Iliana Montauk

Iliana Montauk is passionate about unlocking human potential. Prior to Manara, she co-founded Gaza Sky Geeks, a startup incubator in Gaza that raised funds from Paul Graham, Marc Benioff, and other Silicon Valley luminaries and was featured in TechCrunch, Wired, and the New York Times. Previously, she managed talent at the largest talent marketplace in the world (Upwork) and worked at Google. She is a Harvard alum and Fulbright Fellow. She speaks 5 languages and bakes bread for fun.



Changemakers: Insights From Visionary CEOs & CTOs Shaping Social Entrepreneurship

Purpose-driven leaders from Manara, Nia Growth, and Snow Wealth discussing their startups, from innovative retirement planning for generational wealth to empowering female engineers in Palestine. Learn how these entrepreneurs create meaningful impact and how to contribute to the evolving landscape of social innovation.

Mentorship, Sponsorship & Impact

In this fireside chat, Iliana Montauk (CEO & Founder of Manara) and Dimah Zaidalkilani (Director of Product at GitHub) talk about the importance of mentorship and allies to help high-potential engineers from emerging markets.