and assumption and take it as an opinion at face value, and then deciding for yourself. It’s really a matter of choice. Running a home is not a bad choice.

Ellen Linardi: I think that’s one of the tricky thing, is that a lot of times you could see, your mom’s giving you the value she knew, and she knew how to run a home. That’s the life she could envision for you. To be able to understand the intent behind it and realize the impact that it has but not take it as face value, and be able to insert your own thoughts and your own desire to it, I think that is what I was taught.

Ellen Linardi: For me, I told my parents all the time I grew up to become who I am because of what I think the upbringing that I had and I try to do the same with my kids. I hope to be half as good of a parent as my parents was, but it’s the same thing and I think part of it is that it’s slightly uncomfortable. You tell them to question things, I tell them, “Because mommy told you so,” and before I say it I’m like, “They’re going to tell me it’s not a reason.” But, it’s ensuring that you understand why you’re doing things, and it is for a reason that you accept and you’re aligned with.

Ellen Linardi: It’s not because someone told you, it’s not because you’re scared, it’s not because society expect you to do so, it’s because you want to. I think having that as a compass is what I try to instill in my kids. That’s helped me, hopefully it helps others as well.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Certainly I grew up and my mom expected me to help her in the kitchen, and I always ran off and go do something else. Having two kids, a boy and a girl, I try to be as equal, whether by chores, it’s like, “Both of you clean up your rooms, both of you fold away your own laundry, both of you wash your own dishes.” So, not guiding them towards anything that is specific to their gender that they have to do. Just growing up here and seeing that world, it really helped me raise my kids to.

Ellen Linardi: It was actually what the interesting thing when I first came to the States, and I came after high school, actually. I always thought I was different when I was back home, but my parents kept telling me it was okay to be different. I was also a sick kid, so there was a lot of reason to be different. But when I came here, I realized I was different, but everyone felt a lot more different and being different was okay. I’m like, “That’s awesome, I’m never going back.” Here I am like 20 years later.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Now Rachel, being a lesbian you have twice the potential for bias from gender to sexual orientation. What changes or suggestions would you like to see in an organization to combat these biases?

Rachel Ramsay: Well, it’s easier to be a lesbian in the Bay Area than it was in North Carolina. I do want to call out the ways in which I am privileged, which allowed me to come here. I’m a white woman, I come from an upper middle class background, I’m a cis woman. When I decided like, “The Bay Area is really expensive, I need to get one of those tech jobs,” I was able to say, “I can get a loan to go to the boot camp, but dad, I’m going to be out of work for three months. Can you give me a loan from bank of dad?” Which he did. The question is…

Bao Chau Nguyen: Thank your dad for us.

Rachel Ramsay: Yes, I’ll tell him that. So, how do we create a world where everyone is safe is a really big question, bigger than the question you asked me, so I will limit myself. But, I’m really excited by what Jen is planning, our new head of people ops to include more of a diversity and inclusion training as part of our onboarding, similar to the program that we established for merchant empathy. But it’s not just about new hires, it’s across the company. Every year I get to sit through some trainings that are like, don’t bribe people, don’t sexually harass people.

Rachel Ramsay: I would love to also have a mandatory training like, don’t misgender your colleagues. It’s not just about education, it’s also the policies and the material support that we can provide to our colleagues. Whether that’s little simple steps like normalizing doing your pronouns when you get introduced, whether that’s having a gender neutral bathroom that’s just like a place for non-binary folks. And of course, making trans healthcare accessible. It has to be part of your health coverage and you also have to pair it with a supportive medical leave policy.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Hear that, Jen? She’s working on it. Meghana, you have two little kids. Describe to me balancing work and life, and not having the choices to stay late to work on a project or going out to a team dinner for team bonding. How did that impact you, or how do you feel like it impact you or your career?

Meghana Randad: Most of us feel that 24 hours in the day is not enough. I feel when you have young kids, even 48 hours are not enough. It’s just a lot of physically, emotionally sleepless nights, and being present at work and to be productive at what you do. When my team goes out for happy hours, and happy hours I feel are staying, working late together as a team are ways to bond, are ways to network. Sometimes you talk about things which are not related to work. You talk about your passions, we are in this space together and we are all motivated towards similar goals. You form a sense of community, you feel you belong here.

Meghana Randad: I felt when that happens, the team that I worked in was much more productive. Then being a young mom, being a young mom is incredibly hard. It’s very hard to create that harmonious balance between work and family. I do have to put definitely much more effort for working or even sometimes to just bond with my colleagues. For example, there has been times I had a four year old boy, a five month old baby, I’m on call for production, there’s a fire and I have to deal with it, I have to debug the issue.

Meghana Randad: My sick kid is now refusing to eat, some I’m sitting at the table, trying to get him to eat, a laptop in front of me Slacking and trying to look at all the graphs and debugging our code to figure out what’s wrong, to make sure we don’t fall apart as Clover. At the same time, holding my five month old in another hand and breastfeeding her. She was happy sucking away.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Multitasking to the next level.

Meghana Randad: And all moms have it. It’s not just me. But, I feel very grateful. I have an incredible partner who supports me when you have to stay late at work. For example, today he’s babysitting. I feel equally happy to work for a company, which supports its employees through various life phases. It’s just not flexible hours or maternity perks, it’s more than that. It’s a thinking that’s ingrained in culture here at Clover.

Meghana Randad: In my first week actually, we had happy hour on a Thursday and John Beatty, our CEO, he came up to me and he told me, “Hey, I know you’ve been a new mom and I know how hard it can be because I’m a new parent myself. I understand it’s hard, and I’m here to support you, so let me know if you need anything.” That itself is, that comes back to me every time I feel I’m struggling, and it’s very reassuring to have that support, just not at home, but also at work. I feel happy and cared for.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Wow, that’s a great story. Thank you, John. One last question before we open up to Q&A for everyone. How would you challenge stereotypes, provide some advice to your audience and promote sensitivity and inclusion?

Meghana Randad: As Jen said, we all have unconscious bias. We have amazing unconscious mind, which helps us navigate through a lot of decisions that we make every day. But unfortunately, this unconscious bias that we have against people could lead to make some wrong assumptions about people. Every time I make assumptions about someone, I try to ask myself, why? Why have I made that … Why do I think that way? Do I have enough data to support that? Has that person, does he have skills to do what he needs to do or she needs to do?

Meghana Randad: For me to challenge stereotypes, the keys to keep asking yourself and be really mindful, and be conscious about your biases. Once you’re aware, I think that’s the very first step towards tackling those and to create a very diverse and inclusive environment. It’s very important to have a diverse team, because most people learn from their experiences. To me personally, experiences are most powerful, that’s how I learn.

Meghana Randad: When you create those diverse teams, it can be gender, it can be number of experience, your background, many other things, right? Then people when they interact with each other, their assumptions are challenged a lot of times and they understand perspective of other people. That helps improve the whole culture of inclusion. I feel when you’re creating such diverse teams in workplace, the most important thing is to create a safe place where people can really share their differences and don’t feel that they have to conform to a norm. Really getting that richness in workplace would be the key I guess.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Well said. Rachel?

Rachel Ramsay: I think getting people in the door is not enough, hiring is not enough. You have to be bringing them into an environment that is truly inclusive, truly safe, where they can show up with their whole self and do good work, and come home feeling only the normal amount of exhaustion that you feel. How do you do that? I do think it requires a C suite level buy-in, it requires a buy-in from managers. I’m not a manager, I’m an individual contributor. As an IC, one thing that we can do for each other is we can look out for each other, we can have each other’s backs.

Rachel Ramsay: One time I was in a meeting and whenever I notice like, who gets cut off, who gets assigned the note taking, who gets chosen. You don’t want to white knight for people because it’s their career, but it’s easy to stand up for someone else, probably easier than standing up for yourself. So, there’s always an opportunity to call in a co-worker, to call in a manager.

Ellen Linardi: Let’s see, where do we start here? I think that ultimately, the interesting thing for me, at least from my experience on unconscious bias, is that we all have it. In some ways I say we have unconscious bias to the people that we think have unconscious bias. When certain people approach you in a particular way, you react to them. One of my biggest learning over the years professionally and personally really … I’m a divorced mom as well, so I’ve gone through various life experiences.

Ellen Linardi: Well, in that area is to decouple the impact and intent. The minute you couple the two because of the way someone makes you feel and you start reacting to that personally, emotionally, the conversation really isn’t going to go anywhere. The biggest thing that I really try to do is, I’m like, “Take the impact,” like, “Ouch, that hurt,” and then decouple it and say, “I know you didn’t mean to do that because when you say at the intent it sounds completely bad,” and then even if they mean to so it they’ll be like, “No, no, that was not what I meant to do.”

Ellen Linardi: Everyone take the higher road, but give people a chance to take the higher road. Because, when you tell someone, “I know you’re bad,” they’ll be bad, but when you say, “I know you’re actually good, but what you did was bad,” it gives them a chance to make different choices. I think that’s the first thing, is be aware of how you’re reacting to the unconscious bias. If you react to the unconscious bias by providing your own unconscious bias, it’s like regurgitating the same cycle and it doesn’t really get anywhere.

Ellen Linardi: I think the second thing is when it comes down to bias, the best thing I’ve ever find throughout my career of changing that is by changing the experience that the individual or the people or group in front of you have with whoever you represent. Sometimes I represent an epileptic person, sometimes I represent a divorced mom, sometimes I’m an immigrant, sometimes I’m a female leader, but in whatever context, you have an opportunity to recreate what it meant to interact with who you represent.

Ellen Linardi: When you change that experience, that change perception, that change bias because it is very hard to tell someone, “Change your unconscious bias.” It starts from the experience because that’s where it comes from. I think we all have an opportunity to slowly change that up, both by, I think, providing programs, having structures, and policies and everything that encourages it and making sure people are more aware, but each of us individually also have a chance, I think, on every interaction, to, I think, not continue that bias cycle and try to break it as well.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Yeah, I think we can all be allies. We can always find something that we can ally for each other.

Mary Uslander: A couple of things. One, I try and it’s very hard to do, is listen more. So much with unconscious bias, your brain is going, you’re looking at someone, you’re making a snap judgment. But then if you stop and you actually listen to what they’re saying, it’s overwhelming like, “Oh my God, this person’s amazing and what they’re saying is incredible.” I think for all of us to just stop and really listen, hear, and just try to incorporate that skill into everything you do. That would be one thing I work on every day.

Mary Uslander: I think the other is if you’re either managing people, be aware of always going to the same person. It’s easier said than done because a lot of times you have deadlines, and you need to get things done, and Ellen is the one who can always deliver like that or whomever. But you have to really give other people a chance, and also coach and help them right. Mentoring is another thing we haven’t talked about as much here, but we all know how important mentoring is, and mentoring is everywhere. It’s tonight, right? It’s listening to these amazing women and hearing about John and others, you look around you.

Mary Uslander: Every day, you should look forward and see, what could I take from someone? Whether it’s the person at the front desk or whether it’s the person who’s bringing the coffee, there’s always something to learn. Then if there’s someone who you really admire or respect and you want to spend some time with them, seek them out, ask them if they’d be willing to have a cup of coffee with you. It’s listening, it’s being aware, it’s trying to spread the love around and really help each other out. We as women here have to really continue to help each other and help the men, because sometimes they need a little help and understanding, probably more so than most, but I think it’s our job and responsibility to keep doing and keep advocating.

Bao Chau Nguyen: I know that you are part of many women organizations as well, you’re a big advocate for women. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Mary Uslander: Wnet is another women’s organization. Girl Geek X is amazing, but Wnet is another organization for women in the payment industry. Audrey Blackmon is in the back and she’s one of my fellow board members at Wnet. We really try to do all kinds of advocacy, education, training, webinars. I encourage you to take a look at if you’re interested in joining. What we’re going to do is more … We’ll probably do an event here as well, but, any women’s organization or have a lunch and learn in your company. Get people together, have conversations. I think that’s really what we are trying to do here.

Mary Uslander: I just personally want to say about Jen and all of you, thank you. I feel like I’m an honorary Clover member because I’m part of the other side of the company, but I am so honored personally just to be here and to be part of this amazing group. Thank you for having me.

Bao Chau Nguyen: At this time, we’ve wrapped up the panel questionnaire and open up for Q&A.

Natalia: Thank you. I actually thought of not using maybe a microphone because it was so far away. Well, thank you for this. My name is Natalia, and thank you for sharing all the stories and feedback. Unfortunately, unconscious bias is something that affects many people, whoever brings any kind of diversity. I’m really curious about the feedback that you might actually hear from male colleagues, maybe your partners, maybe your husbands, maybe your brothers or fathers. Do they also see that unconscious bias impact them and most importantly, how they deal with it?

Ellen Linardi: I can get that started, I think. I actually am in a lot of rooms where I’m the only female. John knows this and we’ve talked about it. Recently we had a senior leader session with someone of the top product leader in the organization and I walked into a room, I opened the door, I was a little bit late. I opened the door and the room gasped. There was about 50 men in the room, and I was the only female. The guy who set up the meeting looked in the room, he looked at me, we all looked at each other and he’s like … And nobody noticed until I walked in, but–

Mary Uslander: They were all guys.

Ellen Linardi: Yeah, but they were all guys. Then he looked at me and he’s like, “That’s not good.” I think sometimes people don’t realize it’s happening, so I think being there representing it is one thing. A lot of situation, those interactions, I think, once it happens, allows you to highlight and have the discussion about how being present and having different personality from various points where I actually can deliver different values. I do think just the general climate and awareness is helping bring those conversation to the surface, so at least on the …

Ellen Linardi: Even if people don’t notice it all the time, the desire and willingness to have more inclusivity, I feel the tide is changing and it’s there. And the ability for us to actually engage in those conversation in an open way, in a non-biased way on our own and say, “I know we didn’t mean it, but this is just how it looks like right now. What do we do about it?” I think the ability to be inclusive of the solution and to not pass judgment on how we got to where we are today, I think allows everybody to take the high road and look forward on what it needs to look like in the future.

Ellen Linardi: The biggest suggestion I would say in, how do you engage in a discussion about somebody’s bias is to be very, very kind about what their intent is. Even if you’ve felt it multiple times, even if you’re like, “God, that’s so unfair,” the minute you put them in an area where they don’t have a chance to say, “I didn’t mean to do that,” you get a very different reaction and that’s true, like I said, from a personal basis, whether it’s international with your partners or your friends or different community member, all the way to in a professional environment.

Bao Chau Nguyen: I’d like to add on since you mentioned whether our male partners or husband experience bias as well. I think everyone experience it in some form, like it’s a segment that you belong to, that you’re different. Men experience it with race, as well as if men have kids, there’s unconscious bias with men who have kids versus single men. Everyone, everyone experience it and we need to have that open conversation and be receptive to that, that they do feel it to. Anyone else?

Audience Member: You spoke a little bit about being the only, help me understand your perspective on oftentimes being the only person in the room, in my case, the only person of color, sometimes the youngest person in the room, sometimes the person with the highest EQ in the room.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Good for you.

Audience Member: Help me understand your thoughts on being the only and representing all of those people. You spoke about representing all the different aspects, representing all those people while still trying to be yourself and bring your 100% self in that situation or in that room.

Ellen Linardi: I think two things. I’m going to say the first is, it’s important to know who you are, what you are and what you’re not. The best way you can represent whoever you present, whether that’s color, ethnicity, age, or what, it’s still a version of you. It doesn’t make everybody else who’s Asian or female be like me, but it allows people to understand that no matter your color, your gender or your age, the individuality and the differences and the diversity is where it matters.

Ellen Linardi: Really a lot of the things that we talked about on biases, it’s not about, it can’t be all men, or it can’t be all white or anything, it’s that the lack of diversity impact outcome. I think being able to demonstrate how that diverse opinion and approach can change the outcome is important one. That’s number one.

Ellen Linardi: The second thing I would say is, it does come down to choice. Just because sometimes it worked, doesn’t mean it always works. You’ll find yourself sometimes in an environment where you bring your true self, and they don’t want you. That’s not what they want, and that’s a call to action. If you’re being you, and you’re not acting or behaving because you’re afraid of what people’s expectations are, or perceptions or because someone told you so, and you’re just being truthfully your value, your belief, and your talent and your skill and they’re not interested, I guarantee you someone else is. You’re wasting their time and they’re wasting your time.

Ellen Linardi: I would say if you run into a situation where you’re being your true self and that’s not being valued, there’s a better place for you out there. I’ve made multiple choices, both personally and professionally where I was being myself and that, it wasn’t right. It doesn’t make them bad, but it wasn’t right. I think at that point, you have to make the choice of whether you continue in that environment, which is your choice to stay there.

Ellen Linardi: It’s hard to make that choice and say, “Well, they’re not accepting me.” Well, you know that so what are you going to do about it? I think making the choice when you’ve tried and it’s not working is another important one I would say. When you find yourself being the only one who’s represent in whatever group it is, sometimes it’s welcomed, sometime it’s not.

Mary Uslander: I would just add to that. This is a great conversation to. I also think you just … A lot of it is competence and confidence. I can imagine you in a room with all these men even if they’re all white, but just smart, articulate, talented, and once you start talking, I think instead of looking at your exterior, they’re going to start thinking about what you have to say and say, “Oh my God, that’s really great.” I would encourage all of us, right, to say you have to be confident, you have to know your stuff, you have to be prepared. Sometimes we have to be more prepared than others and so do your homework, but just be yourself and try not to get tripped up about that. Just go in with the objective at hand and be yourself.

Meghana Randad: And as Ellen said earlier, sometimes even if you are all of that, all of your authentic self, you’re still not accepted. There will be times. You have to go back and think, how does it affect you? What is your goal here? Does it affect you so negatively that it’s not taking you to your goal, or is there something that you can overcome this resistant by doing something differently and it still be you?

Meghana Randad: If it’s actually hurting your goal and hurting what you want to do, then I would say definitely, as she said, there is a better place for you. Maybe this is not the right place. You just have to sit back and think, is that right for me and does that align with who I am and where I want to be? You can be at a certain place, there can be various paths, so this might not be it.

Audience Member: Hi, I’m [inaudible]. I’ve been in the tech industry almost 20 years now. Started in engineering, went to business school. After that, worked overseas and back here and I find like and back in ’98 sometimes, that it’s been over 20 years and the progress hasn’t happened personally for me. I look at myself as a fresh engineer arriving here in Silicon Valley. The thing that I have realized, and so it’s a comment and I agree with 100% everything that you guys have said, because it’s not just here in Silicon Valley. I’ve seen it in APAC, Singapore, Malaysia, name it which country, I’ve seen it. There’s multiple layers of biases when you work abroad. Switzerland, yes. I left a business school because I didn’t like how they treated women, and this is Switzerland. Right, so it’s all over.

Audience Member: My thing that I have come to a conclusion and I don’t know, I’m opening it up here, is that fundamentally the way–I’m trying to understand neuroscience also here–if fundamentally we were designed with unconscious bias, that’s not fundamentally going to change because it’s like 1,000 years of how the brain was wired to protect us from … To keep us safe. That’s where fundamentally, some of these reactions are. I think what we as women need to learn and some of it, I think Ellen beautifully put it there is, how do we communicate much more effectively as individuals?

Audience Member: Understanding that as the other person has bias, we carry our own biases as well on how we perceive and judge other people and it comes from that fundamental sense of safety and security. That’s my add on I wanted to contribute, is to fundamentally learn ourselves and also most importantly, teach our kids. I have a five year old girl and I want at least in the next 20 years, things to be different for her, what I didn’t have. I want to make sure that we also talk about how we raise the next generation on effective communications because the bias is not going to disappear.

Bao Chau Nguyen: Right, and I think when you catch yourself doing that bias, you can always correct and apologize. That’s the best way, “I didn’t mean that,” or, “I phrased it wrong, let me rephrase that.”

Mary Uslander: And to that point. I do think though, part of what the action has to be is there needs to be more women at the top of the house because if you have more executive and C suite women, they’re going to be more inclined to have less of those unconscious biases and have more women like themselves be part of it. We saw the stats of the 1%, but if you look at the Fortune 500 companies, maybe there’s one or two women CEO. The unconsciousness is, I’m just going to go, we’re going to go to play golf or, I’m going to go down to so and so’s office.

Mary Uslander: It’s just, people are more comfortable with people like themselves, and therefore have the tendency to then promote people like themselves. What we have to do is start changing that, and it’s up to us in our companies to really push leadership to have the training, people like Jen, to make sure our CEOs are aware of this phenomena. We have to start getting more women in leadership positions, we have to get them more on boards. I mean, there’s a whole ‘nother conversation we can have and should have.

Ellen Linardi: I was going to say the other thing that I feel like if you guys are, whether you’re manager or in leadership, is model behavior. Those of my colleague at Clover and Fiserv [inaudible] would know, I’m like unbashfully mommy. I think a lot of times to the point of being the only person in the room, you try to look like everybody else. Whether it’s if everyone go drinking, you go drinking or everyone go golfing, you go golfing or if everyone shows up at seven, you shows at seven, that actually doesn’t help the diversity. Because what it does, it creates a perception that in order to be there, you wake up at seven, you leave at six.

