Deanna Farago

Deanna leads the team at Planet responsible for operating and maintaining the 100+ imaging satellites, or “Doves”, currently on-orbit. Her team works closely with the other Space Systems teams to improve and iterate on our hardware in space. Prior to Planet, Deanna was at NASA performing human-in-the-loop experiments at the Vertical Motion Simulator. In her spare time, she enjoys recreating her mom’s Vietnamese recipes, learning to roller skate, and playing in her community orchestra.



Planet Girl Geek Dinner with Lightning Talks!

Planet partnered with Girl Geek X for a virtual Girl Geek Dinner with lightning talks on handling big data in space, operating satellites from bed, agile, advice on working remotely, career pivots, and more - followed by networking!

Needing Space: Operating Satellites from Bed by Deanna Farago, Eng Manager, Satellite Operations

When you think of a ‘Mission Control’, you may picture something from a movie: a room full of white men all staring at multiple computer screens with nonsensical data flying across the reflection on their glasses. The ratio of people to spacecraft is about 60:1. From the beginning, the Mission Operations team knew that in order to image the entire planet every day, we would need to invert that ratio. In this talk, Deanna will discuss the milestones and missteps taken towards scaled satellite operations at Planet and what it’s like to operate satellites from bed.