Sharon Hunt

Sharon Hunt has been building software products that help people and small businesses for the last decade. She had an unconventional career path, doing everything from tending bar, giving singing lessons, and managing a retail clothing store before landing on her current career path.  She led the product team at Docstoc before its acquisition by Intuit in 2013 and was the “tribe lead” for TurboTax from 2015-2019. Sharon was the Director of Product Management at Housecall Pro from 2019-2021, overseeing the product team while the company doubled their annual recurring revenue. She is currently the Head of Product at Clovers, an intelligent interviewing platform dedicated to leveling the playing field for all job seekers and exposing bias in the hiring process. She is passionate about helping women succeed and actively mentors early career product managers and other women who want to find their way into a career in tech. 



It’s A Hot Job Market. Do You Stay or Do You Leave?

Aliza Carpio (Director, Tech Evangelist at Autodesk), Rocio Montes (Senior Engineering Manager at GitHub), and Sharon Hunt (Head of Product at Clovers) share how they planned their career moves. Learn the elements to consider when planning your next career move, the importance of applying the principle of running to something (versus away from something), and learn new techniques for a more thoughtful job search as they walk you through questions you should be asking yourself before leaving your current job or accepting your next role.