Making corporate governance great again: Elizabeth Warren has a plan to save capitalism

Senator Elizabeth Warren pushes for billion-dollar “corporations to act like decent citizens who uphold their fair share of the social contract and not act like sociopaths whose sole obligation is profitability”… research showed an extremely high level of public interest in the idea of making corporations share profits with rank-and-file workers, but that they’d never managed to make the media or the public focus on their plan to increase profit sharing.”

Why internet trolls are winning: Ex-Reddit CEO Ellen Pao speaks out and turns “the pipeline problem” on its head

There has always been some censorship on platforms. They have always taken down spam and some child porn. It’s just when you get into certain types of content that people get really upset. One of the big problems is that these platforms were built by homogeneous teams, who didn’t experience the harassment themselves, and who don’t have friends who were harassed. Some of them still don’t understand what other people are experiencing and why change is so important.

Tech industry is leaving behind women of color, report shows

Women of color earn less than 10 percent of bachelor’s degrees in computing, the report says. Low numbers of women of color can also mean missed economic opportunity for a chunk of the population that’s projected to make up the majority of women by 2060. Tech and IT jobs are some of the fastest-growing, highest-paying jobs out there. And that’s not to mention the chance to help shape burgeoning technologies that will impact the future. 

Baby, let’s keep in touch

Earlier this month, Harvard Business Review published an article reporting that women who decide to take a longer maternity off can expect to pay a price when they return to work. The silver linings playbook: Research shows that new moms who keep in touch with their workplace while on maternity leave are more hireable and less likely to experience unconscious bias.