Dena Metili Mwangi

Dena is a Software Engineer on the Growth team at Sentry, an open source error monitoring tool. She’s a Hackbright grad with a MA in Economics from Duke University whose interests lie in leveraging data and analytics to build better products. She’s passionate about using tech for good and paying it forward. Prior to tech, she worked as a Research Analyst at the World Bank.



A/B Testing with Open Source - Dena Metili Mwangi (Sentry Software Engineer) at Elevate 2019

Quick experimentation in your application can turn feelings-driven development into data-driven wins. Beyond blue buttons or red buttons, A/B testing can answer key questions on how best to serve your users by offering sometimes surprising insights into how they interact with your product. In this talk, Dena Metili Mwangi will get the first experiment up and running with PlanOut, a Python-based open-source framework. It's cheap & easy to be A/B testing with open source.