
Global #ClimateStrike Begins Friday Across 150 Countries

September 17, 2019

16-year old Greta Thunberg inspires youth to protest climate change. She has brought much-needed attention to the critical global climate crisis. Recently, she made headlines sailing across the Atlantic in a zero-emission boat to speak at the UN Climate Summit to push for change.

Making Waves

This fall, the teenage environmentalist will grace the magazine cover of GQ (having wonGame Changer Of The Year” award) and Teen Vogue:

#ClimateStrike Begins This Friday!

Starting this Friday, the Global Climate Strike is planning walk-outs of schools, workplaces and more “to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels.”

You can find the protest nearest to you, and organize one if it doesn’t already exist.

“It’s not just young people joining in. In Sweden, a group of senior citizens called Gretas Gamilingar (Greta’s oldies) is participating. Indigenous activists, labor groups, faith leaders, humanitarian groups, and environmental organizations like Greenpeace and 350.org will be there, too. Outdoor equipment company Patagonia said it will close its stores on Friday in solidarity with the strike. So is snowboard brand Burton. More than 1,000 employees at Amazon have pledged to join the strike.”

Vox reports “Greta Thunberg is leading kids and adults from 150 countries in a massive Friday climate strike”

New York public schools will excuse 1.1 million children on Friday from attending school to participate in the strike, requesting parents to follow normal protocol for excusing children from school by phone, writing, etc.

Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted: “New York City stands with our young people. They’re our conscience.”

Corporate Conscience

Teen Vogue reports companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Dr. Bronner’s, Eileen Fisher, Opening Ceremony, Outdoor Voices, and Seventh Generation are participating in the strike. Internet companies like Tumblr and Imgur are planning are participating, too.

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