Ellen Linardi: I made a rule that between seven and eight, my kids at home and like I said, I’m co-parenting, there’s time where … I don’t have my parents here. They’re in Indonesia, so I’m on my own. I got to drop off, I get them ready to go to school and if we have a Thursday night and it’s my turn with the kids, they’re right there. So, I think the … Be authentically you, because then you can actually represent the diversity. It’s a little bit unsettling and people will look at you funny, but someone looking at you funny doesn’t actually hurt you.

Ellen Linardi: I think being able to actually represent the diversity and not try to be in the room and try to look like everybody else, is the responsibility that all of us have here. Because I think historically, everybody says the female get to the leadership level and they try to look like everybody else. That doesn’t help. That’s what I would say, I guess.

Audience Member: Hi, thank you very much for sharing your personal stories. My question is about change management. I was wondering if you could give an example at Clover of things within the system that was broken that you got to fix. So, a system that accidentally had unconscious bias embedded in it and affected people of color, women, other marginalized groups, and you were able to address it, because I believe that it is the system we got to fix and not the women because we’re not broken.

Meghana Randad: It’s not my story, it’s a story of my colleague. Last year when I had my baby, another colleague of mine did too. I was lucky to have a manager who was understanding and could support me to that, but she was not as fortunate, so often, she used to get interrupted during her mommy duty times and she was scared, she did not want to bring it up. She was not a leadership level, she was not a manager, she was an individual contributor at a very early stage in her career.

Meghana Randad: But then, we talked about it often. We talked about it in mother’s room and she gathered the courage. I’m very, very, very proud of her to do that and she brought it up to the management. She brought it up to John, I guess. John took action in one day and it was corrected for her. The leadership which created all that discomfort, did not value her as a mother, as a female, and did not support her was corrected right then. This is a story I know very personally for someone.

Bao Chau Nguyen: That concludes our panel for tonight. We still have plenty of networking and swag left to pick up, so enjoy the rest of your evening. Thank you for coming to Clover.

Our mission-aligned Girl Geek X partners are hiring!

NO MORE EXCUSES FOR ALL-MALE PANELS: A List of 240 Women Who Can Speak at Your Next Tech Event!

240 women who can speak at your event ban the manels

I recently logged into LinkedIn to find yet another spammy InMail message from someone trying to sell me something. Shocker. Unlike most that go straight to trash, however, this one caught my attention: it was a free invitation for the Girl Geek X team and our community to attend a local tech conference!

Sounds pretty cool, huh? We love having the opportunity to share relevant networking opportunities with the Girl Geek X community, and as a team tasked with hosting and selling out 40+ tech events every year, we’re naturally curious about what others in the event space are doing — especially when it comes to showcasing diverse perspectives on stage!

But once I clicked over to the site and saw the male-dominated speaker list, and manel after manel on the agenda, my interest and excitement quickly turned to disappointment.

Among the 14 speakers, the lone woman stood out like a sore thumb, and the totality of the situation spoke volumes about the priorities of the company producing the event. They clearly wanted women to attend (hence the comped tickets), but they weren’t willing to put them on stage.


For perspective, several members of the Girl Geek X team helped build the SaaStr brand, home to the leading conference for the cloud, hosting upwards of 10,000 founders & execs from SaaS companies at their annual event in addition to multiple smaller events throughout the year. While working together at SaaStr, we shared a team-wide mission of making our events as inclusive as possible. Our first event was pretty sad from that perspective, but once we prioritized it, the diversity both on stage and in the audience improved each year, achieving a ratio of about 30% women speakers in 2016, over 45% in 2017, and 50% in 2018.

We know it’s possible to be inclusive at scale without sacrificing content quality — because we’ve done it.

Here at Girl Geek X, we very much depend on our mission-aligned partners and event hosts to invite women of diverse backgrounds to speak at their events, and we aim to keep the events we produce ourselves as balanced as possible. The ratios aren’t always quite where we’d like them to be, but during the planning of each event, we encourage our partners to prioritize diversity and give the mic to women who aren’t often invited to hold it.

Over the past 10 years, Girl Geek X has provided a forum for more than 1,000 women and non-binary tech innovators to speak at our events. Accomplished and experienced women leaders are out there. They’re ready to share their learnings with the world, and the world WANTS to hear from them!

It’s time for event planners and speakers across the industry to make inclusivity and speaker diversity a priority, so that we all have the opportunity to learn from and celebrate their accomplishments.

The next time you’re planning an event, consider inviting speakers from varied backgrounds, aim for a gender-balanced speaker lineup, and ensure that you’re including people of varying levels of experience. Racism, sexism, ageism, sizeism, and ableism all rear their heads when we look at the speaker lineups we’re accustomed to seeing, and each deserves consideration. 

As an individual, when you are invited to speak or are applying to speak at an event, think about which of your colleagues might make a good co-panelist, and take the initiative to include them. 

Below, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite female and non-binary speakers from our database to help make your job of building a diverse speaker lineup just a little bit easier.

Here are 240 women leaders, managers and experienced senior technologists you can invite to speak at your next technology event, conference, or webinar… which means that content strategists and speaker managers have NO MORE EXCUSES for all-male panels!

240. Citlalli Solano

Director, Engineering
Palo Alto Networks

239. Claire Hough

VP, Engineering
Apollo GraphCLV

238. Kelly Vincent

VP, Product

237. Lisa Q. Fetterman

CEO & Founder

236. Laura Adint

VP, Operations

235. Arquay Harris

Director, Engineering

234. Jenny Ji

VP, Design

233. JJ Tong

Technical Enablement Program

232. Margaret Reeves

VP, Product

231. Angie Chang

CEO & Founder
Girl Geek X

230. Elena Verna


229. Elizabeth Eady

Infrastructure Engineer

228. Sruthi Gottumukkala

Network Operations Center Engineer

227. Vanessa Aranda

Security Analyst

226. Shirley Wu

Director, Product Science

225. Minette Norman

VP, Engineering Practice

224. Jennifer Anastasoff

Founding Member
U.S. Digital Service

223. Minji Wong

Leadership Development
At Her Best

222. Jessica Egoyibo Mong

Senior Software Engineer

221. Amanda Wixted

Software Engineer & Founder
Meteor Grove Software

220. Arshia Khan

Senior Software Development Engineer
Amazon Music

219. Estelle Weyl


218. Jin Zhang

Director, Product Management

217. Mitchell Baker

Executive Chairwoman

216. Ishita Majumdar

Director, Product Management

215. Shivani Rao

Senior Applied Researcher

214. Tanya Holland

Chef, Owner
Brown Sugar Kitchen

213. Melissa McCreery Reeves

The Muse

212. Latha Ramanan

Principal Product Manager

211. Shayani Roy

Director, Product

210. Beth Andres-Beck

Engineering Manager
Long-Term Stock Exchange

209. Donna Boyer

VP, Product
Stitch Fix

208. Altovise Ewing

Medical Science Liaison, Genetic Counselor

207. Cynthia Chu

Director, Engineering

206. Bonnie Shu

Product Compliance Manager

205. Melanie Tory

Staff Research Scientist
Tableau Software

204. Gretchen DeKnikker

Girl Geek X

203. Vidya Setlur

Engineering Manager
Tableau Software

202. Omayeli Arenyeka

Software Engineer

201. Kinnary Jangla

Engineering Manager

200. Danae Ringelmann

CDO & Founder

199. Lori Kaplan

Head of Design, Cloud Migrations
AtlassianCathy Southwick

VP, Engineering

198. Christine Loh

VP, Product

197. Neha Narkhede

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer

196. Carlye Bartel

Global Vice President, Solutions Consulting

195. Lerk-Ling Chang

VP of Strategic Ventures

194. Genefa Murphy

VP, Marketing
Micro Focus

193. Diyang Tang

Data Scientist

192. Michelle Hulst

VP, Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

191. Ruth Mesfun

People Of Color In Tech

190. Muna Hussain


189. Stephanie Hannon

Chief Product Officer

188. Wini Hebalkar

VP, Supply Chain & Operations

187. Carenina Garcia Motion

Technical Program Manager

188. Athellina Athsani

Director, Engineering Operations

187. Jame Ervin


186. Liane Hornsey

Chief People Officer
Palo Alto Networks

185. Rija Javed


184. Rashmi Sinha

CEO & Co-Founder

183. Kathy Zwickert


182. Helen Vaid

Pizza Hut

181. Sukhinder Singh Cassidy


180. Susan Gregg Koger

CCO & Co-Founder

179. Renée James

CEO & Founder

178.May Bakken

Director, Engineering Operations
BMC Software

177. Viola Olayinka


176. Poornima Vijayashanker

CEO & Founder

175. Liz Howard


174. Susan Repo

VP, Finance

173. Liz Allen

Manager, IT Operations

172. Nancy Fu Magee

VP, Product

171. Diane M. Bryant


170. Nisha Dwivedi

Manager, Sales Engineering

169. Melissa Guyre

VP, Product

168. Nupur Srivastava

SVP, Product
Grand Rounds

167. Gayathri Rajan

VP, Product

166. Pavni Diwanji


165. Katelin Holloway

VP, People

164. Emerald Maravilla

Director, Sales Development
Sift Science

163. Lyndsey Williams

Solutions Architect
Welkin Health

162. Maria Kaval

VP, Engineering

161. Aldona Clottey

VP, Premier Agent Platform
Zillow Group

160. Claudia Gold

Data Scientist

159. Shannon Lietz

Director, Engineering

158. Natasha Taymourian

Systems Engineer

157. Cara Marie Bonar

Offensive Security Lead

156. Kate McKinley

Security Partner

155. Revathi Subramanian

Managing Director

154. Pratibha Rathore

Data Scientist

153. Nan “Iris” Wang

Data Scientist

152. Niha Mathur

Group Manager, TPM Developer Infrastructure

151. Ashley Bradley

Project Coordinator
Restoration Hardware

150. Dipti Vachani

VP, Engineering

149. Christine Fradenburg

Director, Digital Brand Marketing

148. Sandia Ren

VP, Professional Services

147. Katie Jansen


146. Mada Seghete

Co-Founder & Head of Marketing

145. Laurie Cremona Wagner

VP, Marketing

144. Tracy Young

CEO & Founder

143. Usha Jasty

CA Technologies

142. Raji Arasu

SVP, Platform

141. Renée McKaskle


140. Brigitte Donner

VP, Dreamforce Conference

139. Dina McKinney

SVP, Engineering
Cypress Semiconductor

138. Stephanie Leong

Director, Marketing

137. Sukrutha Bhadouria

Girl Geek X

136. Laura Miele

Electronic Arts

135. Suzanne Pilkington

CFO & Head of HR

134. Caroline Roth

VP, Engineering

133. Laura Adint

VP, Operations

132. Reena Mathew

VP, Engineering

131. April Underwood


130. Anna Bethke

Head of AI for Good

129. Jennifer Wong

VP, FPGA Product Development

128. Robin Ducot


127. Sarah Nahm

Founder & CEO

126. Miriam Aguirre

VP, Engineering

125. Claire Vo

VP, Product

124. Sophia Yen

CEO & Co-Founder
Pandia Health

123. Amy O’Connor


122. Aubrey Blanche

Global Head of Diversity & Belonging

121. Julie Shin Choi

VP Marketing & GM
Intel AI

120. Julia Hartz

CEO & Co-Founder

119. Jennifer Taylor

Head of Product

118. Aicha Evans


117. Leyla Seka


116. Catia Hagopian

SVP, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

115. Shawna Wolverton

SVP, Product Management

114. Diane M. Bryant


113. Yinyin Liu

Data Science

112. Anicia Santos

Sales Engineering Lead

111. Sangita Fatnani

Distinguished Data Scientist
Walmart Labs

110. Jayodita Sanghvi

Director of Data Science
Grand Rounds

109. Amy Lee

Senior Data Scientist

110. Vanitha Kumar

VP, Engineering

109. Gwen Tillman


108. Nancy Lee

VP, Marketing
Khan Academy

107. Annie Ding

VP, Product
Khan Academy

106. Heidy Kurniawan

Senior UX Designer

105. Haiyan Song

SVP, Security Markets

104. Kathy Scheirman

Kaiser Permanente

103. Renee Reid

Senior UX Design Researcher

102. Annie Conn

Senior Experience Designer

101. Paula Tolliver


100. Autumn Brown

Senior Director, 3P Content Strategy & Partnerships
Electronic Arts

99. Muna Hussain


98. Tanya Loh

VC Partnerships

97. Robyn Reiss

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

96. Meera Bhatia

Stella & Dot

95. Amy O’Connor


94. Jess Lee

Sequoia Capital

92. Priscilla Hung


91. Jennifer Li

Investment Partner
Andreessen Horowitz

90. Selina Tobaccowala

CEO & Founder

89. Haiyan Song

SVP, Security Markets

88. Jamesha Fisher

Infrastructure Engineer

87. Nisha Muktewar

Data Scientist

86. Ceslee Montgomery

Data Scientist
Stitch Fix

85. Katherine Barr

Founding Partner
Wildcat Venture Partners

84. Jacqueline Brown

Director, Engineering

83. Erin Boyle

Data Scientist
Stitch Fix

82. Gowri Grewal

Senior Director, Sales and Solutions Engineering

81. Chloe Pak

Manager, Sales

80. Sabrina Eldredge

VP, Product

79. Sue McKinney

VP, Engineering

78. Caroline O’Mahony

Chief of Staff

77. Cyan Banister

Founders Fund

76. Linda Tong

VP of Innovation Labs & Product Experience

75. Krista Moatz

Founder & Executive VP of Culture & Corporate Citizenship

74. Inhi Suh


73. Elena Verna

SVP, Product & Growth

72. Fiona O’Donnell-McCarthy

VP, Product
Daily Harvest

71. Geysa Dantas

Senior Director, Product Management

70. Jennifer Ruth

VP, Customer Success

69. Madhu Kochar

VP, Engineering

68. Ali Rayl

VP, Customer Experience

67. Diane Gonzalez

VP, Engineering

66. Samantha Bufton

VP, Product

65. Heather Wells

VP, Engineering

64. Beth Gilbert

Director, Customer Development

63. Win Chang

Director, CX

62. Ann Lee


61. Brenda O’Kane

VP, Software Development
The Walt Disney Company

60. Alejandra Meza

Director, UX Design
Stella & Dot

59. Erica Weiss Tjader

VP, Product Design

58. Alyssa Henry

VP, Seller

57. Kim Williams

Director, Experience Design

56. Shirley Xiao

UX Designer

55. Jaya Kolhatkar

VP, Engineering
Walmart Labs

54. So Yun Jin

UX Designer
IXL Learning

53. Terry Roberts

UX Designer
Tableau Software

52. Minette Norman

VP, Engineering Practice

51. Jaime Yuen

VP, Corporate Controller

50. Andrea Wagner

Manager, Product Design

49. Elham Ghassemzadeh

VP, Product
Oracle | NetSuite

48. Karen Leonard

Director, Xbox Console Development

47. Julia Austin

Senior Lecturer
Harvard University

46. Altovise Ewing

Medical Science Liaison, Genetic Counselor

45. Jen Grant


44. Catherine Aurelio

Product Design Manager

43. Suju Rajan

VP, Research

42. Samihah Azim

Product Design

41. Meagen Eisenberg


40. Lynnette Bruno

VP, Communications
Zillow Group

39. Faryl Ury

Product Marketing

38. Maggie Law

Director, Product Design

37. Dominique Ward

Design Operations Lead

36. Connie Fong

VP, Marketing

35. Wintha Kelati

Marketing, Growth

34. Diane Gonzalez

VP, Engineering

33. Mary Ann Gallo


32. Tara Roth

VP, Engineering

31. Fiona O’Donnell-McCarthy

VP, Product
Daily Harvest

30. Sahana Ullagaddi

One Medical

29. Lin Wu

VP, Global Head of Assay& Platform Development

28. Jenny Lam

VP, UX Design

27. Jennifer Ruth

VP, Customer Success

26. Nina Mehta

Lead Designer

25. Zhen Zeng

Design Manager

24. Patricia Nakache

General Partner
Trinity Ventures

23. Molly Q. Ford

Director, Marketing

22. Kristen Leach

Senior Product Designer

21. Sara Ortloff Khoury

Director, UX Design

20. Aynne Valencia

Chair, Interaction Design Program
California College for the Arts

19. Chloe Bi

Product Data Scientist

18. Alice Lee

Product Designer

17. Erica Weiss Tjader

VP, Product Design

16. Cindy Gomez


15. Jenna Walker

Managing Director, Sustainability

14. Valerie Vargas

SVP, Marketing

13. Jenny Gonsalves

VP, Engineering
Lyra Health

12. Mary Gendron


11. Laurel Fullerton

Electronic Design Engineer

10. Julie Zhuo

VP, Product Design

9. Julie Larson-Green


8. Ari Horie

CEO & Founder
Women’s Startup Lab

7. Erin Yang

VP, Product Management

6. Isaura Gaeta

VP, Engineering

5. Lakecia Gunter

VP, Programmable Solutions Group

4. Sandra E. Lopez

VP, Sports

3. Staci Slaughter

EVP, Communications
SF Giants

2. Jenny Cheng

VP, Professional Services

1. Sheila Lirio Marcelo

Founder, Chairwoman & CEO

Didn’t find what you were looking for, or want to make your agenda even stronger?

The Girl Geek X Speaker Database features over 1,000 women in technology and leadership roles who have spoken at past Girl Geek X events. Use the category toggles on the left to filter by role or function, and identify speakers who are ready to share their insights and experiences with your audience!

Do you have a favorite woman in tech or in a leadership role that you’d like to recommend to those slotting speakers for their events? Send us your suggestions as a reply to this article on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, and we’ll include them in our next speaker roundup!


Amy Weicker - Head of Marketing at Girl Geek X

Amy Weicker is the Head of Marketing at Girl Geek X, and she has been helping launch & grow tech companies as a marketing leader and demand generation consultant for nearly 20 years. Amy previously ran marketing at SaaStr, where she helped scale the world’s largest community & conference for B2B SaaS Founders, Execs and VCs from $0 to $10M and over 200,000 global community members. She was also the first head of marketing at Sales Hacker, Inc. (acquired by Outreach) which helps connect B2B sales professionals with the tools, technology and education they need to excel in their careers.

Girl Geek X LiveRamp Lightning Talks (Video + Transcript)

Like what you see here? Our mission-aligned Girl Geek X partners are hiring!

Akshaya Aradhya, Angie Chang speaking

Angie Chang, founder of Girl Geek X, welcomes sold-out crowd to LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner in San Francisco, California.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Transcript of LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner – Lightning Talks:

Angie Chang: Thank you for coming out to the Girl Geek X Dinner at LiveRamp. My name is Angie Chang. I’m the founder of Girl Geek X. We’ve been hosting dinners like this for 10 years up and down San Francisco, San Jose. And I’m really excited to be here tonight to hear from these amazing women and to meet each other over dinner, drinks, and conversation.

Gretchen DeKnikker: So, we also have a podcast, if you guys want to check it out. Check it out, read it, give us feedback. Let us know, we have mentorship, intersectionality, finding career transitions, all of these things. So, definitely go and check it out. And this is Sukrutha.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: Hi, that was Gretchen. She didn’t introduce herself. Yeah, so we started off with dinners, we talked about podcast, and then we made it happen. In the meantime, we started to do virtual conferences, which we’ve had now one every year in the last two years. And fun fact, we now have what is…a Zazzle store with our amazing branded, cool swag, I don’t fit into the T-shirt that I ordered.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: But you could get tote bags, you could get cell phone covers, so it’s really cute. Or somewhere in the back, maybe, you’ll see what our pixie characters look like that up. But if you go to the invite for tonight, you’ll see these little characters that we have represented and we try to be as inclusive as well possible. So, all of our branding is very inclusive. Please share on social media, everything that you hear tonight from our amazing speakers. Use the hashtag Girl Geek X LiveRamp. And we will follow you and retweet and re share, so thank you so much for coming and thank you to LiveRamp.

Allison Metcalf speaking

GM of TV Allison Metcalf gives a talk on how LiveRamp got into the TV game at LiiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner.   Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Allison Metcalfe: Hi guys, I get to go first. So my name is Allison Metcalfe. I am the GM of LiveRamp’s TV business. So just for context, what that means, LiveRamp, a couple years ago, we moved away from functional leadership 100%, where I was actually previously the VP of Customer Success. I’ve been here almost six years. I started customer success, I was patient zero A long time ago, and I will never do that again.

Allison Metcalfe: So a couple years ago–LiveRamp has historically been really, we really focus on the digital ecosystem and the cookie ecosystem. And there’s been a lot of changes in the industry that suddenly made TV a very, very compelling opportunity. And so, we launched a TV business that I run. And so, what I’m going to talk to you about now is kind of why we’re in this business and what the opportunity is and why it’s super cool. It’s really fun to be working in TV right now. And hopefully, we’ll get a couple converters from it.

Allison Metcalfe: So, TV is so crazy. Nothing has changed in the world of television in terms of how it was bought, measured, I need a timer here, sorry, in 70 years. So, literally like the way people measured TV and bought TV and demonstrated the success of TV up until a couple years ago was the same as it was 70 years ago, which is a little bit insane.

