Dorcas Litunya

Dorcas is a graduate Electrical and Electronics Engineer who is passionate about mentorship and innovation. With expertise in software engineering and Linux kernel development gained from experiences at companies like Microsoft and contributions to the Linux community, she has refined her technical skills through diverse professional experiences. From early engagements in robotics to involvement in social impact projects, Dorcas consistently demonstrates an exceptional ability to guide and inspire others. Her approach transcends conventional boundaries, fueled by a genuine desire to empower individuals and foster meaningful change within their communities.

Dorcas extends her passion for mentorship by dedicating herself to guiding young students in her native Kenya. Recognizing the importance of STEM education and its potential to transform lives, she utilizes Agile techniques to mentor students in building applications that address local challenges. Her efforts have earned her recognition, receiving two awards for Outstanding Mentor from FIRST Global Robotics and the Technovation Challenge. With a steadfast commitment to leaving spaces better than she found them, Dorcas epitomizes the transformative power of mentorship and its ability to transform individuals.