
Girl Geek X Elevate 2023 Trusted Partner: CodeSee is on a mission to help you build the applications you love without the guesswork. Instantly visualize a map of your app’s services, directories, and file dependencies. CodeSee ensures your team stays code synced.



CodeSee Girl Geek Dinner – Female Founders of Developer Tools, JavaScript Talks and Networking!

Girl Geek X CodeSee celebrated developer tools and female founders on Thursday, October 8th, 2020 -- In this panel, we learned about the unique opportunities and challenges for female founders building early-stage dev tools startups, and heard from senior engineers at Salesforce, Allscripts and Propeller Health with a series of JavaScript tech talks after the panel discussion.

Developer Workshop: Delivering Value and Standing Out In This Job Market

Shanea Leven (CEO at CodeSee) leads this developer workshop for current and aspiring developers who want to stand out in their role or job prospects. She teaches how to create a visual map of your codebase that will help you plan, automate and review your next feature, refactor or code review with CodeSee.

Why Onboarding to a Company's Legacy Codebase Sucks and How to Make it Work for Your Team

Shanea Leven (CEO and Founder at CodeSee) talks about why onboarding to your company’s code is hard, and shares tips, tricks, and tools to make this easier. She shares advice for the team, advice for the onboarding, and advice for continuous onboarding.