Mode Girl Geek Dinner & Lightning Talks: “Limitless” (Video + Transcript)
Mode lightning talks included feedback loops, psychological safety in teams, how everyone is really in sales, and what Ops really does.
Intuit Girl Geek Dinner: “Powering Prosperity for Small Businesses” (Video + Transcript)
Hear from CTO Marianna Tessel about how Intuit’s technology is powering prosperity for our customers, and learn from women who make that happen for small businesses and the self-employed.
Girl Geek X Microsoft Lightning Talks & Panel (Video + Transcript)
More than 200 girl geeks attended an event at Microsoft Reactor in San Francisco on Sept. 18, 2019. The evening included tech talks on machine learning, a Q&A with Microsoft leaders, and demos on mixed reality, the Fake Boyfriend App, and tech-inspired fashion.
Girl Geek X OpenAI Lightning Talks and Panel (Video + Transcript)
More than 100 girl geeks met at OpenAI HQ in San Francisco to to connect with OpenAI researchers and learn about their recent work in reinforcement learning, robotics, AI policy, and more!
Girl Geek X Bosch Lightning Talks (Video + Transcript)
On August 21, 2019 more than 150 girl geeks attended tech talks at Bosch’s Sunnyvale office. Lightning talk topics included IoT, AI, and Human Machine Interaction.