Christine McLeavey

Christine manages the Multimodal team at OpenAI, and previously worked on music generation research, creating MuseNet and collaborating on Jukebox.  She participated in OpenAI’s scholars and fellows program, as she transitioned careers from classical pianist to researcher.  She holds two master’s degrees in piano and neuroscience, and a bachelor’s in physics.



Girl Geek X OpenAI Lightning Talks and Panel

More than 100 girl geeks met at OpenAI HQ in San Francisco to to connect with OpenAI researchers and learn about their recent work in reinforcement learning, robotics, AI policy, and more!

"Using AI to create and collaborate with music" by Christine Payne, Research Scientist, OpenAI

We’ve created MuseNet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments. It can combine styles from country to Mozart to the Beatles. MuseNet was not explicitly programmed with our understanding of music, but instead discovered patterns of harmony, rhythm, and style by learning to predict the next token in hundreds of thousands of MIDI files. In this talk, I'll share how it can be used to push the boundaries of AI creativity, both as an independent composer, and as a collaboration tool with human artists.