When someone says “not technical enough”, what does that mean – and how do you take this vague (and potentially triggering) feedback for your career growth? Brenda Jin is a Staff Software Engineer at Slack and breaks it down for you. Keep reading for 3 tips for turning vague feedback into actionable insights for your career.
Employers can’t pay women less because of their salary history
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit sided with the California math consultant at the center of Rizo v. Fresno County Office of Education, which argued that considering prior compensation when setting a worker’s pay perpetuates gender disparities and defies the spirit of the Equal Pay Act.
That 10 year baby window is the key to the women’s pay gap
One of the biggest causes of the gender pay gap? Having a baby between the ages of 25 and 35. Timing makes a big difference in the effect of childbearing on a woman’s earning prospects, research shows. Even in families in which both parents work full time, women spend almost double the time as men on child care and housework.
Women in venture capital band together to break up Silicon Valley’s old boy club with “All Raise”
Goal to double the % of women in VC partner roles over the next decade, and increase total VC funding to female founders from 15% to 25% in five years.
The Nancy Pelosi problem
The first female speaker of the House has become the most effective congressional leader of modern times—and, not coincidentally, the most vilified. Her experience offers an irony and a warning: For women politicians to succeed, they must defeat and outmaneuver men. Yet the better at it they are, the more detested they become.
30 diverse tech company boards worth recognizing
From the list of 30 companies who meet #BoardForward minimum of diversity, we have also identified 6 companies (3 public and 3 private) who went above and beyond — and are truly worth celebrating: Stitch Fix, Hewlett-Packard, Verizon, Kickstarter, SurveyMonkey, Slack.
From bootstrapped to $1.15B IPO with Therese Tucker of BlackLine
Don’t miss this fantastic podcast interview with Therese Tucker, BlackLine CEO and founder, by investor and founder of Backstage Capital Arlan Hamilton – about entrepreneurship, pride, taking her company public (“it’s like a wedding!”), not raising capital and more.
The Parkland kids kept checking their privilege in front of hundreds of thousands at #MarchForOurLives last weekend
11 year old Naomi Wadler spoke on behalf of all of the “African-American girls whose stories don’t make the front page of every national newspaper.” She led a walkout at her elementary school on March 14 as part of the national effort to bring attention to gun violence in American schools. She said she and her peers stood outside for 18 minutes, a minute longer than many schools around the country had planned to walkout. They added a minute, she said, for Courtlin Arrington, a black girl who was killed in a school shooting in Alabama after the massacre in Parkland.
Billion-dollar women are changing the face of Silicon Valley
Adi. Katrina. Anne. These “unicorns”—companies valued at more than $1 billion—do exist, and their female CEOs are sharing how they built their empires.
Uber has agreed to settle a class action discrimination suit for $10 million
Too little, too late — $10M Uber class action settlement for 420 engineers who identified as women or people of color claiming the employer practiced discriminatory pay. Three female software engineers filed a lawsuit against the company, saying Uber’s compensation practices were discriminatory.