Erin Perkins

Erin is a deaf entrepreneur, disabled rights activist, and accessibility educator dedicated to making the business world more inclusive. Her fierce advocacy comes from her life experiences as a deaf woman and owner of a small online business, Mabely Q. Though she founded Mabely Q in 2018 as a graphic designer and online business manager, Erin’s true gift is working with CEOs who want to lead by example. Whether she’s teaching via a keynote speech, private workshop, or one-on-one consulting, Erin freely shares her experiences as a deaf woman with others to help make the world a more inclusive place for others with disabilities. She has captured audiences with her empathetic, patient style as a speaker to groups like The Rising Tide Society, Simply Profitable Designer Summit, The Creative Huddle, Blogger Breakthrough summit, and others.



Your Ableism is Showing: How You’re Missing the Mark By Not Including Accessible Practices

Erin Perkins (CEO & Founder of Mabley Q), a deafblind woman, shares personal experiences, challenging us to think about how we can step outside of our own comfort zone and make small, easy changes to improve accessibility. The accessibility educator discusses creating inclusive spaces for people of all abilities to ensure accessibility is not the reason why they have trouble retaining employees or customers, while also showing stakeholders that accessibility is vital for all.