Allison Metcalfe: As you probably know, you think about yourselves, you are not watching Seinfeld at seven o’clock on NBC anymore. It’s not appointment viewing anymore, you’re streaming it, you’re watching TV really whenever and wherever you want, every single screen that you have, is a TV today, which is really great for us as consumers. Like TV has become very, very consumer friendly. But it’s caused a lot of problems for the industry.

Allison Metcalfe: So number one, is the way we’re measuring it, ratings is really hard to track now, right. Nielsen is the incumbent measure that would say this is how many people watched Seinfeld last night. They were able to do that because of a pretty archaic panel that they had and pretty archaic methodology. But it was accepted. And it worked for a long time. But now, the network–so it’s like NBC is, they’re putting all their money on This Is Us, right? And Nielsen is saying, “This is how many people watched This Is Us last night.” And NBC doesn’t believe them. Because they’re like, “What about all the people that watched it on video on demand? And what about the people that watched it on Hulu and Roku and all these other places where they could be streaming that versus just on appointment viewing, linear television?”

Allison Metcalfe: So, the audience fragmentation is making the networks feel like they are not getting enough credit for the viewership that they are actually driving that translate to they are losing money. And they don’t like that, right. The device fragmentation is also causing problems for brands, because the brands, all they want to do is reach you, right? If they are trying to reach young parents who are in the market for a minivan, they don’t really care where you are. They just want to make sure they’re reaching you.

Allison Metcalfe: TV used to be the easiest way to get phenomenal reach within one buy, right, because everybody was watching Seinfeld at seven o’clock and we knew who they were. Now, we’re all over the place, this creates a big problem. If you’re a brand. You’re like, “Oh my gosh, how much money do I spend on Hulu versus Roku? How much do I put on linear television? How much do I, what other devices,” there’s so many I can’t even think of them all. So, it’s a really big problem for the industry. But it’s good, right? Because change is good. And again, it’s very consumer friendly.

Allison Metcalfe: So what we call advanced TV, is the process of anytime we are using data and automation to buy and sell TV, which again, really was not done before, that sits under the umbrella of advanced TV. This is a roughly $80 billion industry–that’s the TAM in the United States. Historically, for LiveRamp, we made zero dollars from the television industry up until about two years ago.

Allison Metcalfe: So it was a whole new TAM for us, which is very, very exciting. Of that $80 billion that used to be bought and sold in the traditional way up until advanced TV came, now, we’re seeing projections of $3 billion being spent in addressable, which I will explain, close to 8 billion in OTT which is anytime you are watching television, due to your internet connection. It doesn’t matter if it’s on your phone, or your computer or your Smart TV. But if you’re watching it, because of the Internet, and not because of your set top box, right, that’s OTT.

Allison Metcalfe: And then, we’re also seeing a lot of companies like a really interesting trend is a lot of the direct to consumer. Companies like Stitch Fix or Peloton that are 100% digital companies are starting to spend a lot of dollars on television as more advanced strategies are becoming available to them. The other thing that’s happening here, guys, it’s really, really important. Facebook and Google are coming after TV hard, right. They’re like, “We want to keep growing at the rate we’re growing. But we already have like 80 or 90% of the entire digital ecosystem. So how do we keep growing, we’re going to steal money from TV, that’s what we need to do. And we’re going to do that by saying we have all the eyeballs that TV has anyways.”

Allison Metcalfe: And so, that’s another reason that the industry has to change to combat, Facebook and Google. And I think the demise of television is very overblown, as you can see by these numbers here. So, we power the future of advanced TV, when we talk about advanced TV, we’re talking about all of these things. So, addressable TV is literally the idea that you are getting a different ad, than your neighbor, right, Rachel here is big camper, I am not. You shouldn’t waste your dollars showing me commercials for camping equipment, but you should show it to Rachel. So addressable TV is meaning Rachel’s going to get the camping commercial, I’m not, based on my set top box, we power that.

Allison Metcalfe: Data driven linear TV is the idea of, if you have a target audience of say young families in the market for a minivan, we will match that against a viewership data asset so that the buyer can understand that young families in a market for minivans are over indexing to This Is Us and what’s another TV show? Modern Family, and they’re really not watching The Voice, or whatever it may be. So you’re still buying TV in the traditional way, you’re not targeting a household, you are still buying based on content, but you’re buying that content, because you are much more data informed.

Allison Metcalfe: I talked about OTT, digital video, this is clips, this is, Jimmy Kimmel had a great show last night, and there’s a clip of him and his funny joke and we might want to see, you’re all being forced to watch an ad. Before you can see that clip, as you probably all know. And then, probably the most important exciting thing is measurement. So historically, the way TV has been measured has been brand lift awareness, surveys, and reach.

Allison Metcalfe: Now, given the fact that LiveRamp and we have a couple other companies that can do this, too. We recently made an acquisition of a company called Data Plus Math, we can marry viewership data that’s ad exposure data to outcomes. So now Peloton, for example, can say, “Aha, my investment on This Is Us drove this many people to my website, that was a good investment for me. And I’m going to crank it up on This Is Us,” for example. LiveRamp plays in all of these places, a lot of companies that are getting into the TV game usually are only in one or two of these areas.

Allison Metcalfe: So it’s really exciting. I’m going to wrap it up there because we are a little bit crunched for time. And I’m not going to bore you with this. But I hope that was somewhat valuable and interesting to you. And thanks for coming. Thanks.

Tina Arantes speaking

Product Leader of Global Data Partnerships Tina Arantes gives a talk on finding product/market fit at LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Tina Arantes: Okay, Hey, everybody, my name is Tina Arantes, and I’m on the product team at LiveRamp. Been here about five years, so not as long as Allison, but enough to see us go from like 70 people in a little office in the mission to like, mission on mission to three floors here and like over 800 people. So it’s been a crazy ride and on products, we’ve learned a lot.

Tina Arantes: So I’m here to share with you some of the learnings from my product experience here. And primarily, the learning that listening to your customers is the first step in creating awesome products. So this may sound very obvious, like everyone’s probably like, “Duh, how else would you do it?” But when I’m out there like talking to other product managers through interviews, and other ways, it turns out a lot of people aren’t talking to their customers. And it’s actually super important because especially in the B2B business, like I’m selling into marketers, and I’m not a marketer.

Tina Arantes: So if I don’t know, if I’m not my own customer, the only way to figure out and empathize with them is to actually get out there and listen to them. So, I’m also a big fan of design thinking, right? So the only way you can create a product that your customer is going to want to buy is if you first empathize with them, define the problem you want to tackle, ideate to come up with solutions on how to solve it, and then prototype and test. So, the empathize part is actually like the part I’ll focus on first, which is like, how do you get out there and discover what are the problems your customers are actually facing?

Tina Arantes: So let’s jump right into it. How do you actually listen to your customers? The first step is actually just showing up. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many times like you’ll have someone on Allison’s customer success team reached out and be like, “Hey, can you answer this question for this customer about this thing?” And the first thought most teams have is like, “I could, but how about that person does it because I have other important things to do with my engineers.” But actually, a lot of the times, it’s sometimes useful to take advantage of the opportunity to get out there and just meet the user, and start to establish trust with them. So you can ask them your own questions and get to know them better later on.

Tina Arantes: So step one is like just show up, make time in your calendar to find customers that are representative of your user base, and get to know them. So once you’re there, and you’re in the conversation, you can’t just jump right in with the hard hitting questions, right, you have to establish like base of trust. So warm them up, buy them a cup of coffee, introduce yourself, ask them about them a little bit. The way we do this, actually on a larger scale at LiveRamp is through customer advisory boards, where we actually organize getting some of our best customers together into a room, take them off site, somewhere that they can actually spend a few days with us, give us feedback on the roadmap and tell us about some of the biggest problems they’re facing.

Tina Arantes: And that’s been actually one of the really big sources of customer input and feedback that we’ve gotten. So you can do it on a small scale with a cup of coffee or organize like a whole event to get out there and start talking to your users. Okay, so once you have the customer, you warm them up. Don’t again, just jump in there with what you want to say, start listening to what they have to say, I don’t know how many times I’ve just been blown away by like being like, “Okay, what’s keeping you up at night? Like, what are your biggest goals? What can you not solve? Like, how can, how can we help you?” And they come up with all kinds of ideas I would never think of, sitting at my desk trying to imagine what they might want to do.

Tina Arantes: So be an active listener, listen to what they have to say. And don’t try to lead them to the solution you have in your mind. Because you know, you’re so smart, and you know how to solve their problem. But you also should ask juicy questions as well. So once you’ve given them a chance to talk, then you should have done your research and know who you’re talking to and know what kind of questions you can ask to really get at the heart of what you’re trying to solve.

Tina Arantes: So these could be like discovery questions, asking about what areas of problems they’re having to like, help you come up with solutions later on, that could be products. Or if you’re in a stage where maybe you’ve talked to a lot of customers, and you have an idea of a problem you can solve is like throwing it, putting it in front of them and seeing how they react to it. Do they get excited and be like, “Where do I sign? And can I buy this tomorrow?” Or they’re like, “Okay, that’s interesting, like, not that important to me right now.” So yes, you can ask your questions as well, after you’ve done your share of listening.

Tina Arantes: Okay, and after the interview, or after you talk to your customers, what happens next. Now the hard part happens where you have to map it back to everything you’ve heard from every other customer you’ve ever talked to. So definitely write these things down, keep them somewhere, like, I sometimes find notes from customers from five years ago, and I’m like, “Okay, that problem still exists, maybe we should solve it.” And then you start to look for trends, right? You want to see, is it a problem multiple customers are having, like, can I identify 20 customers that are having the same problem? How urgent is it for them?”

Tina Arantes: So people have all kinds of problems, but is it in the top three? Or is it like number 20? And they’re like, “You can solve it for me, but it’s not really going to matter.” And then the important part, like what are they willing to pay for it? You can ask like, “Hey, I have this next month, would you buy it?” And people will let you know, yes or no, there.

Tina Arantes: But let’s get real too, so earlier, I said like a lot of people don’t actually end up talking to their customers for various reasons. Of course, like time is always an issue as a product manager, because you’re running around crazy with your engineering team, like trying to keep sales happy, lots of internal squeaky wheels to keep from driving you crazy. But like you do need to make time to talk to customers. And even once you have the time, like I know, as a PM, all of these thoughts popped into my head, right? Like, what if they don’t want to talk to me? Who am I to like, go knock on the door of a Fortune 500 company and be like, “Can I have an hour of your time?”

Tina Arantes: But like, it turns out, most of the customers really do love talking to product and love providing their input in hopes that it will impact the roadmap and asking their questions to you as well. You can turn it into like a value exchange, like offer your thoughts on the vision of the product in exchange for their input as well. This one’s one of my favorite, like, what if they say bad things about my product? I know like, you get very attached to your work, right, and you don’t want to show up to a customer and they’re just like, “Yeah, no, I hate it. Your baby is really ugly.” Like, no one wants to hear that. Right? It’s terrible.

Tina Arantes: But it’s better to hear it so that you don’t walk around thinking your product is like, the best thing ever, when really like, there are some things you can improve. So, it will happen, like people will say bad things, you just have to deal with it and take the feedback as a gift. And then this one also comes up. I know a lot of product managers are like, “I don’t really want to get on the call. What if they asked me something, that I don’t know the answer to?” It’s like, that will also happen, like every single call, but it’s okay. You just have to be like, “I will find you the answer to that and pull in someone who does know the answer for the next call.”

Tina Arantes: So there’s a lot of resistance to getting out there and talking to your customers, but you got to do it. So what does it actually, what does success look like when you do this right? And when you don’t do this right? So maybe starting with like when you don’t do this right. Definitely over the past few years, I’ve made tons of mistakes, not vetting things carefully enough with customers. One standout in particular where we had a project and we’re like, “Oh, we’ll just make this product go much faster.” Because we had a few customers who were like, “Yeah, that would be great.” Jeff’s laughing back there, because he’s the engineer who built it.

Tina Arantes: So we built it, we launched it, and then no one wanted to buy it. And we were like, “What?” And it turns out, it was a problem for people, but it wasn’t something they were willing to pay for. So now, we always check like, “Oh, great, is the problem like how much would you pay for it at the end?” And it does work sometimes as well. So like we’re working on another product now that we actually got the idea from talking to our customers, different customer advisory boards, they’re like, “How can you help us share data between two partners? And we’re like, “Well, that’s an interesting idea, maybe we could help you there.”

Tina Arantes: And it’s turning out to be more successful and more people are willing to pay for it. Because of the hard work we put in, checking with a really large client base that this is going to be interesting or an urgent problem to solve and something they’re willing to pay for. So that is why I think listening to your customers, as a product manager is one of the most valuable things you can do. And the first step in creating products like people actually want to buy. So yeah. And we’re also hiring on our product team here. Definitely engineering team here. So if you want to chat later about any of this, I’m happy to talk more.

Eloise Dietz speaking

Software Enginere Eloise Dietz gives a talk on lessons learned from becoming CCPA compliant at LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Eloise Dietz: Hi, everyone. My name is Eloise Dietz, and I’m a software engineer here at LiveRamp. I’ve worked here for about two years. And I’m currently on the data stewardship team. Our team is responsible for ensuring that LiveRamp systems use personal and company data ethically. And right now that means working to make sure our systems are privacy compliant. If your company works in personal data, you’ve probably heard of them, GDPR, CCPA. So I’m going to talk a little bit about what this privacy compliance looks like and why it’s relevant to software engineers.

Eloise Dietz: So first, a little bit of background. LiveRamp takes data privacy very seriously, partly because we think it can be a competitive advantage. We work in data onboarding, which means that we help companies advertise to their users online, which means that they can better personalize their ads online. Studies show that consumers actually really prefer this ad personalization and a more of a customized experience. And it can be a guarantee, or it has a higher likelihood of a higher return on investment. However, there’s also losing, people are losing trust in technology companies. And research shows a majority of people worry about how tech companies are using their personal data.

Eloise Dietz: In fact, one study found that 80% of people will leave a brand if they think that they are using their data without their knowledge. So companies in ad tech, like LiveRamp have to deal with this dichotomy. And they need a way to resolve this problem and gain trust back in their users. And I think that GDPR is a really important step in this direction. So, GDPR is a data privacy law that aims to regulate data in the EU, and it took place on May 25th of this year. So CCPA is kind of the California equivalent to this GDPR. And though it has many differences, it also incorporates a lot of the same ideas. It will take effect January 1st of next year.

Eloise Dietz: So a lot of other states are following California’s example, and also have privacy bills in the process. A lot of other countries are also inspired by GDPR around the world and are going through the process of introducing their own privacy laws. More are expected to follow. So as you can see, GDPR is kind of inspiring an overall shift in regulation of data privacy. And in the US alone, 68% of multinational companies have spent between 1 million and 10 million getting ready for GDPR. As CCPA approaches, only 14% of US companies say they are fully compliant despite its similarities to GDPR. They plan to spend another 100000 to $1 million becoming compliant.

Eloise Dietz: So we can see that these laws are really causing a big shift in how companies think about data. And the reason that is, or we can look into why that is by looking at some of the key GDPR requirements. Obviously, GDPR incorporates a lot more than this, but I thought that these were some of the most relevant to software engineers. So, the first is data minimization. Or the idea that we should only collect the data on users that we need to solve a certain task and then delete that data as soon as the task is accomplished.

Eloise Dietz: The next is that data subjects or individuals have certain rights to interact with their data. So they have the right to access the data or retrieve all the data a company has on them, they have the right to restrict processing of that data or opt out, they have the right to delete that data. And they even have the right to rectify the data if they think it is incorrect. Then finally, users have the right to be notified of data collection and the use, that data is going to serve. And if you got a ton of updated privacy policies this year, it was probably from this part of GDPR.

Eloise Dietz: So you seem kind of like standard practices. But they fundamentally change how a lot of companies think about data, the companies in a data graph mode, they might not even realize what personal data they have on people, nonetheless, what it’s useless for and how to collect it and return it to an individual if they asked for it. So this is what data privacy does not look like and what data privacy actually looks like is constantly asking yourself these questions as you build systems.

Eloise Dietz: So the first step is understanding what personal information that you have, and that your system processes. Or associating with that data, why it was collected, where it was collected, and what use it’s going to serve. Data minimization is probably one of the most relevant to software engineers. It means reviewing your data and deleting it, when it is no longer needed. But this also means not logging, personally identifiable information, it means when you store it, not storing it raw, storing it pseudo anonymized, means restricting access to that data to only those who are required to use it.

Eloise Dietz: And it means not using real data in your dev and staging environments. And finally, also automating user rights for deletion, restriction, processing and access. And so at LiveRamp, as we kind of went through this checklist of how to make our systems privacy compliant, we realized that there are some cases where we even need to go beyond the law, beyond GDPR and CCPA, in order to design for the privacy of the end user, not just designed to make our systems compliant by these privacy laws.

Eloise Dietz: So the first one of those instances was reading a privacy vision to hedge against the many data privacy laws that are expected to come out. So, for example, these laws are going to differ. CCPA and GDPR differ in many ways, and sometimes, even completely contradict each other. One example of when they differ, is this right to opt out. So CCPA says people have a right to opt out of data processing, whereas GDPR says people need to actually give their consent and opt in before data is allowed to be collected.

Eloise Dietz: I think that for users, understanding the way that you can opt out. So many different privacy laws is an undue burden on the users. So, LiveRamp decided to have a global opt out repository, where we, if someone wants to opt out an identifier, say a mobile ID, cookie, or email, we pseudo anonymize that information and store it in a global repository. This means that deployments in the EU as well as nationally in the US can check to ensure that they’re not processing data over any identifier that is in this global repository. So going beyond the laws and having a clear privacy vision that opt outs will apply globally not only made our LiveRamp systems more straightforward, but also ensures that the end user is actually receiving the privacy that they’re expecting.

Eloise Dietz: Second, never let privacy come at the expense of security. So in the effort to make users be able to better understand what data companies have on them, laws like CCPA and GDPR may actually be opening up this data to bad actors and more vulnerabilities. For example, the right to access their own data means that someone could make a fake this request and maybe receive another person’s data. So I think users may not understand that this security is at the risk of privacy. And it’s up to the, this privacy comes with the risk of security and it’s up to companies to make sure that this does not happen.

Eloise Dietz: So finally, embedding privacy into the user experience I think is an important place companies can improve on. So especially the ad tech ecosystem is incredibly complicated. This infographic shows the number of ad tech players has increased significantly over the years. Users shouldn’t have to understand how all 7000 players interact in order to understand their data privacy rights. A survey went out after GDPR that asked users what their biggest complaints were and the study found that most people’s biggest complaint was the long overcomplicated privacy regulations.

Eloise Dietz: And though these may be required, sorry, privacy policies. And then though these policies may be required by law, I think that the system should be designed to incorporate the end users privacy in mind, and make it easier to work with the systems in order to find the best privacy policy. So this doesn’t necessarily mean having a accept all or opt out of all policy that often doesn’t work with like most people’s privacy. And it also doesn’t mean having so many different privacy settings where you really have to understand the privacy law in order to understand what you want. It means designing for the end user and creating a concise, intelligible, transparent and easily accessible way of working with the privacy, working with your own privacy settings for that company.

Eloise Dietz: So my end takeaway is to take GDPR and CCPA as a way to rethink your data usage, but also looking beyond these privacy laws and consider the end user when designing your systems in order to truly protect their data privacy.

LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner

After bites and drinks, girl geeks enjoyed lightning talks from women in various parts of the org at LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Akshaya Aradhya: Now, that the first half of our session is over, does anybody have any questions for the speakers?

Audience Member: Quick question for you. I actually didn’t realize data minimization [inaudible] example because [inaudible] users [inaudible] out [inaudible] that even an option [inaudible] data minimization?

Eloise Dietz: A user opts out, as in the fact that we’re still maybe storing like a pseudo anonymized identifier?

Audience Member: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Eloise Dietz: So the idea is that personally identifiable information, I think this is right. The idea is personally identifiable information needs to be minimized. But when you pseudo anonymize an identifier, it no longer counts as personally identifiable. So by storing that anonymized version, it no longer kind of counts as the process, I believe, is for opt outs.

Erin Friesen speaking

Software Engineer Erin Friesen gives a talk on destroying an entire build ecosystem to leading the engineering wide initiative to protect and improve that very same system.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Erin Friesen: Hello, I’m Erin. I’m a software engineer on the infrastructure Platoon, I’m working [inaudible] DevOps. And I have an obsession with making builds easy. It’s absurd. All the engineers here can say that I’ve authored them with everything. So I’m going to talk about how I got to that point, and a lot of the mistakes I made along the way. So next time, you have to do a migration, you don’t have to do them.

Erin Friesen: First off, I’m going to be talking about Jenkins. Jenkins is my best friend. If you don’t–anyone here know what Jenkins is. Yeah. So Jenkins is basically a tool to get servers to do what you want them to do. If you’re like, “I want to deploy this, send it here. I want you to set a cron job, do this, I want you to build this do this.” That’s what it should be. So we start our journey with a horrible Slack message. I snapshoted the wrong thing. And I don’t have a backup, and we don’t have our configurations. We’ve lost our builds.

