Barbara Vazquez

Barb is a Software Engineering Manager & Developer on the Applications team at Planet, the group responsible for building and maintaining most of the customer facing web applications, like Planet Explorer. She is originally from Puerto Rico and has been living in the DC area since 2008, working on geospatial software development. Her background is Computer Engineering, with a Masters in Software Engineering. If there is one thing to know about Barb, is that she loves good coffee and half the time will see her with a cup at hand. 



Planet Girl Geek Dinner with Lightning Talks!

Planet partnered with Girl Geek X for a virtual Girl Geek Dinner with lightning talks on handling big data in space, operating satellites from bed, agile, advice on working remotely, career pivots, and more - followed by networking!

Agile Development. It doesn’t need to be stressful by Barbara Vazquez, Sft Eng Manager & Developer

This day and age, if you’re working in a Software Organization you’re most likely doing Agile development … or trying to. Agile doesn’t always have the best reputation, but when done “right” it can actually help you be more organized and actually have a work-life balance without pulling all nighters because there is a deadline or the sprint is ending. Barb will talk through some of her lessons learned while adopting Agile, from cadence to estimation to even negotiation.