Geetha Anne

Geetha is a Solutions Architect in the big data management space with experience in executing solutions for business problems on cloud and on-premises. She loved distributed computing during her undergrad days and has followed my interest ever since. She provides technical guidance, design advice, and thought leadership to key enterprise customers and partners, helping translate their enterprise business needs into right technical solutions, ensuring highest level of customer success and maturity, while keeping it all simple.



Scaling a Career in Sales with a Software Engineering Background

Are you a software engineer with keen interest in business? Have you ever considered a career in technology sales? Geetha Anne (Senior Solutions Architect at Elastic) believes that if you have the drive and interpersonal capability to tell great stories, a software engineer in sales is a dream combination! With in-depth product and system knowledge that computer engineering background, you can become an expert sales engineer who adds value to the customer’s experience and accelerates deal closure. She shares her personal journey from writing code to furthering a career in the sales engineering world.