Erin Friesen: As you can see, Jenkins is on fire there. And our last backup had been 10 months previously, record everything on the master server. And we had just demolished that. So we panicked, we figured it out, we got our builds back, but realizing that we are storing our configurations, the core thing that we need to do to deploy on the thing that if it goes down, it breaks it, not the best situation. So, we came up with a solution, Jenkins files. So basically, it’s codified builds, you put a Jenkins file into your git repository, it lives there, you can take Jenkins down in a heartbeat. I almost did that as a demo. But I didn’t want all those users to panic.

Erin Friesen: And instead of storing your configs in a UI like this, you get seven to eight lines of code. And that’s your entire build configuration, which is pretty awesome. And it’s very replicable. You can version your code, you can pick a library, it’s so much more control over your environment. So previously, these are my steps to get there. Let me say this was one of my first larger, like known visible projects that I’ve ever lead. Here are my steps. I create a product, I just have the teams do it themselves. And then I’m done. Easy, right? Not quite.

Erin Friesen: So first off, I skipped over scoping out the size of the migration. I didn’t realize how large the project was and how different it was. I’ll give you a scope. We have over 250 Java repositories, you have over 150 Ruby on Rails builds. All of these builds have PRs and master builds. So if you do the math, that roughly puts the 700 things that you have to migrate, that you can’t break because if production breaks, you can’t deploy a fix, you’re in trouble. So I didn’t scope out the size of the project. It led to some very troubling times.

Erin Friesen: And the second was, I did not ask for input from engineering team until I was well into development, a lot of about listening to your stakeholders. I didn’t know what they needed, or what they actually wanted from their builds. But I was like, I know better. I’ve seen a Java build. You’ve seen one Java build, you seen them all, right? No, that’s definitely not the case. And lastly, I didn’t ask anyone for help about their experiences with it, what they’d done to actually build it, other people had experienced Jenkins, but I sort of ventured on my own thinking I could plow my own path.

Erin Friesen: That didn’t work out too well, either. And so, a lot of this boils down to I didn’t communicate with people. I didn’t ask them, and I broke a lot of things. And I’m still very sorry, you guys are watching this later. And I think lastly, I assumed that the teams would do the work. Like, I assumed that if I presented the seven lines that I needed to do, everyone would adopt it, everything would work, and everyone would go in the same direction at the same time, and it would be fine. That’s not it. Because guess what, everyone’s builds are different. They’re unique. And they’re just different and unique.

Erin Friesen: And I assumed they would do that. I also didn’t assume that they didn’t want what they had, they wanted something better. Like, you want to build your own solution. And you want to have power over how you deploy and where you deploy. And I didn’t listen to any of that. I mean, I didn’t listen. I also pushed changes without telling people because I didn’t version at first, it was, I didn’t listen, and I didn’t communicate with the team. So that was like the biggest thing if you to take away anything from migration over communicate and like, talk to everyone, and I mean everyone.

Erin Friesen: So these are my steps to a new successful migration. Do your research. I didn’t. So, I didn’t break down my problem. I didn’t even figure out where my share was like, what? Where should I be living? Like, what needs to get done, and what’s broken? What can stay broken? And talking to everyone, I just didn’t think about it. Didn’t break down the problem into injectable sizes. And I couldn’t get the iterative feedback because I didn’t check. I was like, “I’m going to roll into this. And it’ll work.” Which leads into break up the project into bite size. Because if you know what you’re getting into, believe it or not, you can break it up into smaller parts.

Erin Friesen: I’m a rock climber. And so, whenever I go outdoors, I go, and I look at the mountain. I’m like, “Cool, what do I need? I need to be able to solve this section of the climb and the section of the climb.” And this is how I get to every single portion. And I always break it down into bite sized steps because you’re like, “Oh, it’s only one reach, or two reaches or I don’t know, a high knee, like pick a move.” And it works a lot better to get to the top.

Erin Friesen: And if I haven’t said it enough, communicate, just communicate with everyone. I didn’t get feedback early enough. I didn’t iterate on feedback. And I created a doc, a roadmap for it. When I’d already been working on the project for four months, like that wasn’t the efficient way to do it. I got excellent feedback from stakeholders. But it took me too long to get to that point of starting a feedback cycle.

Erin Friesen: The next two come hand in hand. Rollout gradually. And at one point in time, I had 355 PRs open, various repositories, so I created a script to create a PR to inject my one size fits all Jenkins file. And there was no back out, like it’s hard to rewrite those. And it was broken, it was hard because I didn’t version it, I didn’t have an interface. And so, if I had to make a change to a function, I had to make 355 individual commits to everything, they’re starting to get customized. So I didn’t have a rollout plan, which means I also didn’t have a backup plan. If I needed to roll back what I was doing.

Erin Friesen: So, successfully, you need to have backup, you need to be able to bail if a rollout goes bad. And finally, you just iterate and repeat over and over and over and over again. And if you keep these steps in mind, the best thing is, everyone wins. Everyone gets the product they want. You don’t waste cycles on trying to build something that they don’t want. And you actually get help along the way and it speeds it up. So that was me about how to migrate way better than me.

Akshaya Aradhya: Questions for Erin?

Erin Friesen: Part of it, the story, oh, it didn’t have the date on it. It was 2018. November, 2000–no, November, 2017, it was right at the end.

Akshaya Aradhya: Before Thanksgiving, okay. Any other questions? All right.

Rachel Wolan speaking

VP of Product Rachel Wolan gives a talk on the evolution of privacy, discuss what it means to build products intended to protect consumer privacy globally, and the design decisions we make along the way.   Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X 

Rachel Wolan: Hey, everyone, my name is Rachel Wolan. And I’m the VP of Applications for product. And I’ll echo what Tina says, we’re hiring. I’ve been here about five months. And I think Eloise did a great job of kind of helping everyone understand a lot about the regulations of privacy. Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about, like the history of privacy. So I will kick this off by telling you a very private story.

Rachel Wolan: So maybe over Christmas, I got engaged. And before I asked my partner to marry me, said yes, I had to get through her parents. And I was way, way more nervous about this stuff than talking to her. I’ll tell you a little bit about her parents. They’re from Singapore, they’re native Chinese. And I’d met them twice. I had a lot of things going for me. So, I sit down with her parents. And I’ve managed to, it’s Christmas. And I got all the kids out of the house, like they went to the bathroom, is great. I had like 15 minute window.

Rachel Wolan: And I was really looking for, not permission, but their blessing. So I sit down with them. And I say, “Hey, I’d really like to ask your daughter to marry me.” And mom’s like, “Hey, I’m going to sharpen my pencil.” She like, basically pulls out a list of like, 20 questions that she wants to ask me. Just asking me what were your past relationships like, what, like, do you have kids? I’m like, “No, no kids,” “Do you want kids? When are you going to have kids?” Like, all these questions.

Rachel Wolan: And like I think I’m doing a really good job. And this whole time, she’s actually translating in Cantonese to Mr. Chia. And I think, okay, I’m like, her mom’s like holding my hand, things are going really well. And I’m like, “Okay, this is over. She’s about to give me a blessing.” And then all of a sudden, Mr. Chia’s English gets really good. He looks at me, and he says, “What do you do for a living? How much money do you make?” And this is not something that like even I talk to my parents about. And it kind of struck me that privacy is really contextual.

Rachel Wolan: And I tell this story because privacy isn’t like one thing. It’s not something that is just regulated by one country or a group of countries, it’s something that is very meaningful to each individual. It’s different based on your race, your age, your gender, your socioeconomic status, your sexual orientation, where you live, where you’re from, like what religion you grew up in, really everything. And privacy is, each person’s privacy might even change over time.

Rachel Wolan: And, what I think is also, like, an important context about privacy is it’s a relatively new concept. So I’m going to show you guys some really cool technology that has helped evolve privacy. So the first is the printing press. The silent reading was really, one of the first forms of privacy, where people kind of had like, internal thoughts that they weren’t there, maybe they were writing them down, maybe they weren’t writing them down. And that really took like, 500 years to evolve.

Rachel Wolan: Internal walls were huge for privacy. Previously, it had been like, kind of that one room house where people lived, and they kind of all slept in the same bed for a long time in the entire house, and, like, fast forward to the 1900s. And the camera came around. And the concept of the right to privacy actually came to being. And what I think is interesting about this is that we didn’t really even put laws into place around privacy until post Watergate, right, like 1974.

Rachel Wolan: And then fast forward to today, AT&T, is, like, you can pay AT&T 30 bucks to opt out of ad tracking, but most people don’t do that. It’s really, the concept of privacy has evolved. And, I think, really, you have to think about privacy from like the standpoint that there’s a value associated with privacy and people are willing to trade privacy, there is a currency. And how many Millennials are in the room. If I offered you a pizza for three of your friends’ email addresses, would you… That’s what I thought.

Rachel Wolan: And so, I just spent a couple of weeks in China. And if you go to almost any street corner in China, you will see these cameras. And what they’re basically doing is tracking, what do citizens do? Did they walk across the street, did they jaywalk? I jaywalked, like this morning. So my social score will go down. Did they go through a red light, and all of these characteristics are being collected as part of a social privacy score, right, a social credit score. And so, really, in this case, one of the reasons why China introduced a social credit score is because in 2011, I think I saw some stat, two out of three people were unbanked in China, they really wanted to accelerate, people getting credit and being able to buy houses.

Rachel Wolan: And so in 2015, they actually made their data, their privacy data available to eight companies, including like Ant Financial, which is owned by Alibaba. And so today, I was talking to one of my co workers about his social credit score, and he was saying, “Well, I definitely don’t yell at my neighbors, I don’t park in a parking spot that’s not mine. Because that’s going to ding me and I want to, use the whatever the version of TSA Pre check is, right, if you have a high social credit score, you get a better line at the airport, there’s a different car on the train, there’s even a different–you can like skip the line at the hospital.” So there’s a lot of benefits. And, really like privacy can be traded for societal value.

Rachel Wolan: So, then the question is, I did a lot about design in our product org. How many people here have designed apps for Android or products for Android? So you know it’s really freaking hard. And I would say designing privacy is a 10X problem of them. And so, this is actually was a pizza study, where people were, there are 3000 people that were asked to trade their friends’ email addresses for pizza. Like 95% of them did. And that’s kind of like what I think is interesting here, because Tina aptly said, like, ask your customers what they want.

Rachel Wolan: But the most interesting thing about the study is customers actually said, “Oh, no, I would never do that.” Like the people in the study said, “I would never get my private information.” And then they target those same people. And they all did. So, this is one of those situations where you really have to actually think–was anybody in here familiar with privacy by design? Cool. So privacy by design is, it is a framework that you can use in order to start thinking about, does my product really protect the privacy of… So you can think about it at the very beginning and discovery and start asking questions, to try to understand the needs of your users. And look at it as kind of like a review process. We have a data ethics team at LiveRamp. We have what’s called a cake process where you can actually start to think about like, a probe through right before you even start building. Does this match our privacy standards?

Rachel Wolan: And then, I think a lot of the government laws that have been put into place, right, from the perspective that it raised our awareness of–around privacy, but it’s really our responsibility. And so, I’ll leave you with one final thought. So, this is actually privacy. Our phones are just like spraying our private information at all times. And so, like, try this, like brief experiment, turn off location services on Google. Does it still work? So I did this for like two weeks, and it kind of drove me crazy. And what’s interesting about this is, I actually had to go into a separate set of settings to completely turn off location services.

Rachel Wolan: And the cynics may say, “Oh, it’s because Google wants to track you. They want like all your data so they can sell your data, blah, blah.” And I actually think that this was really a design decision. Because they knew that you actually want that blue dot. And you want that blue dot, because you get value from it. You’re willing to trade your value, and maybe even go and kind of look and see. Like maybe you don’t want to trade all of your location data, but maybe some of it, for that value exchange. So, in conclusion, treat data like it’s your own, and make privacy happen by design. Thank you.

Akshaya Aradhya speaking

Senior Engineering Manager Akshaya Aradhya gives a talk on managing a geographically distributed engineering team at LiveRamp Girl Geek Dinner.   Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Akshaya Aradhya: Hello, everyone. My name is Akshaya. I’m the IT manager for the integrations group. And I work with people like Jeff, Sean or head of engineering, Andrew, who’s our biggest women ally, here. He has three daughters. And when I told him we are hosting a Girl Geek X event, he’s like, “Woo-hoo.” So, that’s Andrew right there. And Jacob, who’s in my team, he’s awesome. And he’s supporting all of us. And I work with all these people every day. And I want to talk about how I manage distributed teams. And my of champagne.

Akshaya Aradhya: That I want to give a glimpse of how many offices we have globally. So these are camping experience. We have social, there’s a doctor in the office. We have a lot of fun [inaudible]. Our New York office, we’re on Fifth Avenue where all the shopping malls are. Philadelphia. Seattle. Burlington. Arkansas. Erin Bodkins was supposed to be here. But she had another commitment. Paris. There is a lot of French people in my team. London. Asia, Pacific, China [inaudible].

Akshaya Aradhya: Because I knew how loud they were. So, let’s talk about all these teams that you just saw, right? So I manage two teams, I’ll soon be managing four teams. And most of the, like both the teams that I manage are currently in within United States right now, but may spread out to China. So this is the headquarters where most of my team sits, but not all of them. There are some people out there in the New York office. And there’s one in Philadelphia, and, I also talk to the people in Arkansas, because I like them, you saw how fun they were.

Akshaya Aradhya: Some of my team members, like I said, are French and they like going back to France to meet their family and sometimes work out of their homes. And is that normal for LiveRamp? Yes. But you don’t necessarily need to be French to work out of your home. So what do I do first thing as a manager, whenever I, start managing any team, I do it inside, listen first, so I kind of ask them, what are their preferences? Do they have any time commitments? Some people have kids, they need to leave at certain times, some people have soccer practice, some people need to work out for health reasons or for any other reasons.

Akshaya Aradhya: And some people, like not having meetings at a certain time, and we chat a lot during our one on ones. Jacob is nodding his head. He knows why. And so, we have all these preferences. And East Coast people have their preferences. So, how do I manage the priorities? Like how do we all deliver against this shared vision? So, I can go back and make notes. And I’m like, so if we have dedicated set of meetings for the team to talk to each other, that’s number one. You’re all one team. You all need to get along, whether you like it or not. And you need to talk. And how do you establish that, right?

Akshaya Aradhya: Before I started working for LiveRamp, I was working for a company called McKinsey right across the street. And before that, Intuit, and it’s like, each company has its own culture. 

Akshaya Aradhya: At that time, I was married, but I didn’t have kids. So just a piece of cake, right. And then I got pregnant, and then they flew me to Canada, ask me that went. My feet swelled so badly, I couldn’t fit in my shoe. And not that… And I sent a picture to my husband, once I, or two different shoes. And I couldn’t even see it. You know? And I was like, “Yeah, yeah, sure, right. The time difference, just wake up when you’re pregnant, you love waking up when you’re, like then and you like everyone you meet when you wake up. Right?”

Akshaya Aradhya: So that’s how that went. 

Akshaya Aradhya: The culture doesn’t mandate you to go and sit with someone to be productive. You could as well be on blue jeans. You can, like I made my son’s appointment after joining LiveRamp. And then I could come back can take meetings, take knowledge transfers, talk to people, be productive.

Akshaya Aradhya: You’re not judged based on where you work from. Okay, that’s number one. Second thing, as a woman who went through all of this, I kind of make sure that I don’t step on other people’s toes or schedule meetings when somebody has an important thing, okay. And if you’re working with East Coast people, I tell all my teams, you better have those meetings, before 2:00 p.m., Pacific, otherwise don’t have shared meetings. And if you do want to have shared meetings, ask that person, if it’s okay, get the Slack message saying yes, and then you’re going to have that meeting. And, make sure that you don’t keep it as a recurring one. So that’s one thing, coordination.

Akshaya Aradhya: And following the right tools, I mean, you need to, whether you follow Agile or [inaudible], whatever it is, or whatever form of Agile your company follows. I know, Agile means different things for different people. But you need to get your message across to the team, everybody needs to talk, at least for like 10 minutes a day, and share what they’re doing. And, like, after sharing work related things, you want to share anything personal, or any, anything that you want our team to know, like you are engaged or you have a baby or whatever it is right, you can now share it.

Akshaya Aradhya: And, in one of my teams, I tell people, right, just because you’re working out of San Francisco doesn’t mean that you need to sit here till I leave, or sit here till 6:00 to make a point. You’re going to work on flexible time. And I need to see what progress you made. And you’re not blocking anyone and you’re out, right. It’s value to your personal space and time while being productive and accountable. That’s what you need.

Akshaya Aradhya: Again, I’m going to share my version of what works and what doesn’t. So you can as will be micromanaging, go to each person’s desk. Or like you could start off by not asking questions, or over communicating, assuming things and get the wrong thing. And then pass it on to your team, you lose that trust, you lose that trust with, it’s so easy to lose trust when you’re managing distributed teams, then micromanaging. Who loves these people in this room? That’s what I thought. And then people start leaving, and you wonder why and the cycle repeats, if you’re not listening, if you’re not watching your team, the cycle repeats. What works?

Akshaya Aradhya: Get the wrong thing. But you learn and adapt. People make mistakes. It’s okay, as long as you’re not consistently making them, you’re okay, you’re going to learn. And you’re going to share what you learn. Sharing is not on the screen because I run out of space, but you got to share what you learn with your teams, and communicate closer. Talk to them drop. Messages on Slack or whatever messaging service you use, add any relevant process. Relevant process, not process for the sake of process. And relevant process that works for you and whoever you’re working with. Are you peer programming? Are you a software engineer? Does this process work for you? Fine. If you’re in product, maybe you’re talking to customers, there’s a different process that Tina or Rachel may use, I don’t know.

Akshaya Aradhya: But as engineers, especially here in the valley, or New York or all the places that you work, whatever works for you is the best process. That’s what I tell teams and effective collaboration, effective collaboration. Destructive feedback is not effective collaboration. Rambling is not effective collaboration. Putting down others, sarcasm, you’re maybe the best, most intelligent person. But if you’re not nice, you’re out, that’s good as that. So play nice. And teamwork. Teamwork is success according to me. If you don’t work as a team, you work in silo, you may be the best person in the world. But if your team doesn’t see what you do, or if your team doesn’t find value in what you do, you don’t have any business value with the work you’re doing or you don’t grow, you don’t let others grow, you don’t help anybody or mentor people. That’s all contributing to bad culture.

Akshaya Aradhya: One of the things that I really like at LiveRamp when somebody spoke, during my onboarding, was that if somebody sends you an email, you respond quite quickly. It’s–in other companies that I worked at, response right away meant that you’re supposed to work or respond back at some time, right? So now studying at Wharton, Sean, our head of engineering. At his level, or Andrew or even Jacob or who, or Jeff, if you send a message to them, and I work from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. because I need to study when my son is sleeping. Some of you may resonate with that. So if you don’t, you can judge and I’m crazy, partly.

Akshaya Aradhya: But that’s my time when both my dogs are asleep, and my son is asleep. That’s my time. Okay, so what do I do? I catch up on all the emails and I told my team, “If I send you a message on Slack, or an email, do not respond to me outside office hours, unless it’s really urgent.” There have been nothing really urgent that needs a response. And I was surprised when I sent a message to Sean one day, and he just responded at 2:00 a.m., I’m like, “What did I see? Did I a response?” And I’m like, “Thank you for messaging.”

Akshaya Aradhya: And it’s like, you may choose to do that. But it’s such your own volition, you’re not forced. And I think I tell all my teams that, “If you see it, ignore it. If you don’t want to, like if you’re sleeping do not wake up, because of me. Snooze your notifications.” Yeah. And basically, there’s a saying, right, you don’t go to work when, something you really like, then you enjoy what you’re doing. It’s not really work or something like that.

Akshaya Aradhya: And I think when you join a company that values your personal space, your ambitions and offers you opportunity to grow. And you love what you’re doing. There was recently a job satisfaction survey at Wharton, where I’m studying, part-time. It’s like, in my group, and when I say group, it’s about seventy people in one section. People did a job satisfaction survey based on so many different metrics. And they were talking about organizational stuff, and how do you grow your teams? What is effective, what’s not, somewhere on this, but in a more lectury fashion.

Akshaya Aradhya: And I took a survey of my past job and this job. And it was one among the top five. And I’m thinking, “Huh, I did that, I think, right?” When you love what you do, your stress goes down, you’re happier, your kid kind of sees you really happy, right? You don’t go crazy. And you can actually do what you want to do, study, pick up a hobby, rock climbing, or do a side project on Android, I don’t know, on whatever you want to do. Don’t do that. So yeah, it’s like, the last thing I want to leave this room with, is like this.

Akshaya Aradhya: Professionally, you set an example for your team. You don’t need to be a manager, each person can be an individual. You set an example for your team. And if you overburden yourself or you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, your team can see it and your productivity goes down. So make sure wherever you choose to work or whoever you choose to work with. Hopefully at LiveRamp, because we have opening, you should choose something that will allow you to grow and be happy at the same time. And that’s what the whole talk was about and what all the speakers and organizers want. And hopefully, after this presentation, you come by and say hi to all of us and hang out with us, ask us questions, learn about us and connect with us. We would love to keep in touch, any case. Thank you.

Our mission-aligned Girl Geek X partners are hiring!

This Girl Geek Wrote Her PhD Thesis Arguing For Tech To Support Economic Security For All

This girl geek earned multiple Stanford engineering degrees, worked in Silicon Valley, and then wrote her PhD thesis named “Tech:” The Curse and The Cure: Why and How Silicon Valley Should Support Economic Security.

