Mikaila Turman

Mikaila is a skilled HR professional with more than 16 years experience. Mikaila has served as the Vice President of HR at Inflection since January of 2019, and has been with the company for over 7 years. Mikaila is passionate about cultivating and maintaining a culture that is intently focused on upholding the Core Values of Inflection. Mikaila is a coach’s wife and mother of 3 kids, 3 dogs, and a tortoise. She enjoys working out, and attending all her family’s sports activities.



Inflection Girl Geek Dinner - Lightning Talks

Hear from six women leaders at Inflection giving lightning talks — topics that will inspire you to re-think how you lead your teams, manage your career, and more!

“What Are Your Core Values?” by Mikaila Turman, Vice President of Human Resources

Amazing perks, affordable benefit plans, and the perfect manager are all great things to have in an organization. However, if your core values do not match up with that organization’s core values, then how great of a fit is that job going to be into the future? This talk discusses how to really think about what your core values are, and how you operate day to day because of your core values. Knowing and understanding your core values allows you to gauge how to look for companies that align with you, helps you work and/or manage others more effectively, and gives you a guiding light to look towards when making difficult decisions.