Shayla Gibson

Shayla Gibson is Project Manager at the core. Currently she is a Technical Services Operations Manager with a focus on special/strategic projects at Treasury Prime. Shayla is passionate about fostering diversity and inclusion in both project management and the teams she works with. She is a mom of twin girls, a furry Mom (2 dogs), a gamer and a sucker for throwing a party.



Insights On TPM Career Paths, Pivots & Leadership

ELEVATE hosted a panel of TPMs featuring Cynthia Harbor (CACE), Linda Avendaño (fmrly Google), Shayla Gibson (Treasury Prime), Stephanie Pei (Roku), Yulia Eskin (Envoy) sharing insights on technical program management (TPM) career paths, career pivots and leadership.

From Good to Great: Strategies for Achieving Excellence in Technical Project Management

Do you believe in redefining technical project management for the digital age? In this ELEVATE session, Shayla Gibson (Technical Services Operations Manager at Treasury Prime) will talk about the various tools for technical project management, and discuss how to invest in the technical and the people skills. Attendees will learn how to prepare for the unexpected.