Sage Isabella Cammers-Goodwin lays out the societal inequality of San Francisco’s Bay Area, and provides some suggestions for change:

We need a clear image of what valuable innovation looks like. Valuable innovation is work that goes toward raising the bottom standard of living and not increasing the distance between the bottom and top. Valuable innovation makes people self-actualize and does not take away from their productivity. Everyone stands to benefit from valuable innovation. Some persistent issues that would be valuable to fix include access to food, fresh water, healthcare, shelter, and education.

There are companies that work to improve the world and determine success primarily through the fulfillment of their users and nonprofit margins. Propel is a service that assists individuals with managing their food stamp balance. Handup allows people to donate directly to verified homeless individuals. Wikipedia, despite its unpopularity with academics due to a lower reliability than thoroughly fact-checked un-editable sources, offers a non-predatory social good. The belief that taxing tech corporations and breaking up monopolies hurts humanity by limiting innovation is a false rhetoric. Society does very little to encourage the kind of innovation that improves humanity by making the world a more livable, healthy, and equal place.

The true heroes of innovation are the creators of tools to assist those most in need and provide open-source frameworks so that anyone—including private firms—can learn from and build off of what they create.

The tech industry cannot be blamed for preexisting conditions. Many young entrepreneurs do not start as homeowners and did not create the systematic privileges that helped them succeed, whether that be affirmation that someone who looks like them is capable of success, having a family that could provide them an education, early access to computers, or an enthusiastic circle willing to invest in their success. Yet, they are still responsible for the systematic injustices they perpetuate and intensify.

The vast majority of U.S. born citizens, especially women and people of color, are not provided with the resources or encouragement to make earning over $100,000 per year coding seem reasonably achievable.

Ideally, the wealth of corporations would uplift local community and not just drive people out. Fortunately, there are a few legal structures in place to mitigate the negative influence corporations have on the communities they move into, one of which is called “impact fees.” The San Francisco Planning website explains, “The City imposes development impact fees on development projects in order to mitigate the impacts caused by new development on public services, infrastructure and facilities”—for example, improving public transport to counteract the added burden on the system.

Author of “Winners Take All” Anand Giridharadas agrees:

Philanthropy does not undo bad behavior. The range of tech philanthropy efforts — from “self-made” billionaires pledging to give away the majority of their wealth, to corporations promising to match employee donations, to those that give grants up to one percent of annual revenue, to corporations that do not find it within their mission to give at all — are insufficient.

This rhetoric is problematic because it distracts from the fact that automation, prior innovation, corporate bullying, and infrastructural advantages account for a large amount of tech wealth. It also frees corporations from needing to fix the problems they advance. Philanthropy is a positive corporate dogma, but is not sufficient to renegotiate the funds tech corporations owe to society.

A possible improvement could be taxing corporations on their employee-to-wealth ratio at increasing rates for corporation size. This tax structure could be applied internationally to lessen tax evasion loopholes. This money should be used for infrastructure that makes life affordable and for wealth redistribution to improve outcomes for everyone over time.

Read more of Sage I. Cammers-Goodwin’s writing at Tech:” The Curse and The Cure: Why and How Silicon Valley Should Support Economic Security, 9 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 1063 (2019).

Girl Geek X Aurora Lightning Talks & Panel (Video + Transcript)

Like what you see here? Our mission-aligned Girl Geek X partners are hiring!

Aurora garage girl geeks

A self-driving car remains in the garage as the Aurora Girl Geek Dinner kicks off with drinks and networking after hours in San Francisco, California.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Jessica Smith / Software Engineer / Aurora
Haley Sherwood-Coombs / Technical Operations Specialist / Aurora
Elizabeth Dreimiller / Mapping Operations Lead / Aurora
Khobi Brooklyn / VP of Communications / Aurora
Chethana Bhasham / Technical Program Manager / Aurora
Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli / Head of Partnerships Products and Programs / Aurora
Catherine Tornabene / Head of Intellectual Property / Aurora
Angie Chang / CEO & Founder / Girl Geek X
Gretchen DeKnikker / COO / Girl Geek X

Transcript of Aurora Girl Geek Dinner – Lightning Talks & Panel:

Angie Chang: Okay. Thank you all for coming out tonight to Aurora. My name is Angie Chang, I’m the founder of Girl Geek X. We’ve been hosting these events in the San Francisco Bay area from San Francisco to San Jose for the last 11-plus years, and every week we really love coming out and meeting other girl geeks at different tech companies and hearing them give tech talks that we’re going to be hearing tonight, as well as hearing from them on how they’ve accelerated their careers.

Gretchen DeKnikker: Hey, I’m Gretchen, also with Girl Geek. So, whose first time at a Girl Geek Dinner? Oh. A lot. Cool. Well you should keep coming because they’re awesome. Like Angie said, we do them every week. We also have a podcast that we’d love your feedback on, and we’d love for you to rate it and all sorts of things. We cover mentorship, career transitions, imposter syndrome, getting the definition of intersectionality right, a whole bunch of stuff. So check it out and let us know.

Gretchen DeKnikker: Okay, and then we also just opened a swag store, and it’s a bittersweet story. So we have some really, really cute awesome stuff, and then we have this stuff, which is kind of cute, but poorly printed, so we’re going to find a different place. But in the interim, you can check out these really cool things. Okay, Angie, hold them up. Man, one-armed.

Gretchen DeKnikker: Okay. Water bottle. Cute, right? The little pixie girls? Okay. Notebook. That’s me on the notebook, by the way. That’s my pixie, so if you want to put me in your pocket, that’s the way you take me with you everywhere. And then the fanny pack, which I’m way too old for, but it is so cute. Everybody needs this fanny pack. Oh, and then there’s a little zipper bag. That’s my favorite thing, that’s why we have to show it to them. Look at the little zipper pouch for your pencils and you Sharpies and your Post-Its. Oh, we have Post-Its.

Gretchen DeKnikker: Okay, and iPhone cases. All this crap. Anyway, check it out because we put a whole bunch of work into it and we would love for people to have the stuff that they said they wanted. Okay. So without further ado, so we have got the CEO, his name is Chris Urmson, you can also call him Dr. Chris or Mr. Woke AF, so please join me in welcoming him.

Angie Chang: Oh, and really quickly, this is … okay, really quickly, this is a sold out event, so if you are liking this event, please help us tweet. The hashtag is Girl Geek X Aurora. If there’s something great that he says or any of the girl geek speakers to follow, please help us tweet and share the word that this amazing company is doing really interesting things. Okay do that thing again.

Chris Urmson: Thank you. After that introduction, I feel like I can only fall on my face. So first, thank you for Girl Geek partnering with us to pull this off tonight. Thank you all for coming tonight. This is my first Girl Geek event, and we’re just thrilled to have you here. We’re building something exciting in Aurora, we have this mission of delivering the benefits of self-driving technology safely, quickly, and broadly. We’d love to share that with you.

Chris Urmson: What I’m really excited about is, a lot of time in the press, what you hear about around our company is our founders and about the technology, and I’m proud as hell that we get to show off some of our awesome people today. And I was told I’m allowed to be just blunt about this, we are hiring like crazy, and we are looking for awesome people. So if you enjoy talking to these people and hearing from them, and seeing the work that they’re doing, please come join us. I think you’d love it here, and we would love to have you.

Chris Urmson: So without further ado, I’m going to invite Jessie to come talk about cool stuff.

Jessica Smith speaking simulation

Software Engineer Jessica Smith gives a talk on what her simulation team is working on at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner. Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Jessica Smith: I have a mic. So I don’t think I need that mic. Is my other mic on? All right. Sorry. Hi, I am Jessie Smith. I am on the simulation team at Aurora. And we’re going to find out if my clicker works.

Jessica Smith: So a little bit about me is my background is, I’m from Nevada, I’m from Reno, Nevada. I got a master’s degree from UNR in high-performance computing, that weird animation thing is a forest fire simulation, which is what I did my thesis in. I have some other experience in autonomous systems, mainly autonomous drones in grad school, and then on to Uber’s advanced technology group working on simulation, and now at Aurora working on simulation.

Jessica Smith: So I’m going to talk a little bit about what is simulation, and we have three main things that we do on the sim team. We are a developer tool, we do regression testing, and we do problem space exploration. So for developer tool, we build custom tests for developers to help enhance what they do on a day-to-day basis and make them faster at developing the self-driving car software.

Jessica Smith: And then as soon as they land these new features, we go out to make sure, just like every other regression test, that when you land a new one, you don’t break all the old ones. So we also do regression testing. And what I’ll talk about today is problem space exploration, which I think is one of the most interesting things that we get to do at Aurora on the sim team.

Jessica Smith: So, this video here is going to be an example of a log video, and you can see this pedestrian kind of walks into a car, opens the car door, and disappears inside of the car. And so what we’ve done in simulation is extracted the information about the spirit of the scene, and what we can do in sim, which is really, really powerful, is take this interesting encounter, where a man walked in front of the car, and instead say, “What if it’s a mother and a stroller?” And, “What if it’s a person with a bicycle?” And you can actually explore the problem space and make sure that the self-driving car does the right thing, given the insane variation of the inputs to the system.

Jessica Smith: So another example is, we can vary the behavior of the other actors in the scene just based on things like velocity or position, and so you can make sure that the car is capable of making a lane change, when it should lane change in front of another car, between two cars, or behind them, given the state of the other vehicles and what is the safest thing to do.

Jessica Smith: We can also do some sensor simulation, which helps us determine what are the capabilities that our sensors need to have, and what is the fidelity that we need to have of those sensors? Like, do we need to be able to detect … you can’t really see it in this picture because it’s tiny, but you can detect the tiny individual bike spokes on this bicyclist in this sensor simulation. So what we get to build moving forward, and what my team is hiring for, is scaling out simulation. We need thousands and thousands of these tests, and we want to build realistic world modeling, and that’s better act of behaviors in the scene, but also better 3D representation of the world.

Jessica Smith: And then we want to crank the fidelity way up and do really interesting high-fidelity camera simulation. And this image on the far left here is purely synthetic, but I certainly can’t tell the difference.

Jessica Smith: So now I’m going to hand it over to Haley to learn a little bit more.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs speaking

Technical Operations Specialist Haley Sherwood-Coombs talks about machine learning datasets and the perception platform at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: Hey there, I’m Haley, I’m going to talk about machine learning datasets, and our tricks here at Aurora. A bit about me, so I’m in technical operations here and I work under perception platform. I have a background in operations management and information systems from Santa Clara University, and I’ve been here at Aurora since April of 2018.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: So our team mission is to provide abundant, high quality machine learning datasets to fuel machine learning. And I want to pause on the word fuel. At Aurora, we talk a lot about fueling rockets, which [inaudible] off the saying, “Don’t try to build a ladder to the moon.” What this is getting at is that building a ladder makes very small progress. Small progress which is gratifying to see, but will never practically reach the goal.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: At Aurora, we believe the way to actually get there is to build a rocket. It will initially appear to make little visible progress, but once carefully built and tested, it will cross the quarter million miles in a matter of days.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: So how does this fit into the scheme of perception platform, and where I do most of my work in machine learning datasets? So the machine learning datasets are the rocket fuel for our rocket. The metrics are the launch pad, and the models are the engine. So in the machine learning datasets, it’s the creation of meaningful data. So what can we do to input the best data into our models? Metrics is the offline assessment of perception, so making sure and double-checking that the machine learning datasets are going to be great for our models, and accurately assessing these models and having value identification on these.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: And the models is real time. It’s our Aurora driver. It’s real time action machine learning. So jumping into machine learning datasets. In order to get this data, we have to look at cameras, radar, and LIDAR, and this is where we get the returns for these labels. Our sensors are strategically placed all around our cars to eliminate blind spots and optimize our field of view. Most of the times, we put these so that we never have any blind spots.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: So looking into data curation a bit more. Our tools allow us to collect high quality annotations, and we care more about high quality and fewer, within a larger amount of lower quality annotations. To curate the best data, we align across our organization. We look across teams, and also organization-wide to see what is feasible, and what will provide the most impact.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: Diving into a bit of the models here. So here are two examples of our Aurora perception system. Right here on the left, you can see our car. Well when it rolls again, it will then yield to a pedestrian right here. It’s able to track it, stop, and yield, and wait until it passes, and safely drive again. You can also see that it then starts picking up all these other cars that a normal human driver wouldn’t be able to see until it was like mid-way.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: On the right here, our perception system is tracking cyclists 360 degrees around the car. Normally if you were driving, you would have blind spots and wouldn’t be able to see your cyclist here or here, but having an autonomous system, it’s able to do that.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: Metrics. This is the quantitative language that binds everything together. So we have our models, we have our data, now we need to make sure that these are doing the best they can. So we look at the impact that every single piece of data has on these models in the machine learning, and identify confusion and what changes need to be made. If something’s right, if something’s wrong, we go back and run another model on it.

Haley Sherwood-Coombs: So finally, where we culminate is the Aurora Driver. As you guys know, it’s our goal to put self-driving cars on the road safely, quickly. Here we go. Thank you. Next up is Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Dreimiller speaking

Mapping Operations Lead Elizabeth Dreimiller talks about the work of the mapping teams at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Elizabeth Dreimiller: Hey everyone. So I’m going to be talking a little … pretty briefly about Aurora’s work with high-definition mapping. So a little bit of background around me. I grew up in Ohio, and as a kid, I absolutely loved maps. So whenever I got the opportunity to go to a park or go to a different state, I would just grab a paper map and literally would go home and put it on my wall. And the funny thing about this is, I actually never had a map of Ohio, because it’s so flat and boring, there’s no reason to.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: So that kind of led me on my career trajectory today. I went to school for GIS, geographic information systems in Pennsylvania. And then after school, I went and worked with the mapping team over at Uber before moving on to Aurora.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: So here, you can actually see our mapping software in work. You can see the operator is placing down points, and they’re going to be drawing lines that show the curve placement, where are the paint lines that we need to be paying attention to? So that’s the yellow center divider down the middle. And you’ll see as this image goes on, they’ll be placing lanes that our car pays attention to.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: And a lot of people, when they think about maps, they simply think of how to get from point A to point B. Our maps are that, but also a lot more. Our Aurora Driver needs our maps to understand how it works, or how it relates to the world around it, what it needs to pay attention to. So we’re placing traffic lights and a ton of rich information.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: So a little bit of breakdown about our team. Our mapping team is broken down into two different core teams. We have our engineering team, and they kind of work on making sure the logic is in place, that the Aurora Driver can understand and actually create the tooling that we use. So in the image to the right, you can see an operator moving a lane around to make sure that the trajectory of the lane is appropriate for the vehicle.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: On the other side is our operations team. And operations team is pretty neat. A lot of people think that it’s just creating the map content you see. And you can see all the different rich layers that we have. So we have the ground data, that’s actually LIDAR-processed data. And then we go into traffic lights and all the different lanes and paths. And then finishing off with remissions logic. A lot of rich information.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: But not only are we producing that, but we’re also coordinating all of the collection of this data. We’re making sure we’re running through quality assurance as well as maintaining hundreds of miles of map, and making sure they never go stale.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: So a brief overview of the challenges we face. I’m not going to over all of these, there’s a lot. I’m going to focus on three. So the first one is safety. So we’re producing all of these miles, how do we know that what we’re producing is of quality? And that’s when automatic validation comes into play. So our engineering team and our operations team is working on making sure we have a very good set of validations in place, both automatic and human in the loop, to make sure we’re catching everything.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: So second is quality, and with that comes speed. We want to make sure these hundreds of miles, obviously, are the highest quality, if possible. But also with that, we want to make sure we’re not sacrificing speed. So we want to make sure we’re creating tools and processes that allow us to speed up while maintaining that bar of quality.

Elizabeth Dreimiller: And lastly, policy. As you know if you’ve driven outside the state of California, every state kind of requires a little bit different interaction from their drivers. There’s laws. So we focus on trying to understand how we can create a broad policy on a highway map to fit a large geographic region. And at the essence of it, safely, safely, quickly, and broadly, is all about Aurora. We work on [inaudible] maps.

Khobi Brooklyn: How about now? Oh great. I’m Khobi Brooklyn, I’m on the communications team here at Aurora, so now in the technical part of the business, but in the part of the business that does a lot of work to reach out to folks like you and make sure that you know all the good work we’re doing here at Aurora.

Khobi Brooklyn: So I’m going to bring up a panel of Aurora women who come from all parts of the business, and we’re going to talk a little bit about brand, which is something I know a lot about. That’s what I think a lot about. But the reality is, every single one of us has a brand, and it has a huge impact on our career and how we show up at work.

Khobi Brooklyn: So I’d like to bring on some Aurora folks. We’re getting mic’d up, so it might take just a minute.

Khobi Brooklyn: Okay. All right.

Chethana Bhasha: I can get you … oh, yeah. I’m on.

Khobi Brooklyn: Is that pretty good?

Chethana Bhasha: I think so.

Khobi Brooklyn speaking

VP of Communications Khobi Brooklyn talks about personal brands, citing examples like Beyonce, Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio, and Nancy Pelosi, at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Khobi Brooklyn: Okay, cool. So we’re going to talk a little bit about brand and building a personal brand, and what that means, and how that can have an impact on your career. And I think what’s interesting is, a lot of us have a brand, but maybe we don’t think about it because what is a brand? Right? We often think about companies and what a brand is at a company, but the reality is is that we all show up in some way, and so really, when it comes down to it, it’s how you show up.

Khobi Brooklyn: So here are three women that have incredibly strong brands, right? Beyonce is perfection, many would say. Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio, I think, is really real, right? She tells us all that she makes mistakes, but she also is unapologetic. And Nancy Pelosi is a great example of, I’d say, in the last year, she’s done a lot of work to reshape her brand. To be a boss, I would say.

Khobi Brooklyn: But we’re not here to talk about them, we’re here to talk about them. So we’re going to start with … well, and then a woman is really anything she wants to be. So at the end of the day, your brand is whatever you want it to be, and I thought that we could start by talking to these four women, and hear about who they are, and how they think about their brand. And ultimately how, as they’ve shaped their brand through their career, it’s helped them end up at Aurora, and helped them end up in the careers that they’ve had. All of them have really interesting work experience, and have taken very different paths to get to Aurora. So Chethana, we’ll start with you.

Chethana Bhasha: Sounds good. Thanks Khobi. Hello everyone, and welcome to our Aurora space, and then into this space where exciting things happen, as you can see one of the products right there.

Chethana Bhasha: Me, my brand, I should say, if you see me, I’m walking around the whole office talking with cross-functional people, interacting and then building things. I’ve been always curious, I wanted to know where, when I’m building some items, where it ends. So I want to see the end product. So that said, being a controls background engineer, I have worked on many products. And building those products, so I’ve been in the auto industry for the last … or a decade, I should say. And I’ve seen different transformations in the technology, and it’s still transforming, and this is right here. Like me here at Aurora, because we are building the self-driving technology, the Aurora Driver.

Chethana Bhasha: So here, the company, the best part is it’s sort of like an institution, as I’m passionate about learning more and more new things, exploring new spaces, and then be part of the technology, that is what Aurora has provided me. And I’m so excited to be here because, as I said, you can see me everywhere. I’m in packing, and then I have got so many opportunities in my role as a TPM or assistant engineer, or call me anything, I wear different hats every day, every hour, and it’s pretty good to learn things, be challenged, and then make it happen safely, quickly, and broadly. So thanks for that.

Khobi Brooklyn: Cool. Jessie, what’s your brand?

Jessica Smith: So you all heard a little bit about my background. I love simulation. I was kind of bitten by the bug, if you will, in grad school, and I work a lot in a semi-social role at Aurora and in my professional life. But when I go home at night, I usually have to decompress and not talk to another human being, because I’m pretty introverted in general. And so I wear a much more social hat at work, and I do a lot of work in trying to make sure that my team is communicating effectively with our customers who are the motion planning or the perception team. And that isn’t necessarily something that comes incredibly naturally to me, but it’s a role that I fill really well at work.

Jessica Smith: And then I do have to go home and only talk to my dog for a couple hours. So I think that what drew me to Aurora was that we have a lot of opportunity for people to really be themselves and to thrive in whatever environment that they thrive in. And you can find a niche here no matter what your personal brand is or your strengths are.

Khobi Brooklyn: Thank you. And Lia, you had an interesting career. Maybe we could even say you’ve reinvented your brand throughout your career? It’s a leading question.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: Sure. Oh boy. I don’t know if I’m prepared for that one. Yeah. So I … let’s see, what is my brand? I think one thing that I’ve always been really fixated on is making sure that I am authentic, and true to who I am. And in some cases, that can be a bit serious in the workplace, and I hold myself and everybody to a pretty high standard. But I also make sure that we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: And another piece of that is also, I think that it’s really important throughout your career to focus on getting to know people as people. And a big way of doing that is … or, a big benefit of being able to do that is ending, is being in multiple roles where you kind of straddle a line between very different organizations, between very different sort of jurisdictions in some cases in my career between very different countries or political parties. And it’s really kind of evolved over time from when I was in government to when I’ve been doing product and a variety of different companies and scenarios. But the thing that’s tied it together is really being able to connect with people and translating between different worlds. And so that’s what led me here. I had an incredible opportunity to sit at the nexus between, between business and product and technology and to be able to build out a team and a function to really kind of bring all of those pieces together. And so even though I’ve had a lot of different pieces of my career and experiences, all of that has kind of come together to be able to really deliver, I think, something pretty effective here at work.

