Rosie Sennett

Shifting careers from Broadway Prop Builder to COBOL Programmer, Rosie just missed the era of “mainframe punch cards” while following her nerdy side into the just burgeoning world of Business Intelligence. Enjoying the puzzle solving heroics of tech support, she shifted again into Sales Engineering where you get to dabble in everything and then pontificate about it. 27 years later, she enjoying her position as a Staff Sales Engineer at Splunk in San Francisco.



Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Customer Facing Roles in Tech

In this ELEVATE session, Rosie Sennett (Staff Solutions Engineer, Splunk) shares how she has made the transition from back office to front and back… and has lots to share. She teaches attendees how to learn what is expected of you, learn what is expected of your customer, and learn what your customer will expect of you. Starting her career in technical support, transitioning into marketing roles and then finally to technical customer facing activities, Rosie has worn many hats in the Technical Sales Organization over the last decade.

Unconventional Journeys in Tech - Panel Discussion at Elevate 2019

The tech industry is full of misfits. Contrary to the myth, not everyone has a computer science degree and went to a fancy university. Hear from ambitious women who built tech careers on their own terms by leveraging their strengths and creating opportunities for themselves to succeed in roles from sales and engineering to product management, from entrepreneurship to corporate ladder climbing. Girl Geek X CEO Angie Chang speaks with Farnaz Ronaghi (NovoEd CTO & Co-Founder), Rosie Sennett (Splunk Staff Sales Engineer), and Shanea Leven (Cloudflare Director of Product Management) at this exciting panel discussion at Elevate 2019.