Khobi Brooklyn: Thank you. And Catherine, you have a very interesting career in spending some time on the engineering side and now on the legal side. And how have you thought about your brand as you’ve changed and evolved?

Khobi Brooklyn, Chethana Bhasha, Jessica Smith, Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli, Catherine Tornabene speaking

Aurora girl geeks: Khobi Brooklyn, Chethana Bhasha, Jessica Smith, Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli and Catherine Tornabene speaking on “How to Accelerate Your Career and Increase Your Impact” at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Catherine Tornabene: So, hi, I’m Catherine, my role here is head of intellectual property and the legal team, but it should be mentioned the, I started my career in engineering. In fact, I was a software engineer back at Netscape back in the day and then went to law school and also obviously worked as a lawyer. And you know, when Khobi asked me this question, my first thought was, well I don’t even remember my Twitter handle. Like I don’t have a brand. And, but you know, thanks to talking with Khobi and her team, I realized, well actually I do. And that there’s really not a lot of people who have, it’s out of a niche expertise. There’s not a lot of people who have the background I do. And so my brand really is that I have a background in engineering and in law and I use both of them really every day in my job. And so it was very interesting. I appreciate Khobi even bringing the question forward cause I think it’s a very interesting question to think about. You know, I encourage you all to think about it. I thought it was a good thought exercise.

Khobi Brooklyn: Well I think building on that often, you know, part of what a brand is, is an emotional connection, right? So it’s how you’re perceived. It’s how we’re perceived in the workplace. And I would say as a woman in business and as a woman and often at tech companies, a lot of, we get conventional methods, right? We get [inaudible] whoa, sorry about that. You know, you’re either too nice or you’re too aggressive or you’re too mean or you’re too sloppy or you’re too proper or whatever, right? The list can go on and on. And I think for me at least, and I think for a lot of us up here throughout our career, we’ve found a way to find that balance of how can we show up at work in a way to to be super effective and so that people listen and we can do really good work. And how do we stay true to who we are? Right. I think, I’ll give you one personal example. I spent the first part of my life being an athlete and every coach I ever had said, you need to be really serious. You’re here to win, put your head down and win. And I literally was told not to smile because it would waste too much energy and I needed to be putting that energy into winning the race.

Khobi Brooklyn: And so that’s how I shaped my brand in the beginning. You know, I was very serious. I never smiled. I was heads down. I was there to win. And then I got into communications and I ended up in meetings with other people and I got feedback that I was way too serious and then I needed to smile. In fact, I was literally told I needed to be a ray of sunshine in every meeting. And I thought to myself like, I’m not a ray of sunshine, that’s not who I am. Like of course I don’t want to be bitchy, but I’m also like, I’m not the sunshine at the table. And it was conflicting. Right? It was super challenging for me to find out how can I be true to who I am, but clearly I need to smile more if I’m going to be effective in the workplace.

Khobi Brooklyn: And I think that’s just one example. I’m sure everybody in this room has some anecdote of a time where they felt they got conflicting messages or they weren’t quite sure like how do I show up in this meeting? Everybody else in this meeting is in sweatshirts, but I love to wear floral prints or you know, seriously or you know, everybody else in this meeting is, is super serious and I like to crack a joke every so often. Is that okay? And so I think that’s something that we all think about. Have any of you ever had conflicting messages and how you work through that?

Chethana Bhasha: I think I can just speak as Khobi just said, I mean she, I’m too serious. Like, and for me like it’s quite opposite. It always worked. I mean keep laughing maybe and get things done. That’s my mantra. But if it needs to be done, I mean it needs to be done. And it’s sometimes like I’m in in the workplace, being like a person. I mean I feel like I need to be straightforward and open, communicate, but the opposite person might not perceive it in a good way probably. But so I have been given an advice from my superiors at my previous company that “Hey, you’re doing a very good job, you get things done but make sure you are a little bit peaceful when talking with people.” And get, okay. So I’ve tried to balance that and then try to balance those emotions and then tried to read and then get at the end, make everyone happy and then work at that same place where you see each other, talk to each other. And that’s that. That has been working so far.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: Yeah, I’ve definitely gotten that conflicting advice as well. It’s interesting. So I started out my career as a negotiator for the government and I made the mistake of sending an email to a foreign negotiating counterpart that had an exclamation mark in it. And immediately my boss came into my office and said, never put an exclamation mark in an email, you will not be taken seriously. Do not show emotion. You should never have emotion on your face unless it is intentional for the objective you’re trying to get across. Right. And so that was very different from then coming out here to tech. And it’s funny. So I was kind of chiseled into this very aggressive and intense negotiator, which I’m sure none of you can imagine given how effervescent I am right now. But all of the people who work with me, you probably definitely know that I have that in me. But it’s so funny because then I started in tech and one of my first bosses in tech, maybe a month in, sat me down and said, hey, you should really think about like smiley faces, exclamation points, just to soften your tone a little bit because it kind of overwhelms people.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: And so it’s this funny like, Oh, okay, that is what success is here. And so I think what I keep kind of going back to is what is true to myself as, yeah, I’ll say different days, there’s, there’s a lot of balance that we all have to strike. But I just try to keep coming back to being authentic and being okay with the fact that that version of myself might not be what people expect of me and definitely might not be what people expect of a woman. And so it’s really important to just be OK with the fact that you’re different and not necessarily try to blend in. And so that’s what I’ve tried to hold, hold true to.

Khobi Brooklyn: And speaking of attributes, all of you are building teams and so as you build a team and you meet new people and new candidates, what do you look for? Like what kind of brand are you looking for? Catherine?

Catherine Tornabene: You know, I think, Oh, a lot of my personal career has been driven by that. That sounds really cool. And I look for that. I think intellectual curiosity is wonderful. I love when I get people who are really interested in the world around them and who are interested in how they can have an impact on the world. You know, one of the things I love about Aurora is that we are very mission driven here and that’s something that I look for and that’s some, a lot of people who care about the world around them, it is part of a personal brand and that is something I personally look for and that I enjoy very much in my teammates. We’re lucky to have that here.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: Yeah. Similar on a similar note, I would say really people who have a growth mindset, you’re not always going to find somebody who has the exact experience and fit for the tasks that you plan to have. But really having somebody who wants to grow and to learn and is willing to challenge themselves, not just in work but who also kind of shows that they want to be better. And it’s okay that maybe some things haven’t done, they haven’t done well in the past. And it’s not that they haven’t done them well, it’s just that things didn’t work out. But they learned from that. I think that’s a really important trait in somebody on the team.

Khobi Brooklyn: Jessie?

Jessica Smith: Yeah, I think, I mean for software we focus a lot on can you program, can you program, can you program? But I also really appreciate it when I ask a candidate something and they don’t know the answer if they’re just honest about like, I don’t know what that is. And then I think it provides an interesting opportunity in an interview to work through a problem together and you get to see a little bit more about is this person teachable and can we actually have a good back and forth? And if I give you a, like a hint or put you on the right path, can you actually go and ask for enough guidance to get to the right answer? So I think I really appreciate honesty in, in the interview environment.

Khobi Brooklyn: And maybe just generally.

Jessica Smith: And generally, yeah.

Khobi Brooklyn: Cool. Chethana?

Chethana Bhasha: So on the same lines, it’s person’s willingness to learn and then also at the same time contribute because it’s on both sides, right? Like you bring your own expertise. Yes you are not expert in all but you are trying to learn more but at the same time you are trying to contribute. So that that’s what most of the time we as a team look forward for like, hey the candidate is willing to learn, have the confidence, but at the same time I mean can contribute what they have learned in their past. Bring those lessons learned. So that’s what we are looking for more to build this awesome product. Yeah.

Khobi Brooklyn: Great. I’ll just add in one for myself. You know, not working in the kind of tech space. Sometimes it’s a little different what we look for, but I would say presence is really important. It’s something that I definitely try to pick up when I meet somebody new. Presence and self awareness. And I think in the tech industry broadly, we’re all doing something new, right? We don’t know the answers to everything. And so there’s a lot of mistakes. So there’s a lot of like, Ooh, we need to rethink that. And I think that takes incredible presence to have the confidence to say “I didn’t do that quite right and I need to do it better.” Or “I think I can do it differently.” And, and I think that that can be a hard skill to build because, it’s intimidating, right? It’s, it sucks to be wrong, but the more that you can get comfortable with it and use it in a positive way, I think makes us even more valuable. We’re gonna open this up to you all, but one more thing before we do is I wanted to ask each of you to share a piece of advice, either a great piece of advice that you’ve received in your career that’s really helped you along the way, or a piece of advice that you’d love to share with this group. Who wants to start? Chethana, go ahead.

Chethana Bhasha: I think what I’ve learned from like in the past was like the, or the mantra. What I usually follow is do the things, do the things in the right way, do it takes time or you face some failures, but at the end you know every single detail of it because if so if you are building a new product then you know, oh it’s the similar lines what I did in the past, this could come up and then there is mistake but that’s fine. I can do it. So that’s one thing which I would like to just as a my, my piece of advice is whatever you are doing, be confident and do it in the right way. Do I take some amount of time and failures.

Khobi Brooklyn: Yeah. Jessie.

Jessica Smith: I think the best piece of advice that someone gave me when I was thinking about a career transition was I was trying to decide should I, what should my next thing be? And it’s really hard to look at where you should go next. And a product manager that I worked with told me you shouldn’t think about your next job. You should think about your next, next job and what jobs do you need to get your next, next job. So you look a little bit further ahead and it’s actually easier to build a roadmap to where you want to be. You know, when your next next job. And so that’s really helped me build out a much more clear picture of where I want to go.

Khobi Brooklyn: Lia.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: Now I’m going to change [inaudible] ripping it. In terms of kind of looking for next jobs actually and this was, good advice for me as I was thinking about coming here. You know, you can think about is the work interesting and can I make an impact and what will this look like on my resume and all of these things. And all of those are important. But one big thing that is really important is thinking about who are you spending the majority of your waking hours with, right? We’re spending a lot of time together and so think about the people and the culture and the environment and are you going to learn from these people? Are these people going to let you be that authentic self? Are you going to be better? And when things don’t go well, do you feel like these people are going to support you and find the right solution? And so I hadn’t always focused on that. It was important, but I was always kind of blinded by the what is the most interesting, best stuff. Good news is Aurora has all of those things. So it just so happens that the people piece was like the cherry on top. But, no, really, I think, I think the people pieces is really, is really important and that, that was good advice that I received before coming here.

Khobi Brooklyn: Catherine.

Catherine Tornabene: So I think that, I think in this one, one of the most important pieces of career advice I received was once you start down a path, that doesn’t mean you’re fixed on it forever. And sometimes those meanderings that you take along the way actually turned out to be very valuable. So if you want to, if you’re debating a choice in your career or your job, you can always give yourself the choice of saying, you know, I’ll try this and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll try something else. Because I think a lot of the times we feel often like, oh my gosh, if I do this I am down this path and I am never stopping and I’m never off that route. But that’s actually not really how things generally work out. There are very few career paths that are absolutely fixed and you can generally take another route and sometimes you might find that the meandering part is the best fit.

Khobi Brooklyn: Thank you. So we’d love to hear from you all. So if anybody has any questions, please raise your hand. We’ve got mikes I believe around, so maybe you could stand up and just introduce yourself. You want to? Hi.

Aurora Girl Geek Dinner in Aurora garage

Claudia in the Aurora Girl Geek Dinner audience asks for book recommendations for women looking to accelerate their careers.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Claudia: Hi, I’m Claudia. Claudia [inaudible] and I have a question related to books that you guys have have read in the past that are really impactful. I’m a sucker to to learn more about what you guys have in mind around books that will help career growth.

Khobi Brooklyn: Anybody? Top of your head?

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: I just read a book called The Growth Mindset, which might influence the fact that I look for people with a growth mindset. I found it to be really interesting. Actually. I’m going to be honest, I didn’t read it. I listened to it at a very fast rate. But I found that to be really interesting because it was kind of a way of describing different frames of mind of different people, which helped me to think about how I interact with others. What is my way of approaching things and being open to the fact that I can change that, so that’s a good one.

Khobi Brooklyn: Cool. Anybody else?

Catherine Tornabene: I read a ton, but very few career books.

Chethana Bhasha: That’s what I was going to say too.

Catherine Tornabene: I actually, in a sense. My answer, quite frankly, my answer is that the books that I often finance inspiration from are stories of fiction or I actually pretty much read everything, except I really don’t like brutal murder mystery. But beyond that, and so stories that I’ve read recently have been like for instance stories about, I’ve read a series of stories about Vietnamese immigrants who come to the United States or I actually read recently a story about you know, a mom who gave her child up for adoption. I like just getting in someone else’s mind for a while, I think actually is very good for teaching you mental flexibility in general. So my general advice is not actually a specific book but that the exercise of reading something that describes and gets you into someone else’s life experience is very good.

Khobi Brooklyn: Great.

Shavani: Hi, my name’s Shavani. I just had a quick question about, we talked a bit about all of your brands and what your brands are today, but you know, as you guys mentioned, you come from various backgrounds. How do you guys continue to build your brand? ‘Cause as we all know, it keeps changing every day. So if you guys like, you know, networking or any tips or bits of advice for that?

Chethana Bhasha: Yep. Yep. So, good question. So it’s again as we said, right? Like it’s you who you are. Like I’m in the more, you know, over the years that’s how you know, you get to know yourself like, Hey, who am I or what, what finds yourself like I mean, have your happy. So that kind of, I mean it’s sort of exploration and at one stage you find that Hey, this is me and this is where I have to do. Like for my example, like I started my career, as I graduated from a controls background, I started in the auto industry working on the diesel engines on a small center. But now I’m building the whole vehicle by itself. So because that tended like, I mean, Hey, who am I? Because I’m curious. I want to learn more and then I want to pick, put things together. I want to know where the end product is. So I got to know who I am. So say I’m a system architect or an engineer, now I know like that’s my basis. So that’s what I do, I interact with and collaborate with different stakeholders too because I like it. And then I want to build a product so now I know who I am and what is my passionate. So over time that gets you right there on your path like you know you’ll be happy in what you would be doing.

Khobi Brooklyn: Yep. I think go ahead.

Jessica Smith: That also helps. One of the things that I always find is that if I’m, if I’m too comfortable, I don’t really, I stagnate a little bit and I get, not bored, but I get too used to everything and I have to find something that pushes me out of my comfort zone. And so I will usually target something that I am kind of interested in but like really scares the crap out of me. And then I will go for it and add something to my plate that is completely outside of my comfort zone. And that really has forced me into a lot of situations I never thought I would be in. And it’s made me find out things about myself in terms of what do I want from my career. And the answer has surprised me quite a few times.

Khobi Brooklyn: Yep, absolutely.

Xantha Bruso speaking

Xantha Bruso asks the Aurora Girl Geek Dinner panel a forward-thinking question about the future of jobs.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

Xantha Bruso: Hi, my name is Xantha Bruso. The autonomous vehicle industry didn’t exist that much longer before. And some of you have experience in other autonomous vehicle companies, but some of you didn’t. So how did you leverage the experience you had to enter this industry when in the future? You also know that the jobs in the future that you may have may also not exist currently. And how can you also stay relevant with what you’re doing now for those future jobs?

Catherine Tornabene: Well, I think that, I think that at the end of the day, being able to be comfortable learning things that are outside your comfort zone is really important. And when I look at my career spanned a lot of, I was at Google, I was at Netscape, there’s a lot of, I was often in situations where I didn’t actually know the, I didn’t have an expertise necessarily. And so I think that my general answer to that is that you just have to be comfortable with learning and being comfortable with saying like, you know, I don’t know the answer here, but I can figure it out. And that, you know.

Catherine Tornabene: I think the thing is in the AV space is there’s a great opportunity to learn and it’s developing very quickly. So I think that my answer to that is that I think taking a step back and looking less at the oh, the specific thing is not something you know. And more at, well, you know what? This is a thing I think I can learn. Is how I would approach it at least.

Khobi Brooklyn: Yeah. I think to build on that, I think part of what’s exciting about being in an industry that’s just shaping up and being at a company that is young and growing and shaping is that it’s less about saying, I know exactly how to do this one thing and I do it this way and I’m on this line doing this one thing. But these are my strengths. Here’s what I’m really good at. Here’s the value I can bring and different perspectives that I can bring. And together all of these different experiences and perspectives are shaping a company and helping to shape an industry. And I think that it will continue to evolve. Which one, keeps it super interesting for all of us or anybody in the industry. But also you find new ways to apply your strengths, right? And I think that that’s what’s super exciting about this industry is that you get to think differently all the time.

Chethana Bhasha: Yeah. And just to add, I think I can give my example clearly because I’m coming from a conventional automotive industry. I’ve worked on trucks and on highway and off highway which is completely a conventional [inaudible] was part of it now interspace where we are building the technology to do integrate in those platforms. So I get to see both the sides because I know how it works in the [inaudible] space and which is the technology we are building and how we integrate. So I get my own strength from the industry. At the same time I’m learning like what this technology does and how can we integrate together to have a great product. Yeah.

Audience Member: Oh, social media. Do you do that? What do you do? How cognizant of it are you? What’s your kind of strategy on developing your brand on social media? Thank you.

Khobi Brooklyn: This may sound weird coming from the comms person, but I don’t think you need social media to build a brand. I mean, I think if you want to build a big public presence brand, yeah, you should have a voice and you should find some channels to get your voice out there. But I think you can do a lot of really important work around building your reputation and being known in lots of different ways. I think it’s everything from how you show up to a meeting to what’s your tone over email to going to networking events and meeting people and sharing your thoughts and hearing new people’s thoughts.

Khobi Brooklyn: I think social media is really cool and a whole other conversation, but I think when we think about building our brand, that’s one way to share your brand, but it’s not necessarily fundamental to having a strong brand is my perspective. I don’t know if any of you have big social media presences.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: I think I tweeted this.

Audience Member: Thank you.

Khobi Brooklyn: And there we have… yeah.

Audience Member: I guess I have more of a practical question. How do you get feedback on if you’re presenting the right brand? Because I found out I’m like a very nice person, but I’m introverted so when people meet me they’re like, she doesn’t like me.

Khobi Brooklyn: I think that’s a great question. I would love to hear how any of you have received feedback. I think, yeah. Let’s hear from you guys first.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: Trial and error. This is really where it is. It’s like something’s not going well here and I think just really trying very hard to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and to be aware of how different people are reacting to you. Right? And trying to kind of read the room or read the reaction and realize that, okay, that didn’t feel like it went well. Either I can ask why it didn’t go well or I can just try it a little bit differently this time. Right? So it depends on kind of what your comfort level is. But I think there is no silver bullet here. We all just learn as we go and, you know, that’s my take.

Khobi Brooklyn: Yeah, just to build on that. Kind of paraphrasing what you said, but a lot of it is self awareness, right? And being intentional, right? If you’re like, I’m going to think about how I show up, this matters to me. You start to realize that and pay attention. The way I acted with this person, is it resonating? Am I bringing them along in the way I wanted them to or what have you? I think is a really important thing to pay attention to. I’m sure we’ve all received advice. I know I’ve received tons of feedback on my brand and some of it has been great and some of it I’ve completely disagreed with, right? And so I’ve always had to come back with like, well, what’s true to who I am? What feels right?

Catherine Tornabene: I think the build on that, the piece of that I think is listen to people’s feedback but also have the confidence to say like, no that’s not for me. Because there’s a lot of people who will give feedback that you know, not right for you. I have an example. I remember being told, this is years ago, well you should never as a woman have a picture of your kids on your desk. I remember I took that and I listened… I had a picture of my kids on my desk. I took that and then later I was like, you know, no. That doesn’t work for me. That’s not who I am. I’m not going to do that. So I think be open to it, hear it, but also be true to yourself and say like, no, that’s not who I am. And I’m not going to listen to that.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: And don’t apologize for who you are.

Khobi Brooklyn: I think we had a question right over here…

Chico: Oh, hi. I’m Chico. And I think my question’s more about like have you ever had imposter syndrome or things like when you get disillusioned with your job because there’s some stressful scenario going on, something like that. So how do you deal with those scenarios and just get over that realize like, okay no I’m actually good at this thing and I can do the thing. So just trying to get over that big hump.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: What’s imposter syndrome? I’ve never heard that. I don’t think any of us have had that.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: I think like best advice there for me is assume everybody around you is holding kittens. No, I’m just kidding. Actually somebody did give me that advice and it was great. So I imagine that of you guys sometimes. What I would say is nobody knows everything and you know who you are and you know your experience and what you’ve learned throughout your life better than anybody else and that has made you into who you are. Right? So if I think of everything that’s happened in any of our lives, good or bad, failures, like sometimes we just do things really wrong, right? But that chisels you into who you are and you’re better for it. Right? So think of yourself as like this combination of all the experiences that you’ve had that only you know what those are, right? So nobody gets to say what you’re good at and what you’re not good at and just go for it.

Jessica Smith: I think it also takes a single catastrophic breaking of everything to realize that like, Oh, they didn’t fire me, it’s okay. I’m still breathing, the world still turns. I ruined everything for everybody for a little while, but it’s still all right. And it’s like a learning experience and… not that that ever happened to me in my early, early career, but it made me realize that like it’s going to be okay. Like even if something terrible happens and if you mess up and fall on your face, it’s really going to be okay and it’s okay to make mistakes because everyone does.

Chethana Bhasha: And as Catherine and Jessica and Lia mentioned it’s getting out of your comfort zone, right? Like if you don’t know yourself, like what you are good at or what you can do more. You have to do that. Like, I mean like as, yeah, sure, you didn’t get fired, but like you had to be like present a report in front of the upper management. Own it and then fix it so that builds your confidence.

Khobi Brooklyn: I think also somebody once told me, if you’re in the room, you belong in the room, you know? And I think it’s important to remember. If you’re sitting at the table, if you’re part of that project, you’re there for a reason. So own it and you belong there and somebody else thought you belonged there too. And so it’s just about kind of having that confidence again and just saying like, yeah, I’m here and I belong here. And being there.

Audience Member: I have a question. I guess sort of referring back to the question before this one, which is parsing through feedback, right? You get all sorts of feedback. Someone told Lia to put smiley faces in her email, things like that.

Audience Member: And this is kind of, I guess a tough subject because I think about this a lot. But as a woman, right? We’ve all heard that women get the whole, you’re aggressive feedback or you’re this way. You need to smile more. That type of feedback way, way more like the statistics show that that’s what happens. But sometimes there may be some validity to it. Right? It’s possible. And I think in my head I have that question a lot. If I’m getting the feedback that I’m too aggressive, is that real? Do I actually need to change my behavior? How do I think about this? How do I actually take that advice because it’s showed up in my performance review, so clearly I got to do something there, right? What do I do? And if I suspect that maybe it’s gendered, what do I do about that? Like how do I navigate that? That’s something that I would love to hear how you guys handle.

Jessica Smith: I have also received, “You’re really mean in code reviews.”

Chethana Bhasha: Yeah I think all of us. Yeah, yeah.

Jessica Smith: So I think my strategy for dealing with it is look at the people that I really respect in the company and who I would like to emulate and how do they give feedback and how do I maybe model my feedback on what they do in code review or in any of the communication that you’ve received feedback on and try and find ways to understand that your impact on other people might not be perceived in the way you expect it to be. And whether that’s from you know, a gender reason or you know, an experience level reason. I think that I’ve found success in changing the way that I speak to people by modeling it off of really successful communicators elsewhere in the company and it’s definitely helped me with this exact same problem. And you know, maybe giving like a little bit of positive feedback where you see… if you’re only ever writing like this is broken, this is broken, fix this thing. But you’re never saying like, wow, that was a really clever bit of code. If you have those thoughts, you can also share those thoughts and share the positivity, which helps make it so that you’re not being aggressive all the time.

Khobi Brooklyn: And I would say adding onto that is digging in a little bit. You know, like if you get feedback that you’re too aggressive, then ask why. Like, why? What’s happening or what’s not happening because of that? I think because at the end of the day, to be a good team player, to be a good part of your company and your team is to be effective. And if you’re doing something that’s not effective and maybe people like to call it being too aggressive, there is still something to fix, right? So maybe it’s the wrong label, maybe it’s sort of an offensive label because we women who sort of hear it all the time and it gets annoying. But at the end of the day, if there’s something that’s not working with the people you’re working with, then that’s fair. And that’s probably something to work on, you know? And so I think it’s a little bit of self awareness and ego and being like, okay, something’s not working I need to improve. But maybe pushing whoever you’re getting that feedback from on, well let’s talk more about that. Like let’s talk more about what it is that you’re really saying. I don’t know. That’s something that I have done.

Catherine Tornabene: I think that the other thing I would say is that I think it never hurts to assume positive intent when people are giving you feedback and assume that they actually really are trying to help you and maybe the words aren’t coming out right and maybe someone’s not really skilled at saying it or writing it or whatever. You know, nobody’s a perfect communicator and nobody can always say the right thing at the right time all the time. So sometimes, and of course there’s more career, you do wonder occasionally, you wonder, do you get feedback as a gender? But I think taking a step past and saying like, okay, well what’s the intent here? I’m assuming it’s positive and maybe there’s something here I can grow from and maybe it’s not the thing that was said to me. I mean it’s entirely possible that I’ll go in an entirely different direction.

Catherine Tornabene: But there is something there. And I mean, I don’t know, maybe I think I’m an optimist at heart, but mostly I think people want to help and they mean well and I think thinking in those terms can help you identify the thing that perhaps you want to take from it.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: One other thing I’d add is collect data, right? So similarly it’s like understand more where that person’s coming from, but then think, okay, if this is in my performance review, then maybe this came from multiple people. Maybe I should talk to a few people and not say, “Hey somebody wrote I was aggressive. Can you tell me if you agree or disagree?” But more along the lines of, “Hey, how do you feel like our dynamic is and are there ways that we could interact better?” Or things like that. And I think by having that with a few people and particularly people who you respect a lot, that will give you more context on something that’s more actionable than just kind of reading into what does this one sentence mean for me? Right?

Khobi Brooklyn: Yeah. Thank you. I think we have time for one more question, but then we have time for lots of questions just over drinks. So I think yes, you, go ahead.

Audience Member: First of all, thank you very much for all of your sharing, your experience and your perspective. It was really great to hear. Several of you here came from really different backgrounds and then transitioned into a new role and you talked a little bit about making those transitions and how your skills carried over and how you brought your backgrounds to your new roles. And I think it’s really great that Aurora is a company that values that and that sees that.

Audience Member: But I was wondering kind of from a branding perspective, if you guys could talk a little bit more about how you repositioned yourself when you made that transition. Because, as you said, you know your skills and your experience, but how do you reposition yourself to reframe that in a way, with your new role.

Khobi Brooklyn: I feel like you two should start.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: What? I think one way to go about it is to try to understand, okay, where do you want to go and what are the things that you want to do? Right? And then from there it’s trying to understand, okay, well what types of roles are interesting to you in that world.

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: And then the next step, this is my thought process… And then the next step is, okay, well what makes somebody really successful in that role? And that’s usually how I start a lot of conversations because that way you can understand, okay, what are the attributes of a person? What are the things that they can do that mean success for either somebody who’s hiring or even just somebody generally who works at a company that’s interesting or in an industry that’s interesting. And then I think, okay, do I do things like that or do I have experience that can contribute to that? And how can I provide examples of things I’ve done in my past that translate into that. Right?

Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli: And so I think one of the things about being in the self-driving space, is it hasn’t existed for that long. Right? And there is a finite number of people who have done this before. We have a lot of them here. But what I will say is there really is that openness to finding others because you… But finding people who have experiences that will help us to think about it in a different way. So that’s something Chris focuses on a lot is, how do we have a diversity of viewpoints? And so if you can think about, okay, yes, my perspective is different, but it adds value to whatever problem they’re trying to solve. Think about kind of explaining it in that way. That’s how I’ve thought about it.

Catherine Tornabene: You know, I think in some ways I would pivot it. And I think that the skills, obviously as I switched from engineering into law they’re sort of a different practical skillset.

Catherine Tornabene: But a lot of who I am is still the same. I mean, as a lawyer I’m not really all that different than as I was as a software engineer. And I think that rather than sort of focus on the external concept of necessarily rebranding, I think that I would view all of your collective experiences as you grow as part of your brand. And it’s just additive and it just adds onto your experience and who you are.

Catherine Tornabene: But who you are is you know, core to you and it kind of in a sense like which job you have. It’s just one facet of that. So I think that for me, I can’t say I thought all that much about necessarily repackaging myself as a lawyer. I just actually thought it was kind of interesting, which is how I ended up in law school. Then I thought that like this particular law job was kind of interesting. But in the end, like it’s always been like, oh, this is pretty interesting, but I’m still really the same person. And I think that the idea of brand is quite core to identity and who you are and your job is a big part of that, but there’s a lot more to you. So focusing necessarily, focusing on that will tell your story, I think.

Khobi Brooklyn: Well, thank you so much for coming. It’s been really great to have you and we would love to talk to you more. So stick around for another drink and maybe there’s even some desserts. I’m not sure. But thanks again for coming. We loved having you. And we will talk to you soon.

Khobi Brooklyn at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner

VP of Communications Khobi Brooklyn stays to mingle after the panel discussion at Aurora Girl Geek Dinner.  Erica Kawamoto Hsu / Girl Geek X

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women in tech - diverse group of women sitting in the audience, clapping and laughing during a tech talk at the Aurora Girl Geek Dinner in the San Francisco Bay Area, July 2019.

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The first prize (2 tickets to every dinner for a year, so you can always bring a plus one!) will go to the entrant who has referred the most friends to enter the contest & sign up for the Girl Geek X weekly newsletter during the contest period, which ends on August 30, 2019 at 11:59pm PST.

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Women in Tech networking at the Aurora Girl Geek Dinner

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Good luck, and we hope to see you at a dinner soon!

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16 Female Infosec & Cybersecurity Executives To Watch

Get inspired by these privacy and information security experts who are leading Fortune 100 companies, running health and non-profits, and impacting the field of infosec today.

Dr. Alissa Abdullah, Chief InfoSec Officer, Xerox

Dr. Alissa Abdullah is Xerox’s Chief Information Security Officer. Prior to Xerox, she was Chief Information Security Officer at Stryker. She served as Deputy Chief Information Officer for the White House Executive Office of the President during the Obama administration. She started her career as a Mathematician for an Intelligence Agency —  a certified cryptologic engineer at the U.S. Department of Defense.

Anne Marie Zettlemoyer, Vice President of Security Engineering, Mastercard

Anne Marie Zettlemoyer is Mastercard’s Vice President of Security Engineering. She was Director of Information Security Architecture and Engineering at Freddie Mac, and Director of Information Security Analytics at Capital One. She has worked in various positions, as a Director of Business Analytics at FireEye, Senior Consultant at Deloitte, Special Advisor for the United States Secret Service, and Principal Strategy Analyst for DTE Energy. Follow her on Twitter at @solvingcyber.

Arlin Pedrick, Chief Security Officer, Accenture

Arlin Pedrick is Accenture’s Chief Security Officer. She was at Disney as Director of Global Intelligence & Threat Analysis, and Director of Global Security at Walmart, and held various positions in the U.S. Government for 32 years.

Coleen Coolidge, Chief InfoSec Officer, Segment

Coleen Coolidge is Segment’s Chief Information Security Officer, having built the Security, GRC and IT org from scratch at the startup. Previously, she was Twilio’s Head of Security and Core Logic’s Director of InfoSec. Earlier in her career, she was at First American Title as an Infosec Project Coordinator, at New Century Financial as an InfoSec Specialist/Engineer, and was a Tech Writer in her early career. Follow her on Twitter at @coleencoolidge.

Flora Garcia, Global Chief Privacy Officer & Security Attorney, McAfee

Flora Garcia is McAfee’s Global Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy & Security Attorney. She discovered privacy law in law school when she read the case of Bodil Lindqvist, a Swedish woman who was the first person charged with violating the EU Privacy Directive. Flora is a graduate of the evening program at Fordham Law School,and Duke University, where she majored in computer science and economics. 

Jacki Monson, Chief InfoSec Officer, Sutter Health

Jacki Monson is Sutter Health’s Chief Privacy and Information Security Officer, where she’s been for six years at the nonprofit health network. Previously, she was the Mayo Clinic’s Chief Privacy Officer, and worked in compliance for healthcare companies. She began her career having earned her JD in health law and healthcare compliance certificates. Healthcare runs in her family — her mom worked at a hospital for 43 years in administration. Follow her on Twitter at @jackimonson.

Lakshmi Hanspal, Global Chief InfoSec Officer, Box

Lakshmi Hanspal is Box’s Global Chief Information Security Officer. She advises, CipherCloud and HMG Strategy. Prior to Box, she was SAP Ariba’s Chief Security Officer, and a senior leader in information security and risk management at PayPal. She was Bank of America’s Chief Information Security Strategist and Leader for the mortgage line of business, and began her career at Novell as a Senior Security Architect. Follow her on Twitter at @LakshmiHanspal.

Maria Shaw, Chief InfoSec Officer, Varian Medical

Maria Shaw is Varian Medical System’s Chief Information Security Officer. Prior to Varian, Maria worked at McKesson, where she was a Vice President of IT Risk Management & Compliance for over a decade. She led the information security and risk professionals across McKesson’s distributed business units, as well as the enterprise IT risk program (HIPPA, PCI, training, IT Vendor Assurance). She began her career as a Senior Manager at Deloitte.

Mary Prabha Ng, Chief Security Officer, AXA

Mary Prabha Ng is AXA Equitable’s Chief Security Officer. She’s been at AXA for over 7 years. Previously, Mary worked as Vice President of Risk at financial firms and banks. She started her career in security as a computer engineer for the Department of Defense’s Undersea Warfare Center where she led several multi-million dollar government projects through various states of project development.

Mary Welsh, Chief Security Officer, UnitedHealth

Mary Welsh is UnitedHealth Group’s Chief Security Officer. Prior to UnitedHealth, she worked at St. Jude Medical in Minnesota for over 8 years, leading security and strategic projects. Prior to that, Mary spent 9 years working for the U.S. government, from domestic assignments in Washington, D.C., to residing overseas in Europe and Southeast Asia on national security issues. She began her career at Arthritis Foundation working as Director of Health Education.

Noopur Davis, Chief Product & InfoSec Officer, Comcast

Noopur Davis is Comcast’s Chief Product & Information Security Officer. She was Vice President of Global Quality at Intel for over 4 years. Prior to Intel, she spent 11 years at Carnegie Mellon University supporting the Software Engineering Process Management program. She worked at Davis Systems as Principal for over 6 years, and began her career at Intergraph as a Director of Engineering. Follow her on Twitter at @NoopurDavis.

Parisa Tabirz, Senior Director of Engineering — Chrome (Security & Privacy), Google

Parisa Tabirz is Google’s Senior Engineering Director, responsible for the security and privacy of the Chrome browser. At Google, Parisa’s business card has read “Security Princess”, and she’s been promoted several times since joining the company over 12 years ago. She began her career as a security intern at Google after being inspired to pursue infosec from a campus club at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. Follow her on Twitter at @laparisa.

Reeny Sondhi, Chief Security Officer, Autodesk

Reeny Sondhi is Autodesk’s Chief Security Officer. Prior to Autodesk, she spent a decade at EMC, where she co-authored SAFEcode Security Engineering Training — A Framework for Corporate Training Programs on the Principles of Secure Software Development. Prior to that, she spent a decade working in product management before moving into information security where she has been for the past 13+ years now building enterprise scale security programs. Follow her on Twitter at @reenysondhi.

Sherri Davidoff, Chief Executive Officer, LMG Security

Sherri Davidoff is LMG Security’s CEO and co-founder. Her infosec consulting and research firm, based in Montana, specializes in network penetration testing, digital forensics, social engineering testing and web application assessments. Sherri is the co-author of Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace and is working on another book (coming soon). She studied computer science and electrical engineering at MIT. Follow her on Twitter at @sherridavidoff.

Tarah Wheeler, CyberSecurity Policy Fellow, New America

Tarah Wheeler is New America’s Cybersecurity Policy Fellow, where she is leading a international cybersecurity capacity building project. Tarah speaks frequently on cybersecurity, Internet of things, and diversity in tech, having been the lead author of Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories. She has been advising / consulting on enterprise infosec thru Red Queen Technologies for over 17 years. Follow her on Twitter at @tarah.

Window Snyder, Chief Security Officer, Square

Window Snyder is Square’s Chief Security Officer. She is a security industry veteran and former Chief Security Officer at Intel, Fastly, and Mozilla. She previously spent 5 years at Apple working on security and privacy strategy and features for OS X and iOS. Window was a founding team member at Matasano, a security company, acquired by NCC Group in 2012, and co-authored Threat Modeling, a manual for security architecture analysis. Follow her on Twitter at @window.

Raising Up The Next Generation of Women In Security Engineering

Girl Scouts offer 9 cybersecurity badges for girls learn about the inner workings of computer technology and cybersecurity, applying concepts of safety and protection to the technology used. Sponsored by Palo Alto Networks, the cybersecurity badges activities range from decrypting and encrypting messages, to learning proper protection methods for devices, to exploring real-world hacking scenarios every day.

Women in Security and Privacy is a 501(c)3 group creating pathways for folks to get into the field. OWASP has a lot of in depth knowledge and the “Top 10 list”, suggests Salesforce Senior Application Security Engineer Aisling Dempsey.

Conferences include The Diana Initiative (August 9-10, 2019 in Las Vegas).

Books to read include The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook and The Tangled Web – Add a copy of each in your library, or as a coffee table book!

What are some resources we can add to this page for folks who want to get into cybersecurity as a career? Please tweet @GirlGeekX and share – thank you!

“Enterprise to Computer (a Star Trek Chatbot)”: Grishma Jena with IBM (Video + Transcript)

Grishma Jena / Cognitive Software Engineer / IBM
Sukrutha Bhadouria / CTO & Co-Founder / Girl Geek X


Sukrutha Bhadouria: Hi everyone, I hope you’ve been having a great day so far. Hi, Grishma. Hi, so yes, we are ready for our next talk. I’m Sukrutha and Grishma is here to give the next talk. Just before we get started, the same set of housekeeping rules. First is, we’re recording. We’re gonna share in a week. Please post your questions, not in chat, but in the Q and A. So you see the Q and A button at the bottom? Click on that and post there. If for some reason we run out of time, and we can’t get to your questions, we’ll have a record of it and it’s easy for us to find later and get you your answers later.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: So please share on social media #GGXelevate and look for job postings on our website at We’ve also been having, throughout the day, viewing parties at various companies. So shout-out to Zendesk, Strava, Guidewire, Climate, Grand Rounds, Netflix,, Blue Shield, Grio, and Salesforce Portland office.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: So now, on to Grishma. Grishma is a cognitive software engineer at IBM. She works on the data science for marketing team at IBM Watson. So today her talk is about Enterprise to Computer: a Star Trek chatbot. I’m sure there’s a lot of Star Trek fans out there because I know I am one, and I can’t wait to hear about your talk, Grishma.

Grishma Jena: Thank you, Sukrutha.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: Go ahead and get started. You can share your slides.

Grishma Jena: Okay, I’m gonna minimize this. Alright, can you see my slides? Okay. Hi, everyone, I’m Grishma. As Sukrutha mentioned I work as a cognitive software engineer with IBM in San Francisco. So, a lot of my job duties involve dealing with a lot of data, trying to come up with proprietary data science or AI solutions for our Enterprise customers. My background is in machine learning and natural language processing which is why I’m talking on a chatbot today.

Grishma Jena: I’ve also recently joined this non-profit called For Her, where we’re trying deal with creating a chatbot that could act as a health center, as a resource center for people who are going through things like domestic abuse or sexual violence so I’m very interested to see you know, a totally different social application of chatbot. But for today we’ll focus on something fun. And before I begin, a very happy Women’s Day to all of you out there. So, yeah.

Grishma Jena: When was the last time you interacted with a chatbot? It could have been a few minutes before, when, you know, Akilah was talking and your Alexa probably got activated by mistake and you had to be like, “Alexa, stop.” It could be with Siri. We interact with Siri every day. It could be on a customer service chat or it could be on a customer service call.

Grishma Jena: Basically, there are so many different avenues and applications of chatbots today that sometimes it’s even hard to distinguish if are we talking to a human. Is it a chatbot in disguise of a human? And it’s quite interesting to see where chatbots have come in the past few years.

Grishma Jena: So, this was a grad school project that we did. Our idea was, okay, chatbots are amazing. We really like that they help take some of the workload off humans, but how can we make them seem a little more human, a little less mechanical? Could we give them some sort of a fun personality?

Grishma Jena: And we brainstormed for a bit and we finally came up with the idea, hey, why don’t we, I mean … Well, to be honest we weren’t that big fans of Star Trek, but we did become one during the course of this project and we were like, “Okay, let’s think of Star Trek”. It has a wide fan base and let’s try to not pick one single character from Star Trek but let’s take all of the characters and make this huge mix of references and trademark dialogues and see what kind of personality the chatbot would have.

Grishma Jena: So, like I mentioned, the motivation was to make a chatbot a little more human-like. And we wanted to have a more engaging user experience. So the application of this could be, it doesn’t have to be something related to, you know, like an entertainment industry. It could be also something like a sports lover bot so that would be very chatty and extroverted and it would support your favorite sports team. Or it could be something a little more sober like a counselor bot who is very understanding and supportive and listens to you venting out or asks you about how your day was. So yeah, we chose Star Trek infused personality.

Grishma Jena: So our objective with Star Trek was wanted it to incorporate references from the show. [inaudible 00:05:17] wanted to [inaudible 00:05:20] Spock and live long and prosper. We wanted it to be data driven model, we did not want to feed in dialogues we wanted it to just feed in a corpus and have it generate dialogues on its own. We obviously wanted it to give interesting responses and to have the user engaged because that is one of the things that a chatbot should do, right? So in really simple words, just think of a friend of yours or it could be yourself who is this, you know, absolutely big fan of Star Trek and just transfer that personality to a chatbot.

Grishma Jena: So this is what the schema of our bot look like. We had the user utterance which is basically anything that you say or that you provide as input to the chatbot. And then we had a binary classifier. I’ll delve deeper into why exactly we wanted it, but the main point is that we wanted it to be able to distinguish whether what you’re saying to the chatbot is it something related to Star Trek or is it something a little more general conversation like, “How are you feeling today?” Or “What is the weather like?” And depending on that we had on that we had two different routes which the bot would take to generate a response.

Grishma Jena: So before we begin, we obviously need some sort of data and we decided that we would take all of the data that was available for the different Star Trek movies and the TV series. You’d be surprised at how little data is available, actually. We initially thought of just doing a Spock bot, but Spock himself has very limited dialogues so we just expanded our search to the entire Star Trek universe. And that’s why we took dialogues from movies, TV series. We didn’t want to have any sort of limitations as far as the data was concerned. We ended up with about a little over 100,000 pairs of dialogues.

Grishma Jena: Then we also went and got this database, which is known as the Cornell Movie Database. This database was created by Cornell University, which has a collection of raw movie scripts. It’s just a really good data set to train your bot on, the way how humans interact and what kind of topics they talk about, what are the responses like.

Grishma Jena: And finally, we also had a Twitter data set because we wanted some topics that were related to the ongoing affairs in the world, the current news topics. Because we envisioned that if you had a chatbot then people do like to talk to the chatbot or ask for the chatbot’s opinion on something that’s happening in real time.

Grishma Jena: So the very first component of a chatbot was having a binary classifier. Like I mentioned, we had two different routes for our chatbot. One would be the Star Trek route and the other would be a general conversation route. So we had the binary classifier that would help us distinguish whether whatever the user is uttering or whatever the user is giving as an input is it related to Star Trek or is it general conversation which was getting handled by the Cornell Movie Database. So we used an 80:20, that is the training data set and the testing data set split. And the features that we used were we took the top 10,000 TF-IDF unigrams and bigrams.

Grishma Jena: TF-IDF stands for tone frequency and inwards document frequency. Tone frequency is nothing but how many times a given word occurs in your corpus and inverse document frequency,, it’s kind of a weight that is attached to a word. So think of a textbook or think of a document that you have. Words like prepositions, like the, of, and would occur multiple times. But really words that would be important that would have some sort of conceptual representation, perhaps like the topic of it. Compared to it would be a little rare in occurrence, compared to prepositions, compared to commonly used words, and that’s why they should be given more weightage. So that’s the whole idea behind TF-IDF.

Grishma Jena: Unigrams and bigrams are nothing but you divide the entire document that you have into words. An unigram would be one [bit kilo word inaudible 00:09:17] bigram would be a set of two consecutive words that occur in the document. There’s an example later on in the slide to explain it better. Stop words, when consider stop words are just filler words like I mentioned similar to the prepositions. And we were very happy with the performance of the binary classifier. We were able to get a 95% accuracy on the test set, and we decided that is good enough, let’s move on to the next one.

Grishma Jena: And finally, this is the main core of it, where deep learning comes into play. So with deep learning, we used a model called a Seq2seq which is a particular type of recurrent neural network. So if you can see the image on the right, it is a simplified version of a neural network where you give it an input and it gets an output and that output is also the input for the next cycle, so it’s kind of like a feedback looping mechanism.

Grishma Jena: First, the specific type of neural network that we use, Seq2seq. It was just two recurrent neural networks so just think of a really big component that has two smaller components, which is an encoder and a decoder.

Grishma Jena: So the encoder actually takes in the input from the user and tries to provide some sort of context. What do the words mean? What exactly is the semantics behind the sentence that the user has given? And the decoder generates the output based on the context that it has understood and also based on the previous inputs that were given to it, which is where the feedback mechanism comes into play.

Grishma Jena: So just to go a little deeper into it. This is a representation of what a Seq2seq with encoder and decoder would look like. So the input over here would be, “Are you free tomorrow?” and the encoder takes in that input and tries to understand what exactly is the context or the meaning of this sentence. And finally the decoders understands, okay, this is something someone is asking about either they want to take an appointment or someone’s availability or someone’s schedule. And that’s where the reply is something like, “Yes, I am. What’s up?”

Grishma Jena: So these are some statistics about how exactly we went on training this on AWS. We used a p2.xlarge instance with one Nvidia Accelerator GPU and then we had the Star Trek Seq2seq. So we had one Seq2seq for just Star Trek dialogues and we had another one, the Cornell Seq2seq which is on Cornell data, which is more for just a general conversation purpose.

Grishma Jena: So we went ahead, we generated some sentences, but then we realized that the ones for Star Trek were really good because you’re giving it Star Trek as input so obviously the output is also going to be Star-trekky. But for the general conversation ones, for things like, “What is the weather like?”, “How are you doing today?”, “What is the time?” it was a little difficult for us because obviously the input is not Star Trek related, right? So the output also wouldn’t be Star Trek related, but we wanted this to be a Star Trek chatbot.

Grishma Jena: So we brainstormed a bit and we thought, “Hey, why don’t we try something called a style shifting?” Which is basically like you take a normal sentence, a sentence from the general conversation, and you try to shift it into the Star Trek domain.

Grishma Jena: And the way we did this was, we went through the entire corpus, the data set for Star Trek, and we created a word graph out of it. A word graph would be, just think of it as you pass different sentences in the data set and each of the words would form a node and the edges between them would tell how they occurred in relation to one another. So if they occurred right next to each other or within the same sentence.

Grishma Jena: And along with the words in the node we also had a part of speech tag. So we indicated whether it was an adjective, or a noun, or a pronoun or a conjunction. So let’s say for example our sentence was, “Live long and prosper.” You break it down into four words which are the four different nodes and then we label them with a different part of speech tag and we connected them because they come one after the other in the sentence.

Grishma Jena: So what we did, was after we built out this really huge word graph, we looked it up to insert what could be appropriate words between two given words in the input. So once we had the sentence we would check for every two words in the sentence and see what are the words that we could insert in between to give it more of a Star Trek feel to it to just, you know, shift the domain into Star Trek.

Grishma Jena: We went ahead and we did that and these were the kind of results that we got. “I am sorry” was the input and then the word graph went ahead and inputted “Miranda” at the end. “I will go” and then it inputted “back” at the end of the sentence because “go” and “back” kind of occur very commonly with each other. And similarly for the start of the sentences, it tried to input names like “Uhura” or “Captain”. So one thing we noticed was it really good at inputting names at the start and the end of the sentence and using the character names from the show did end up giving it a slightly more Star Trek feel than before.

Grishma Jena: So we went ahead and we just randomly tried to insert words that occurred more frequently between two words but then we realized that some of the sentences were ungrammatical. So what do we do? We came up with this idea of let us use the word graph as it is and then let’s take some sort of a filter to our responses. So, like I said, we realized that the word graph was giving a few incoherent and incorrect responses. What we did was we went ahead and constructed an n-gram model.

Grishma Jena: So n over here would be unigram, bigram, trigram. You can see the example over here if n is equal to one, which is an unigram, you break down the sentence into just different words so “this” would be one unigram “is” would be another unigram. If n is two, which a bigram, you would take two words that co-occur together. So in this case the first bigram would be “This is,” second one would be “is a” and then similar for trigram it would be “This is a” and then “is a sentence”.

Grishma Jena: So we created an n-gram model which was just to understand what exactly is the kind of dataset that Star Trek has. And then finally we wanted to get a probability distribution over the sequence of words that we have had.

Grishma Jena: So once we get this, we start to filter the responses and we ran the sentences using the bigram models that we trained on the Star Trek data set. Because of this we kind of got a reference type for seeing that what structures are grammatically correct. We went ahead and we get them and the ones that were a little odd sounding or that didn’t really occur anywhere in the data set we went ahead and removed them.

Grishma Jena: Another metric that we used for this was perplexity. So just think of perplexity as some sort of an explainability metric. We went ahead and used that which would help us tell how well a probability distribution was able to predict it.

Grishma Jena: Finally, we have all of the things in place and we have to evaluate the performance of the chatbot. So we came up with two categories of evaluation metrics. The first one was quantitative metrics where we used perplexity, which was mentioned on the first slide. And the second one was we wanted to see often was it using words that were very particular to Star Trek that you don’t really use in normal day life, you know, like maybe spaceship or engage.

Grishma Jena: And the second category was human evaluations where we got a bunch of, user group and we asked them to just read the input and the output and see how good it was in terms of grammar. If the response actually made sense, if it was appropriate. And finally, on the Star Trek style. Just how Star-trekky did it sound?

Grishma Jena: And, we also came across another bot online which is called as a Fake Spock Pandora Bot which was contrary to the way we had. Our bot was data driven this was rule based so it was actually given an input of human generated responses.

Grishma Jena: We wanted to see how good would a data driven model perform as compared to a human generated one. So this is just what the Fake Spock Pandora Bot looked like. And these were the kind of responses that the Pandora Bot gave. If you said, “I’m hungry, Captain” it said, “What will you be eating?” So it’s giving really good appropriate responses because humans were the back end for this.

Grishma Jena: And then, what we did was we went ahead and evaluated the results. And we saw that our bot was performing better for Star Trek style and it also was a little more coherent. For grammar, Pandora Bot was much better and that’s not surprising because humans were the ones who actually wrote it out. For perplexity, the Star Trek perplexity started dialogues were 65, so that was our baseline number and we figured out that the kind of responses our bot was generating that are 60, 60.9 was a little closer compared to Pandora was like, way far off at 45.

Grishma Jena: So we were pretty happy with our performance. I’m just gonna give you a few examples of what the different bots generated. So the yellow ones are the Pandora Bot and the blue ones are the E2Cbot. So let’s see, if the user says, “Beam me up, Scotty” the yellow one, that is the Fake Pandora Bot, gives, “I don’t have a teleportation device” which is a good answer. And the blue one is, “Aye, Sir” which is also a good answer. A little curt, but nothing wrong with it.

Grishma Jena: In the second example if you see our bot answered, “Bones, I like you.” So the “Bones” part is actually come from the word graph which gives it a little more of a Star Trek feel. And the last one over here is the Fake Bot, the human generated one, just says, “I am just an AI chatting on the internet” which is kind of not the response that you are looking for.

Grishma Jena: A few more examples over here. The user says, “My name is Alex” and then the Fake Spock Bot says, “Yes, I know Christine.” I just told you my name was Alex, why would you call me Christine? But our bot says, “What do you want me to do, Doctor?”, which is a better response. And, yeah, these are the kind of responses.

Grishma Jena: I think some of our human focus group people said that they might be correct, appropriate responses, but they might not be factually correct, which was a challenge for us, as well as for the Fake Spock Bot. We didn’t really delve deeper into it because that would kind of dive more into having a question answering system and trying to check if it’s factually correct or not but we tried to make our focus group users understand that it’s just a bot at the end of the day.

Grishma Jena: So finally, we were able to generate Star Trek style text. We were very happy with that, we were able to use the data driven approach which meant we could automate it. And we did figure that it performed better than the human generated responses that Pandora Bot would give, at least on style and at least on the appropriateness. It still needs a little bit of improvement in grammar but we were pretty happy with it.

Grishma Jena: So that’s me. Live long and prosper. And feel free to reach out to me on Linkedin or on Twitter if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: Thank you, Grishma. This was great. So just to close I just wanted to mention to everybody that you actually sent your speaker submission to us and that’s how we got connected. So thank you for doing that. We got a lot of comments from people who are Star Trek fans, but yeah, what inspired you to build this project?

Grishma Jena: Yes, so this was actually a grad school project. We were taking a deep learning course so all of us had to build a chatbot as an Alexa skill. We brainstormed a lot, and we actually thought that Spock because Star Trek has a really huge fan base so Spock would be a good idea to do. But Spock had very little dialogue in all of the movies and the television series and then we were like, “You know what, let’s not stick to just one character, let’s have the entire Star Trek universe.” And, the bonus was that during my semester, I could continuously binge watch Star Trek and say that, “Yeah, I’m doing research because I want to see how well my chatbot works,” but I was just binge watching to be honest.

Sukrutha Bhadouria: Nice. That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much, Grishma, for your time. We really appreciate it and for your enthusiasm in signing up through our speaker submissions.

Grishma Jena: Thank you so much, Sukrutha.

6 Ways You Can Be A Stronger Leader and Make Better Hires

Nupur Srivastava, VP of Product at Grand Rounds

Long before she ever started obsessing over product features and worrying about design deadlines, Grand Rounds Senior Vice President of Product Nupur Srivastava spent her days — and evenings, weekends and holidays — obsessing over her jump shot and running drills in her hometown of Qurain. Her hard work and dedication to the sport took her all the way to the Kuwait National Basketball team, where she played from 1999-2002 and learned the value of teamwork and how fun it is to win!

After earning her Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Michigan, Nupur began her tech career as a Wireless Hardware Design Engineer at Cisco. She then pursued an MBA from Stanford and transitioned into product management, finding her passion in the health tech space. Over the past eight years, she has managed teams ranging in size from 5 to as many as 50 people. Driven by her upbringing and desire to help people, she also co-launched Impactreview (acquired by MaterNova), a community for reviews of maternal and child health products for the developing world.

Today, Nupur is the VP Product at Grand Rounds in San Francisco, where she leads the company’s product management and design teams. As Nupur explains, “the company is on a mission to raise the standard of healthcare for everyone, everywhere. The Grand Rounds team goes above and beyond to connect and guide people to the highest quality healthcare available for themselves and their loved ones. By leveraging the power of data and technology, Grand Rounds creates products and services that make it easy for everyone to get the best possible healthcare experience.

When the Girl Geek X team sat down with Nupur during our Elevate 2019 virtual event on International Women’s Day, we wanted to pick her brain and hear her biggest mistakes and learnings as a health tech product leader and people manager. She shared some great advice:

1. Hire slow and fire fast.

Nupur confessed that she made a lot of classic hiring mistakes with her first hire. She was at a small startup, strapped for resources (we’ve all been there!), and there was a lot of work to be done. Feeling stressed for help, she hired very quickly without thinking through the long-term impact.

“Basically, I hired the first person who I thought could do the job from a technical standpoint,” she shared, “…but one thing that I didn’t focus on was whether there was strong alignment with the company’s values and where we were  growing. Unfortunately, a year later, I had to let this person go because it was a mismatch. I really wish I had spent time understanding upfront whether they were a good fit for what the company needed at the time.”

The classic saying that you need to “hire slowly and fire quickly” rings true here.

2. Ask the right questions.

“A lot comes down to the types of questions you ask in the interview process as well as what you get from the references.” Finding the right fit is less about technical proficiency, and more about who they are as a person, why they have made the decisions they have in the past, and what they are optimizing for in their upcoming role.

You want to ask questions about how they’ve made decisions in their career to date, what drives them, what motivates them. What wakes them up in the morning? When they’re put in a difficult situation, what value system is driving their decision-making?

Nupur stresses that what you’re looking for in a team member will be different for different stages of the company, and for each company’s unique values and mission.

It’s important to tailor your approach to your individual situation, because the perfect hire on paper might actually be a perfect hire for a different environment, but a poor hire once your own values and needs are considered.

3. Hire for impact: seek out people who are hungry, humble and smart.

Many of Nupur’s favorite hiring and interviewing strategies came from a book that Grand Rounds CTO (Wade Chambers) recommended, called Ideal Team Player. “It focuses on this notion of hiring people that are hungry, humble, and smart, and that concept has really resonated with me.”

“At Grand Rounds, we want to raise the standard of care for everyone everywhere, so we need to make sure that people are hungry for that impact,” she explained.

“The humble component is self-explanatory. People that are low ego and prioritize the company above self are great to have on the team. In addition, if you’re hiring someone to work in healthcare, you need to be sure they appreciate that the patients we serve are suffering through things that we may not totally understand. They need humility to empathize with that struggle and build the right products for those patients.”

“And then smart is not actually what you think it may be. It’s not IQ smart, but rather people smart. There’s a base level assumption that you’ll be able to do the job, but it’s incredibly important that you do it in a way that brings people along — that makes you a teammate that people actually want to work for and with.”

One of the things Nupur has been using in her recent interviews is simply asking everyone, “What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?” Their response typically gives you a sense of their work ethic and insight into what they consider difficult. Sometimes they’ll even answer with a personal response, and it offers a good window into who the person is, and whether they’re someone you want on your team.

4. Accept that your top performers will always eventually leave.

“As painful as it is, top performers will leave you at some point. With all members of my team, I try to develop trust, care deeply about their career, and truly understand where they want to go long-term. This way, when they eventually decide to pursue another opportunity, I’m not surprised because there’s openness and transparency in the relationships.”

The week before we sat down with Nupur, someone she’d worked with for four years left Grand Rounds. She was an extremely high performer, and she let Nupur know of her intentions to leave four months in advance because they were actively talking about where she wanted to go and what drives her. The team member had joined when Grand Rounds was a 50-person company. They’re now over 500, and she was ready for something different.

“I think the most important thing is to have that level of trust with your team members, such that you understand what their career goals are and you’re together making the decision about when is the right time for them to leave. If you adopt this approach, you can prepare for their departure in a way that is not disruptive.”

“It can feel like a painful punch in the gut when someone tells you they’re leaving,” she lamented, “but I think the least we can do is just not be surprised by the decision. At some point, maybe for their own career growth or evolution, or other things that they are optimizing for in their lives, you want them to leave. And as long as you are open and honest with each other and there is trust and transparency, it’s not the end of the world.”

Nupur’s general philosophy is one we could all benefit from adopting: “Everyone has different goals in life. The most we can do is be an advocate and great manager for our direct reports when they work for us, and help influence what they do next, so that you and the business are prepared for employee departures.”

5. Create an environment that welcomes diversity of thought and personality types.

“One of my biggest learnings as a leader over the years has been … beyond diversity based on race and gender, there’s tons of diversity in personality types and the way people like to do work.”

At Grand Rounds, the Head of Data Science asked various team members to take a StrengthsFinder questionnaire, then put everyone into groups of people that are alike so they could discuss things they wanted to teach other groups who were different from them.

The entire product team has also used the DiSC assessment to better understand their behavioral differences. “This exercise gives you empathy for how different people want to show up, and how they want to debate ideas.” 

“Not everybody is comfortable being presented a problem and immediately jumping in and giving their thoughts. Some people want to think about a problem, spend a day organizing their ideas, and come back with their thoughts prepared.” 

“For me,” Nupur admitted, “the first step in improving my communication and collaboration with others is simply awareness. Where do people fall either in the DiSC profile or with StrengthsFinder? What do I need to be aware of as their leader so that I’m creating a comfortable environment for them to speak up?”

“I can remember the first realization I had when I recognized, ‘Oh, everybody doesn’t like coming into a room and talking loudly about their ideas? That’s interesting. I thought everyone was exactly like me!’ and that’s obviously not the case.”

“Using some of these frameworks has been incredibly important because it not only helps you understand others, but it also helps you realize how your type may be showing up for that person and what things you may need to temper, especially as a leader, because you’re setting the tone for the team.”

Nupur has a team member opposite her on the DiSC profile, and she’s started running ideas by him to make sure that he can offer feedback and criticism before she takes it to the team, because as she says, “I’m just hyper-excited and trying to tell everybody everything as soon as the thought occurs.” And that freaks some people out. It is important to understand where others in your team sit in the DiSC profile so that you can personalize your leadership style with them.

6. Let people know where you want to go!

One of the questions we hear asked at Girl Geek X events time and time again is about how to get ahead or move into a management role when you don’t have previous managerial experience.

Nupur’s advice is to make your manager aware that you want to be a manager, and make your goals explicit. “If someone wants to be a manager, you need to make sure that there’s an opportunity and a business need, and an opening in the company for a manager. Have open conversations, and make sure that you have the skills, training, and support of your manager.”

“The biggest thing is raising your hand and making it clear that that’s the path you want to go. Then hopefully if you have a good manager, and you are ready, they’ll make that opportunity for you.”

If you’re having open conversations about your goals regularly — say once per quarter — and you find yourself in a situation where the promotion doesn’t feel like it’s ever going to happen, or you start to feel like you’d be better off somewhere else, you’ll be in a better position to move on gracefully and with a reference you can count on time and time again.

Want to work with Nupur?

If Nupur sounds like someone you’d love to work with, you might be in luck: she’s looking for a passionate Sr. Product Designer to join her team, and Grand Rounds is hiring for dozens of other roles across a wide range of functional areas!

For more hiring and people-management advice from Nupur Srivastava and other Girl Geeks, check out the full video & transcript from her panel on “Building High Performance Teams” at Elevate 2019, and subscribe to the Girl Geek X YouTube channel!

About the Author

Amy Weicker - Head of Marketing at Girl Geek X

Amy Weicker is the Head of Marketing at Girl Geek X, and she has been helping launch & grow tech companies as a marketing leader and demand generation consultant for nearly 20 years. Amy previously ran marketing at SaaStr, where she helped scale the world’s largest community & conference for B2B SaaS Founders, Execs and VCs from $0 to $10M and over 200,000 global community members. She was also the first head of marketing at Sales Hacker, Inc. (acquired by Outreach) which helps connect B2B sales professionals with the tools, technology and education they need to excel in their careers.